Buried Deep In The Hole🕳️

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Muerte was putting away her groceries when she heard the sound of motorcycles pulling into her driveway she finishes what she was doing then walks outside to see Opie and Jax sitting on their Harley's with a smile on their faces "I thought you'd l...

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Muerte was putting away her groceries when she heard the sound of motorcycles pulling into her driveway she finishes what she was doing then walks outside to see Opie and Jax sitting on their Harley's with a smile on their faces "I thought you'd like to have a little fun!"  Jax says patting his seat behind him "well if I'm ridin with you do you guys mind havin a side car!?.... I think I'd like to bring Demon and Rebel I'm sure they'd like to have some fun too!"  she asks Jax and Opie chuckle "sure!"  Opie and Jax chorus as they climb off they're Harley's and walk over to hers Jax follows and they both take the side cars off hers and put it on theirs "they're lighter than I thought they would be!"  Jax says when they finish hooking it up "yeah!.... I don't have that much "manly" muscle and I'm the one that usually has to take it off and put it on"  she replies Jax chuckles she lets out a piercing whistle and her both pit bulls come running from the back to the front yard they stop when they see where their sidecars are and tilt their heads Opie laughs "it's alright!.... go ahead!"  Demon and Rebel hop into their respected side car as Opie and Jax climbs onto the "drivers seat" of their Harley's and Muerte slides on behind Jax "I won't tell Tara if you don't!"  she teases with a alluring purr the two men laugh and they ride off to meet Clay, Happy, Bobby and Chibs who have buried Hector Salazar in the dirt.... Happy was shocked to see Muerte with Jax and Opie as they "join the party" he was even more surprised to see Demon and Rebel his heart races as he sees Muerte smile at him in a speed no heart should be able to pound but it only does that when she's around Muerte walks over wraps her arms around his waist she knew she'd be safe by his side for NO ONE messes with the Killa Cobra Demon and Rebel hop out of their side cars and go to get their own batch of lovin from their favorite human(s) to Muerte's surprise Clay doesn't ask why she was there as she looks over at the screaming head popping out of the dirt still in Happy's arms while leaning up against his chest "you talk to Juice?"  Clay asks Jax "yeah waiting on Serg's intel"  Jax replies "we miss anything?"  Opie asks "just about to get started you want first crack at the piñata?"  Clay asks as Muerte walks over to the screaming head and stands over it looking down at it Demon and Rebel who were walking at her side sit down beside her as Opie says "yeah"  Hector hears a familiar voice says with a sarcastic playfulness "looks like someone's been a very bad boy!.... your lucky the pups have already gone potty.... though I'm not sure why ANY pup would want to pee on your ugly mug!"  he looks up to see Marcus Alvarez's daughter staring down at him with her hands on her hips "don't even ask for me to "save you" Hector the pups and I.... we never liked you to begin with and dad knew it!.... but in his desperation to try and fix a rift that he created within his club he HAD to bring you in!.... even though you weren't his first choice you made it seem like you were his ONLY choice.... which you weren't!.... you think your smart.... if you were smart you never would have been put in this position to begin with!"  she kneels down before him and growls lowly "you will tell them EVERYTHING they wish to know or I will make your life a living hell!.... though I suppose you do a pretty good job of that all on your own.... I do wonder what pop and Luisa would say if they found out what you did to me a year and a half ago!.... I KNOW what that man would do if he knew!"  she points at Happy who was close enough to hear every word she spoke and Happy squeezes his hands into really tight fists as Muerte continues "I had thought you already paid your dues on that but it seems you aren't in enough pain!.... you're far too "happy" for my taste but I know for a fact that you won't be happy for too much longer!"  she stands up and walks away Rebel and Demon walk over and stand on either side of Hector's head then they lift their legs like they were going to pee and Hector flinches and looks away instead off feeling something wet he felt something dry as Rebel and Demon kick dirt in his face with their hind legs like they had just took a shit and they were trying to cover it up then they follow Muerte back to Happy's side.... Jax and Opie had rode up close to where Muerte and pups had stood before Hector and waited for her to walk away before they began their own brand of torture with the fool in the dirt when Muerte reached Happy he hugs her tightly to him then took her right back to where she just came from as he goes to "start the race" with a red handkerchief in his free hand "que estan haciendo? what is this?! please"  Hector cries out sobbing and he looks up at Happy and Muerte "please tell them no!"  he begs "I believe I already told you that I wouldn't Salazar!.... you deserve everything that is coming to you and.... so.... much.... more!!"  Muerte says coolly Demon and Rebel who walked with Muerte and Happy growl lowly "no! no!"  Hector cries out Happy looks over at Muerte who smiles at him then he raises the red handkerchief and after a brief pause as Jax and Opie rev up their engines and Demon and Rebel bark Happy lowers the hand that holds the handkerchief then he, Muerte and her pups back away as Jax and Opie ride up and drive right next to either side of Hector's screaming head "bravo, matador, bravo!"  Chibs shouts clapping as Hector gasps and sobs "stop! stop! no more!"  Hector begs Jax sees Muerte nod at him then he and Opie ride over and park as Clay walks over to Hector's head the rest of the guys follow and Muerte walks over to Jax's bike and sits down "stop"  Hector begs sobbing when he notices the mens shadows move towards him "why's Alvarez patching you over?"  Clay asks "heroin! the Mayans are setting up a bag-and-cut operation in Lodi they're moving H to Stockton prison that's all I know"  Hector tells him still sobbing softly Muerte shakes her head and whispers sadly "oh dad!"  as Jax says as they walk away from his sobbing head "this had to be the deal Alvarez cut with Zobelle"  Clay adds "must still be on the table Mayans supply the dope, AB gives them the prison market"  Jax says "they're processing H in Lodi means they're running it through Charming to get to Stockton"  Opie says "gotta take Alvarez down"  Chibs adds "shred him in pieces we get bloody"  Jax looks over at Muerte who carries an emotionless façade though he knows that she's upset by the words she's hearing as though she isn't even there as she sits on his bike and almost blindly yet gently pets her pups heads Clay walks away from the group then after a moments pause he turns back and says "we can't afford another war we just ended one almost finished us we got assault charges pending Gemma gone, Abel we off this guy, it's an escalation"  Clay says "bloody '92 all over again.... not to mention we piss off the Viper!"  Jax says he points his thumb over his shoulder at Muerte who lets out a short soft chuckle "we spare this shithead, might give us a little room to negotiate"  Chibs asks "negotiate what? Alvarez wants us dead"  Muerte speaks up "like you guys haven't given him a reason not too!"  Clay looks over at her with narrowed eyes then says "well, then we'll just have to change his mind"  Muerte asks standing up and walking over to them "you're the one who started it all!.... do you honestly think that he will believe a word you say!?!.... I may be his daughter but I am NOT choosing sides!.... I won't go against my father!.... but you.... I'll KILL you if anything happens to him whilst your faking a negotiation!.... prez or no.... your title don't mean SHIT to me!.... and you know as well as anybody that I will be ten times worse then your supposed "Mr. Mayhem"!"  she shouts angrily Happy looks at her with a hint of fear and worry "do I need to take a vote?"  Clay asks no one answers as each man looks at one another "let this pendejo out of the hole he's going home"  Clay says "I don't know!.... it's a good place for him!.... besides.... he needs to work on his tan!.... he's not MEXICAN enough in my opinion!.... too bad there aren't any scorpions!.... or maybe red ants!"  Muerte teases Jax chuckles as he wraps his arm around her shoulder and Chibs, Opie and Happy walk over to Hector Chibs kneels down by his head and says "hey, Hector it's your lucky day"  Hector sobs and Chibs, Happy and Opie start to unbury him.....

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