The Day The Music Died🎼🥀

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"Hey Vida! Abel's missin school again today do you mind going up to the cabin and playin teacher for him!? Juice and I will watch Lluvia"  Muerte calls out "sure! I don't mind!"  Vida replies walking into the room "well ain't that pretty!"  Muerte says as she walks in behind the blankets and sees Tig and Happy sewing up the priest "hey grandpa why don't you go take a break!?! Juice has Lluvia if you need someone to flirt with!  just.... take a shower first Vida will have your hide if her daughter ends up smelling like the dead! good luck fighting Quinn for her attention though!"  she adds Happy and Tig chuckle as Muerte takes his place holding the priest's head "I've been meaning to ask.... you're not gonna teach them to call me that are you!?!"  Tig asks as he walks past her "may-be!"  she replies he chuckles then pats her shoulder as he walks out of the room as Happy sewed the head on the torso he kept looking up at Muerte with a smile on his face "need me to do that!?! you seem awfully distracted over there!"  she teases with a smile "well you're very distracting!"  he replies she shakes her head at him then she sees the look in his eyes and says softly "hey!.... hey!.... stop!!"   he looks up at her one more time then sets down the needle and thread stands up walks over to her hugs her and starts crying into her shoulder she holds him lightly and kisses his temple he turns his head and kisses her lips "not here!.... not now!.... this isn't the right time or place!"  she whispers he nods then places his head back in her chest as she holds him just a little tighter.... a few minutes later after Jax and Chibs have a small unexpected meeting with the Indian Hills Charter and Happy and Muerte finish sewing up the preachers body Juice takes Muerte and Lluvia back to Vida's house but before he gets there Muerte says "we should take her up to the cabin I'm sure her momma misses her!"  Juice smiles and replies "yeah!"  then he drives towards the cabin he knew she knew something bad was going to happen first West then Jury and now Bobby she could only wonder who was going to be next and on their way to the cabin Elvis Presley's "May Way" played just as she gets a call from a crying Happy and finds out that Bobby had been killed "we have to make a stop first!"  Muerte tells Juice as he drives he nods then follows the directions he gave her his eyes widen in shock when he finds that the directions lead him to a Casket/Monument company he parks and Muerte opens her door then climbs out and walks inside she orders a tombstone and a casket with a picture of Bobby in his Elvis attire and the real Elvis Presley and told them that she needed it by tonight she paid double the asking price because she knew that they would be working to the bone on her order "I'll have Happy come pick it up in Quinn's truck when it's finished"  she tells the worker she made the order with the man nods then she leaves with a "thank you!"  and a wave....

 a few minutes later after Jax and Chibs have a small unexpected meeting with the Indian Hills Charter and Happy and Muerte finish sewing up the preachers body Juice takes Muerte and Lluvia back to Vida's house but before he gets there Muerte says...

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