A Kid His Age Shouldn't Have So Many Demons 👹

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"Hey Matthew! you ready to go buddy!?!"  Muerte asks a young blonde haired boy as she ruffles her hand through his hair every morning since Arcadio started dating Darvany she has been coming down on her Harley to help him get ready and take him to...

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"Hey Matthew! you ready to go buddy!?!"  Muerte asks a young blonde haired boy as she ruffles her hand through his hair every morning since Arcadio started dating Darvany she has been coming down on her Harley to help him get ready and take him to school.... she found him where she always found him in his room writing in his journal.... "come on!.... we'll stop for breakfast on the way.... the pups are already out on the porch waiting!"  she tells him that got the young man going he looks up and smiles at her as he puts his notebook in his bag and rushes out of his room he walks to his moms room and kisses her sleeping head then walks back out taking Muerte's hand they walk out of the house it was the only time she was allowed to see him.... his mom didn't much care for her and hated the fact that she was friends with Arcadio.... Muerte did what she could to make him feel special within that short amount of time but she knew it wasn't enough and even though Arcadio is her friend she went to the cops many times with her concerns but since she was the daughter of a Mayan her words never carried much weight she wanted Matthew to know that he had someone who would always be there for him and cared for him she gave him her number many times so he could call her but his mom always found it and ripped as well as burned it up so he couldn't that's the main reason he started the journal to "talk" to Muerte when he needed someone but soon it became too personal and he started to shut down she never checked his bag she wanted him to know she trusted him but something happens to make her wish that she did check.... on there way to the Knucklehead Arcadio walks past them he says hi to Matthew and kisses Muerte's forehead as they pass seeing Nero in his truck across the street she hollers "Nero.... when you get a chance.... I need to talk to you!"  he looks confused but nods Matthew and Muerte climb onto her Harley and drive off.... after he puts on his helmet and she knows he's holding her good and tight so he doesn't fall off.... after dropping Matthew off at school Muerte walked into Nero's place just as Jax and Gemma walk into his office Nero sees her and smiles but once she says "I'm worried about Matthew!"  his smile drops "he's been shutting down! that happy smile he once had is gone! he's always writing in his notebook!.... I think it's for me but I want to wait till he hands it over before I read it I don't want to lose the trust I had earned from him!.... yes I know "he's just a kid" but he has no one else you never visit, Arc's rarely ever there and all that stupid bitch does is sleep 24-7! he's gone Ner! and there is no way for me to bring him back! god the problems just keep piling up don't they!?!"  she says softly with a sigh Nero hugs her close wrapping his hand around the back of her head....

 yes I know "he's just a kid" but he has no one else you never visit, Arc's rarely ever there and all that stupid bitch does is sleep 24-7! he's gone Ner! and there is no way for me to bring him back! god the problems just keep piling up don't the...

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