I Scream You Scream We All Scream For ICE CREAM 😱🍦

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Vida and Muerte sit by Happy's feet on the delivery truck/van.... alright Vida sat Muerte stood at Vida's feet leaning with her elbows on either side of her cousins legs with a Mayan metallic blue leather kutte on over her plain white shirt.... Juice who was busy inside cleaning up had no idea either woman was there at all so when he came out and saw them sitting by Happy he smiles and asks "what are you two doing here!?!"  Muerte replies with a smile "we're supervising! don't worry they've been very careful!"  she pats Happy on the leg gently then says "besides we know how much you guys miss us when we're gone!"  Juice laughs then coos with a smile "this is true!"  he gives her a kiss and smiles at Vida as he hands Happy the sign he carried and walks away to continue to help carry more stuff out Vida also got plenty of kisses and Muerte smiles from Quinn when he came out with whatever he carried out they sat in the same spot as the guys carried things into the new place Juice chuckles and shakes his head at Muerte and Vida giving Muerte another kiss.... Muerte helps Juice and Bobby clean the windows of the ice cream shop they bought playfully attacking them and Jax.... who was sweeping behind them.... with her wet squeegee stick so they can ignore those who were talking about them rudely and trying to avoid walking near them as they pass "hey!!"  Juice says with laughter in his tone dodging her attack she smiles at him innocently "come here you!!"  he growls playfully then pulls her close by the waist and kisses her then joins in on the attack "Chucky!!... help!!"  she calls out playfully stretching her head so that she looks like she was peeking in the open doorway Chucky jogs out of the shop he could tell by the tone of her voice that she didn't really need him that she only wanted to make him a part of it all and let him join in he smiles as he watches them "alright get back to work!.... all of you!!"  Jax says smiling "we are working!.... we're getting each other clean while making the windows clean!"  she teases Jax laughs then they all go back to doing what they were doing before still smiling "thank you!"  Jax whispers as he kisses Muerte's forehead and Ratboy walks out to let him know that they were ready "go ahead I'll finish up here.... I'll be fine!.... Chucky and RB will watch over me over me.... with Vida supervising them!"  she says softly to Juice who looks over at her laughs then kisses her with a smile and follows the guys with the usual bounce in his step.... Muerte left Vida in the protection of Chucky and Rat's ever watchful eye as she went to go get everyone lunch "I'll be alright Chuck! besides with how far long Vida is she's gonna need you here I'm just going over to the deli around the corner"  Muerte tells Chucky when he offers to go with her he nods and walks back inside the only reason Vida and Muerte stayed for so long was so Vida could be there for when Quinn was patched in.... Muerte came back a few minutes later with lunch and liquor.... she had to move some of her "secret stashes" to the trunk of her car though she did keep a few bottles in Juice's tool box for Dog and the guys who stuck around to work at the auto shop even after the explosion Chucky did come out to help her carry everything in then set everything up "I know I know I shoulda bought ice cream since this is an ice cream shop but I did one better!.... I mixed some drinks to TASTE like ice cream!.... I hope you like banana splits Tig!"  Muerte teases when the guys come down the stairs after their meeting and look at the food set up oddly the guys chuckle as Tig replies "I LOVE banana splits!"  Muerte smiles looks over at Ratboy and says "congrats RB!"  Ratboy smiles and replies "thanks!"  Muerte says as she waves down at the food "I know it isn't much but Chucky didn't want me going too far so.... enjoy boys!"  the guys laugh as they sit down at the counter or in a booth coming up one at a time to get what they wanted to eat and the drink Muerte made for them they watched as Muerte expertly mixed their drinks and were surprised when they found that they tasted just like the type of ice cream they asked for she had asked them to name a flavor and she would TRY to mimic it "damn!.... maybe we should turn this place into a bar and just have you serve these!"  Jax teases the guys laugh....

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