👶🏽🤱🏽Baby Born To Ride👼🏽🏍️

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"He's been through enough! just leave him alone!! don't add to the hell he already lives in thanks to you and your stories!"  Muerte whispers to Patterson as she passes by her in the doorway with Jax at her side and her pups at her heels "and don't ever look for me again! one you'll never find me and two I've got NOTHING to say to you!"  she growls lowly then disappears from view as the rest of the Reapers follow her and her pups out.... "hey uh.... Quinn.... we gotta go!"  Muerte says as she hangs up her phone a few minutes later "Tig!.... trade Harley's with ya!?!"  she adds tossing her keys over to him he catches them as she says "and take care of my pups!.... I doubt they'll allow them in the place we're going!"  she kneels down and pets Demon and Reaper saying "you be good for grandpa you hear!?.... Uncle Quinn and I gotta go see a woman about a baby!"  Quinn's eyes shine with excitement as he rushes over to his Harley "Tig!.... keys!?!"  Muerte says opening and closing her hand in a "hand em over/give me" kinda way a shocked looking Tig digs through his pockets pulls out his keys and says softly as he tosses them to her "yeah!"  she chuckles shaking her head then walks over and kisses his cheek then says "thanks!"  then she walks away.... "you did good Joey"  Muerte says as she and Quinn enter St Thomas Hospital she gives the boy a hug as Quinn goes to the receptionist's desk to ask about his wife.... he had handed his kutte over to Muerte who suggested he should take it off before they entered the hospital.... "why my bike? I mean, really? do all teenage girls just hate me?"  Muerte hears Tig ask as she walks towards the ice cream shop she hears Jax reply "yes"  and Chibs say "yep"  the guys hear a familiar lovely teasing voice say "who needs air conditioning when you have a broken window!?!"  they look over and see Muerte walk through said broken window into the ice cream shop where the Reapers were having a little meeting with the ex-sheriff of Charming about the girl who broke the window "and Tig who ever did that probably hates me since I was the one riding your "bike"!"  Muerte adds "that's impossible gorgeous!" Tig replies wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into a hug "I don't know.... she's female so it really IS possible!"  she replies with a smile the guys chuckle and Jax teases "this is true!"  she playfully narrows her eyes at him making him laugh "well I have come FINALLY baring GOOD news! I was tasked with introducing you all to Lluvia Quinn.... and for those of you who don't know Lluvia is the spanish word for rain"  the guys laugh as they all look at the picture of a 7lb 8oz li'l girl being held by a smiling Quinn who was sitting on the hospital bed next to an equally smiling Vida Muerte walks over and sits on Happy's lap just as they hear the soft sound of sirens "I sit down just in time for you to have to stand up again!"  she teases softly Happy chuckles as he combs his fingers through her hair and says gently "it's alright! I can stay here.... get some rest!"  Muerte feels her pups place their heads on her lap and she pets them as she smiles and slowly closes her eyes Jax looks back at them and smiles as he sees Muerte laying sideways on Happy's lap with her head on his chest and Happy combing his hand through her hair he nods understandingly at Happy knowing that she must have stayed up all night for Vida and Quinn.... Happy lays a sleeping Muerte gently down in one of the booths when he was told to go with Jax and Bobby to see Barosky leaving the pups with her to watch over her as he goes along....

 Happy lays a sleeping Muerte gently down in one of the booths when he was told to go with Jax and Bobby to see Barosky leaving the pups with her to watch over her as he goes along

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