A Families Betrayal👨‍👩‍👦‍👦

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After dropping the boys off at Scoops with Chucky, Brooke, Bobby and Chibs Juice and Happy head to Muerte's place for Tessa's birthday party so there was no one there to go find Gemma so no one was there when Gemma killed Tara.... at least not a member of SAMCRO and since Juice never went to Diosa he never spilled the secret that the woman he loves killed Darvany after almost overdosing on oxy.... both Juice and Happy were at Scoops to say goodbye to Jax.... Tully chuckles when he looks down at the table and sees two teeth laying before him and asks the man that tossed them down before him "what's this?"  the man replies "his teeth I thought you guys were into that make a necklace or something"  Tully asks with a chuckle "you wouldn't by any chance be a friend of Muerte would you!?!"  the man asks "you know Muerte!?!"  Tully replies casually "I dated her in High School"  the man says "so you're the "big shot caller" she....! damn! if I knew that was all I needed to get time with you I would have used it to start....!!"  the man stops as Tully stands up with a frightening look on his face and demands "you will NEVER use my woman just to "get time with me" or for any other reason you got that!?!"  the man replies with a chuckle in his tone "sure sure man she's good at getting a guy going!"  Tully sits back down rolling his eyes at the man "I was told if I want to sit down I have to make the message clear I did your snitch ain't gonna be talking about anything for a very long time"  the man says Tully slides his tray to the side and nods at the man to sit down the man does and the guys around Tully scatter to give Tully some space to have his meet alone with the new white boy of the yard "so what do you want?"  Tully asks "just to clear the air between your organization and my MC we never had no direct beef with the AB shit that went down with Darby and the Nords...."  the man replies "Darby was a poser and the Nords were a joke"  Tully says "yeah and we both know Zobelle was a cancer almost killed both of us"  the man replies "so what about the slaughter at Gerber's Ranch? what do you know about that?"  Tully asks "we heard that was an internal beef look, man, we both know what's happening in Oakland and Stockton brown and yellow are pulling together 'cause black's got the gun trade Lin and Alvarez are already playing a hard offense street's gonna get bloody, and that's gonna impact relationships inside"  the man says "what don't mean we start sharing tables with the GN and they ain't gonna start including us in their nigger movie night, either"  Tully replies "hey, you can keep hating as much as you want when you get to Stockton, you should let your crew know that when push comes to shiv and white needs a friend, they do best to reach out to the darkest hand in the yard"  the man says then a guard calls out "let's go, Teller. D.A. wants to talk to you"  before he gets up the man asks "so, we good?"  Tully replies "I might need a few things from you in the future yeah, for now, we're good".... with Red Woody now open Muerte has added another job to her already tiring list of jobs she helps out Nero at Diosa mainly kitchen, bar and paperwork giving Nero a bit more "free time" to help his crew and Marcus out with stuff.... if she ever had a problem with a customer all she had to do was call up Happy or Quinn or give the "protect" command to her pups and as soon as the customers saw either of those four they backed away in fear never to bother her again she knew better than to protect herself in there especially since she was now an employee she didn't want to cause Nero any problems so she did something she's never done before and let a man handle it to her surprise Colette seemed to like her or at least tolerate her for Nero's sake she (Colette) actually somewhat befriended her (Muerte) from day one well since she (Colette) first started working "for" Nero Muerte stays out of Colette's half of Diosa and stays in the other.... Lyla opens the doors to Red Woody to find some strange men in work uniforms standing on the other side "can I help you!?!"  Lyla asks with a confused tone she was about to have West call Chibs or Bobby when she hears one of the men say "we were hired by a Muerte to get rid of some cages and bathtubs"  she smiles and waves them inside West walks over ready to make them leave until Lyla explains why they were there and instead of removing them he watched their every move luckily Muerte warned them that it would happen and they figured that as long as they could do their job they would be able to handle it the woman that hired them never explained why the cages and bathtubs were there to begin with but they figured it must have been something bad for they all saw the relief in the woman who opened the doors eyes when they told her why they were there the man that followed them around acted more like a supervisor yet he never said a word just watched them so it wasn't all that bad working there they did their job then left and that was the end of that....

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