Losing Her While Losing Myself

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With the sheriff riding him, the fact that he was once again losing Muerte.... this time possibly forever and the new patch Juice was more torn now than before he didn't want her seeing him this way he thought he was protecting her but that woman always saw through everything he wanted to say goodbye properly but it would have only made things worse for the both of them though how could things get any worse than they already were!?! he was lost now more than ever after watching her drive away until he couldn't see her anymore he drives back to the club and picks up the tow truck then drives to the warehouse before he dropped from the tree he whispers softly "I'm sorry Muerte!.... I love you!"  then he wraps the chain around his neck and slides off the branch with tears in his eyes after a few swings the branch snaps and breaks "shit!"  he whispers gasping for air and pulling the chain off his neck.... Muerte spent the day with her family after all it was Marcus' birthday well at least the celebration of it "a ring fit for a king👑"  Marcus read in the card that was laying under the ring box Muerte had gave him he opened it to find a skull ring with many little skulls wrapped around the top like a crown and he chuckles softly Romeo's gift.... that was Muerte's idea.... was a little grander Muerte had asked Romeo if it would be ok for Esai to come by for a few days.... as long as he stayed in Mayan territory.... even with the Lobos Sonora scare she wanted to do something for her family besides she needed something "good" to happen in her own life as well.... Marcus and Diana were shocked to see Esai walk over to them with Muerte and Tessa after the birthday party/celebration was over "I'll let you four have your time together.... I'm gonna go clean up!"  Muerte says to Esai who nods then gives his sister a hug while holding onto his other much younger sister then Muerte walks away.... Muerte goes with Marcus when he goes to meet with Clay, Jax, Opie and Happy at the barn "he hasn't said a word"  Happy tells them "you sure you didn't cut out his tongue?"  Jax asks Muerte chuckles softly "not yet and I'm running out of ideas"  Happy replies "now we are in trouble!.... it's always bad when the Killa Cobra runs out of ideas!.... I'm surprised you didn't bring Demon though!"  Muerte teases "he's helpin babysit Ope's kids"  Happy replies fighting the urge to rush over and kiss her "I see!"  she replies "why don't you give it a go!?"  he asks "nah!.... with the way he's lookin at me I might just kill him instead and I'd hate for Luey to miss out on the fun!"  she replies Happy balls his hands into tight fists trying to control his anger then he hears Muerte say as she wraps her arm around his waist "so Cobra has dad showed you his new ring!?.... I dare say it's better than yours!.... and I made all four of them!"  Marcus chuckles as Happy's eyes widen he didn't know she MADE his skull ring that she had given him then they hear Rafi who was acting as a lookout say as he hears a vehicle approach and looks out through the cracks in the door "Galindo"  Rafi opens the double doors to let Luis and his men inside "ahora es tiempo de orar cabrón Marcus says as he bends down in front of the man that Happy was "questioning" "I'll go wait outside!"  Muerte says she kisses Happy's cheek then walks over to Marcus and kisses his cheek then walks out of the barn past Luis nodding her hello to him he nods his hello in return "smart girl!"  Luis mutters to himself.... Muerte once again makes herself at home under the shade of a tree it was one thing to sit in the Hummer when Romeo and her pup were there it's a whole nother story when it's just her and Romeo and/or her wasn't there.... Muerte watches as Marcus, Jax, Opie, Clay and Luis walked out of the barn she could tell just by his posture that something was pissing him off and she rushes over to his side then hears him say "voy a arrancarle el corazón"  she grips his shoulders gently and say softly "dad calm down this is not the place nor the time!.... besides it's supposed to be a group effort right Jax.... Luis!?!"  she looks at the other two men who were standing behind Marcus "if Pedro is the pipeline to Lobo, then let's feed him something useful.... our guns we'll tell 'em we're moving them out of Cali tomorrow, that we're storing them here tonight then you and your guys take 'em down"  Jax says "that soldier says there's about 25 Lobos local I only have four other men with me I'll need support"  Muerte replies "you'll have it!.... even if I have to be here and take care of it myself!.... I'll warn you now Luis if you and your men are late then you're on your own!"  Luis looks at her with a raised eyebrow and a expression on his face that showed that he was impressed Jax on the other hand had an expression that asked if she was crazy "look Jax we all have some pent up aggression that needs to be taken care of why not do it on someone who deserves it!?!.... and we all know Cobra loves a good fight!" Muerte says a smile starts to slide up the corner of Jax's lips "if anything goes wrong with this I'm blaming you Luis! and you better hope that I don't tell Uncle Rome about it!"  Muerte teases Clay and Luis' eyebrows raise for different reasons one Clay didn't know that Muerte was related to Romeo and two Luis had a sinking suspicion that she WOULD tell Romeo that he failed his lone mission and he didn't want that but after seen her shoot those Russians he knew better than to mess with her he may not know completely what she's capable of but he knew enough Luis walks away from the group to make a call and Muerte hugs her father then walks into the barn where she sees Juice with Chibs and Happy and the first thing she sees is Juice's neck and she asks in an angry tone as she walks over to him "que demonios!?! que mierda te pasa!?! ¿de verdad eres tan estúpido!?!"  he looks at her sadly as he tries to cover up his chain wound "it's too late now idiot! I'm sure the whole world has seen it by now!.... I can't believe....! no!.... wait!.... yes I can!"  she says then adds "out of all the stupid things....!"  she turns away from him "where are you going!?!"  Juice asks "home!"  she replies then storms out of the barn Happy chases after her.....

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