Goddess Venus

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"Mm he has been spending a little to much time at the pie eating table what am I supposed to do with Shamu?"  Venus says as she walks over to the big guy looking down at him Juice and Muerte take a step back to get out of her way "um

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"Mm he has been spending a little to much time at the pie eating table what am I supposed to do with Shamu?"  Venus says as she walks over to the big guy looking down at him Juice and Muerte take a step back to get out of her way "um.... just ride him a little bit a few other things he won't remember anything...."  Jax answers "yes but unfortunately I will"  Venus replies turning to face Jax "sorry Sugar!"  Muerte whispers to her "oh honey! I'll do the job! you'll just have to figure out a way to help me forget all about it later!"  Muerte chuckles then says with a smile "sure!.... I can do that!"  Venus hugs her and says "I know you can!"  Juice tries very hard not to laugh and Venus raises an eyebrow at him "don't mind him he's just jealous that you're getting more attention than he is!"  Muerte teases as she lightly slaps Juice's chest Juice smiles "powder room?"  Venus asks looking at Tig "yeah it's-it's back here beautiful"  Tig answers pointing down the hallway Muerte hands Venus her bag as Tig says "I can give you a hand?"  Muerte teases "you're.... gonna need more than one for her Tig!"  Venus leans up close to his ear and whispers "that's not gonna happen Tiger"  then she walks away winking at the chuckling Muerte "really?"  Juice asks walking over to Tig Muerte bursts out laughing.... Muerte could help but hide her head behind Happy's shoulder since Juice was busy taking pictures of Venus riding Shamu "that's great more of that"  Chibs says "ride on his face"  Bobby says "Tiggy, come on please"  Chucky says "reach around and tickle his balls oh that's fantastic"  Jax says "I don't know if that's the right word"  Juice replies Muerte chuckles then whispers softly "poor Sugar!"  Happy smiles as he feels her shake her head with her forehead pressed up against his back and he reaches back and wraps his arm around her "you got the face? it's no good without the face"  Chucky asks "I got it I got it"  Jax tells him "get all the Christian shit on the wall too"  Chucky asks "how about like air traffic control man?"  Bobby asks Juice "are you sure you can get rid of the tape?"  Juice answers "it's photoshop 101"  Venus shouts throwing her whips in the air "whoo"  as Juice continues "the software I got.... I can make this guy shit unicorns"  Muerte chuckles then mutters "now there's a picture I didn't need in my head!"  Happy chuckles as Venus turns to Juice and says while still sitting on the body "there will no shitting anything while I'm sitting this close to that giant ass crack"  Muerte bursts out laughing Venus and Juice smile "you be careful there honey or you'll be next!"  Venus teases "is that a promise!?!"  Muerte asks peeking over Happy's shoulder with a playfully expectant expression on her face Venus laughs "hey you expecting anyone else?"  Chucky asks looking out the window they guys stand up and walks over to the window Venus stands up and waves her hands like butterfly wings Muerte walks over to her and takes her hand ready to help her down off the whale of a man "all right we got enough let's wrap this up"  Jax says as Happy and Chibs pull in a nerdy looking teenage boy who shouts as he's being pulled by the shirt "oh shit! hey whoa!"  the boy gets turned around and he sees the fat unconscious man with Venus looming over him with her feet on either side of his body and Muerte with her hand in Venus' "oh my god what are you doing to Allen?"  Venus replies holding onto Tig and Muerte's hand "Charming Community Theater baby"  the boy says looking around him and Muerte helps Venus down "yeah right I know who you guys are you're Sons yeah what did you guys drug him or something? huh? Allen"  he walks over to the body and shakes his shoulders the blubber of the body bounces but that was it "damn you dudes are totally black mailing him"  Chibs asks "what do we do with this Jackie?"  Jax looks from Chibs to the boy "who are you?"  the boy answers looking over at him "Devin Price his stepson"  Bobby says "oh Christ" ....

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