You Learn A Lot About The Things You Hate

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Nero watches as Vida, Lluvia, Diana, Lucius, Tessa, Muerte, Diva and a few Mayan momma's walk into Diosa as Jax, Tig, Chibs and Quinn search through the records and asks in a surprised tone as the momma's get straight to work cleaning the place up...

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Nero watches as Vida, Lluvia, Diana, Lucius, Tessa, Muerte, Diva and a few Mayan momma's walk into Diosa as Jax, Tig, Chibs and Quinn search through the records and asks in a surprised tone as the momma's get straight to work cleaning the place up "what are you doing here!?!"  Muerte walks over and gives him a light hug as she says "well the little one misses her daddy thanks to bonehead over there she doesn't get to see him much! and the rest of us were getting bored at home so we thought we'd make ourselves useful and do what we girls do well and clean!.... Lucky's here to supervise!"  Nero chuckles as Vida hands Lluvia over to Quinn "Juice'll be stoppin by acting as protection.... if the bonehead allows it anyway!"  she adds Jax replies with a chuckle in his tone "call me bonehead one more time and I won't!"   she replies "give Andre the Giant an hour or so with his daughter and I'll think about it!.... yeah I heard about that!"  the guys laugh "dad's gonna stop by later.... have a chat.... you should stick around watch you boy play boss for awhile!"  Muerte teases Nero laughs then says "sure!".... when Marcus shows up Muerte and the ones that came with her walk to the back and see what there was that needed to be done there "Tessa stays!"  Muerte orders Oso who stares at her as she sets her little sister on Marcus' lap after he sits down at the bar Oso nods too afraid to go against her Marcus chuckles and kisses her cheek as he wraps his arm around his youngest waist Muerte kneels down and says to Tessa in a voice so low that only Marcus, Tessa and Nero could hear "let me teach you a little secret! when I was your age I used to sit on dads lap during meetings in the Temple and pretend to fall asleep place you ear over his heart close your eyes and don't move.... here! this is for you!"  she pulls her pillow that was made out of Marcus' kutte(s) and hands it to her sister Marcus looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "I'm ok dad! it's gonna protect HER from those monsters now!"  Muerte says softly as she stands up and pats Marcus' shoulder he smiles at her she kisses his cheek then walks away as Tessa does as her sister suggests the only difference between Muerte and Tessa was that Tessa also held onto the pillow her sister gave her as she sat sideways on her fathers lap with her ear laying up against his heart and her eyes closed "Diva protect!"  Muerte commands nodding her head over at Nero "I know you do very well at speaking dog Oso but Diva's very good at keeping secrets and she was trained the same way my pups were trained so I'd LOVE to see you try and get her to move from her post!"  Muerte warns Marcus chuckles as Oso's eyes widen ever since Marcus "allowed" Salazar and his men into his home/club and the shit with Zobelle he's been much more careful with his selection of who he lets in and Muerte makes sure that his men now live in fear of her Marcus knew that she wasn't fond of Oso but she had only given him one small piece of advice because she knew he was desperate to finally have someone he could trust completely at his side and with Esai in Ireland to stay since he's now married to Kerianne and has a son of his own he didn't really have anyone but the woman who could never fully be a part of that side of his family "he's loyal to a fault, an idiot who tries to act tough and wants to impress you just.... don't give him so much power that it goes to his head!".... Marcus brought an actual sleeping Tessa to the back room where Vida, Muerte, Lucius, Lluvia, Vida and Diana were "the miracle cure!"  Muerte teases when she sees Marcus carry his youngest into the room Marcus chuckles as he hands Tessa over to Diana who takes her and lays her down on the bed Tessa hugs the pillow even closer to herself as soon as she feels the coldness of the air then the sheets "headin out!?"  Muerte asks Marcus nods "takin Ner pretty far huh!?!"  she asks he chuckles and nods again "papi's gotta go with Uncle Marc somewhere Lucky why don't you go say 'see ya later gater' Uncle Marc will keep him safe alright!? he's gotta anyway since I gave Diva the "protect" command and she can be just as dangerous as my pups are!"  she tells Lucius who nods then follows a softly chuckling Marcus out of the room.... once the Mayans and Nero leave everyone goes back to work fixing, cleaning and painting Diosa with Lucius, Tessa.... after she wakes up from her nap.... Lluvia and Diva once again supervising....

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