The Bonds Of Family👨‍👩‍👧

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Muerte asked her father to watch over Lumpy's Gym while she was in Belfast so when Salazar walked in he got just about the same treatment as Zobelle did the day he died by the very same pit bulls the only differences were there were no knives involved and instead of Muerte or Marcus giving the order it was Jesse who offered to take the job as "watchdog" and was given the order to only go in if he felt that Lumpy was truly in danger.... she had given her father her input on the newest brand of Reaper idiots.... I mean Prospects.... so when Jesse saw who was left over at Lumpy's then saw Salazar walk into Lumpy's he gave the "reap what you sow" command and Demon and Rebel went straight for Salazar without a second thought and tared him to shreds.... Happy would have been SO proud of them!.... Juice and Muerte hear a knock on the door Juice walks over and opens the door to find Chibs smiling face on the others side and he says "it's about damn time Juicey!"  Juice bushes and smiles rubbing the back of his head as he replies "yeah!.... I just hope it stays like this!"  Chibs wraps his arm around Juice's shoulder and pulls him into a head hug he (Chibs) looks over to see the sad expression on Muerte's face "come on you two we're about to play a game of poker why don't you come down and join us!?"  Chibs says "sure thing athair!"  Muerte replies softly as she gets out of the bed and follows them downstairs "you know this means you're stayin the night!"  Chibs teases "you better have that outfit ready for me in the mornin then!"  she teases back he laughs.... Muerte sat inbetween Chibs and Juice as they played poker with Happy, Clay and Opie Happy kept looking over at her for two reasons.... one.... she was still in the same outfit from the party the only difference was she was now wearing Opie's Reaper Jacket.... "in case she got cold".... and two he noticed a slight change in her and Juice's behavior towards each other which told him what had happened after they left the party and he was happy for them he also knew that she had her tubes tied after her body healed from the rape because she believed that she would live with the fear of "true love" for the rest of her life he wanted to show her differently but he wasn't sure how he could do that first it was Tully's arrogance then it was Juice's back and forth then the rape and finally their one moment of weakness after finding out about Luann's death it was hard being in love with two people at the same time and he knew that she felt an equal amount of love for him and Juice even though he (Juice) treated her the way he did in the very beginning there was the feeling of not being worthy and the fact that Gemma kept whispering evil things about Muerte into Juice's ear that played a big part in the back and forth game he played there was a history of mental illness in Juice's family which may have in someway been passed down to him Muerte had met his (Juice) mom during one of their "on" days and she didn't seem too care much for the woman not because she was a "bad" mom but because of her slight neglect and overly clingy nature Juice's hand slid up her leg and inside her moving around making her body excited her hand slid up his jeans rubbing inbetween his legs as he says "let's go bet to the pass"  Chibs says throwing some chips on the table "I'm in...."   Clay says "hang on hang on $2,000 is the bet"  Juice says with a smile "10 of D!"  Opie asks "do I even want to know what's happening under the table!?!"  Muerte replies faking innocence "I have no idea what you mean Ope!"  Opie replies "I'll take that as a no!"  the guys laugh Juice blushes with a smile "why is it the girl acts all natural and the man is the one that blushes!?!"  Opie asks which brings in more laughter "another two"  Clay says Happy throws his cards on the table and says "aw Jesus...."  Opie looks over at Muerte and says "it's good to see you back!"  she smiles and replies "you know me, I can never stay away for too long.... I'd miss you guys too much!"  Chibs wraps his arm around the top of her head and says "we miss you too!"  she replies "even when I'm right beside you huh!?!"  Chibs laughs "full house"  Clay exclaims there was a mix of groaning and laughing heard at the table "I might have rigged the game"  Juice says "come to papa come to papa"  Clay replies standing up and he slides all the chips towards his side of the table "I tried to get you"  Chibs says "I slipped it made him win"  Juice replies "can I keep these?"  Chibs asks "yeah it's all you"  Juice answers....

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