The Club Needs A New Way To Deal With Shit!💩

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A few weeks later Jax is now living in Marcus' garage because Unser had Althea put out an APB on him for assault after Jax had "talked" to him about Gemma and what she did to Tara "I'm sorry!"  Jax says to Muerte softly when she walks into the gar...

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A few weeks later Jax is now living in Marcus' garage because Unser had Althea put out an APB on him for assault after Jax had "talked" to him about Gemma and what she did to Tara "I'm sorry!"  Jax says to Muerte softly when she walks into the garage to work on the car Jax stole to get to the garage "I'm not the one you need to apologize to Jackson!"  Muerte replies "yeah!"  he says quietly "and if you think about it you know where your mom went she went back to the only member of her family that may still love her.... if she can get him to remember her that is!"  she says no longer feeling up to working in the garage with his presence still there Muerte walks back out just as Marcus walks in with a few Reapers tailing behind him Muerte gives Marcus, Chibs, Tig, Happy and Juice a kiss on the cheek and pats Ratboy on the shoulder as she passes them by Marcus, Happy and Juice look at her with a worried expression on their face then continue on their way inside.... Muerte went with Marcus and the guys to the meeting with Conner and just like when she was a kid she ended up sleeping on Marcus' lap Marcus' hand would every now and again slide over her stomach and he would feel his grandbabies try to kick it off which would make him smile he felt Muerte jump every now and again when Conner raised his voice and when the Irish man saw her jump he'd lower his voice a few octaves but keep the anger within it Conner was shocked to find out that the white girl was the Mexican's daughter but he never asked any questions about it.... when the meeting was over Happy carried the still sleeping Muerte to her car and gently laid her down in the back seat once again sending Juice home with her.... someone had to drive the car after all.... Juice followed Marcus to her home then carried her into their room and laid her down in their bed but this time he didn't stay he went straight back to work keeping the pups at her side just in case anything happened.... when the guys come back to Red Woody they find Muerte pole dancing in her usual sexy seductive way near the bar area with Vida at her side dancing along with her and Quinn and Ratboy watching while Quinn held his daughter in his arms Juice and Happy watch the women with a shocked expression on their face "I didn't know she could do that!!"  Juice whispers with a surprised tone Happy chuckles and replies with a smile "neither did I bro!!"  then they both chorus softly "damn!!"  they burst out laughing hearing them laugh Muerte waves them over in an alluring way while hanging upside down on the pole they look at Jax who chuckles and says "go watch your woman!"  then they rush over to where the women were to watch them as they continue to dance.... when Jax came out of the meeting Muerte was leaning up against both Juice and Happy as they stood side by side leaning up against the white post in front of the bar she moves to one of the chairs and sits down as soon as Jax and the others come out....

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