💪Not So Macho💪

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On the way out of Charming Ratboy picked up Muerte and her pups and they rode in the back of the van.... Muerte didn't want the Harley riders knowing she was there yet.... he had another "passenger" sitting in the passenger seat anyway.... before she climbed in she hugged her father who had brought her to the meeting point Marcus smiles and waves at her as she and the pups climb in the back and shut the door behind them..... when they reach Eden Rat and Muerte heard sirens behind them Rat looks out the back window and sees two cop motorcycles behind them "shit"  Muerte teases "should I flash them!?!.... ass or breasts!?!.... perhaps both!?!"  Rat Boys eyes widen she laughs then she says "just let them pass the van ain't worth shit the Harley's on the other hand....!"  Rat asks "you think...!?!"  she replies "the guys aren't speeding they don't have any lights out or anything like that so the cops have no true reason to pull them over though I'm sure they'll make one up!"  Rat nods then he pulls over and lets the cops pass they pull over a few miles ahead and wait to see if the guys get taken or are allowed to continue on a minute or so later Rat and Muerte see Juice riding one of the cops white bikes and they pull back onto the road then follow him they pass by the cop SUV that now follows the guys on their Harley's and drive along side of Juice on the cop motorcycle Muerte opens the side door and sits near the opening with her pups at her side and a smile on her face the pups barking at Juice to get his attention as she waves him in ready to catch him when he jumped.... Juice looks over in surprise when he saw the three of them sitting there and all it took to get him to safely jump in next to her was her bright beautiful laughing smile and hearing her say "Juan!.... come on luv!"  he pulls her down with him and kisses her lips the both of them laughing as Rat Boy says "hell yeah man!"  Juice sits in the back Muerte on his lap his arms around her waist and his lips plant themselves on Muerte's not letting them go for the longest time even though both pups were continuously giving the both of them kisses of their own lots of tongue to cheek action making Juice laugh and Muerte smile as they kiss one another.... once they get to Three Point Lodge Muerte gives Juice a kiss then says with a smile "I'll go wander.... don't worry.... I'll stay in sight!"  he smiles giving her one more kiss then lets her walk away the rest of the guys look at her in shock then smile she says hi to Jury, Quinn and Bobby "it's a beautiful place!.... plenty of shade so I don't have to worry about burning too quickly I miss the trees we used to have in Charming"  she says softly to Jury he chuckles then replies "that's right.... you're our little nature girl!"  she smiles then says "why do you think I took up biking!?!"  he teasingly replies "the vibrations!"   she laughs "so how's my little niece!?!"  Muerte asks Quinn who smiles and shows her the ultrasound photos and says "8 months along not so easy to ride anymore!"  she chuckles and replies "I bet!.... those vibrations man!!"  they hear Jury laugh which makes them chuckle "oh before you go anywhere there are two four legged beings that wish to say hi!"  she says then she lets out a loud piercing whistle and her pups rush over and jump onto Quinn's laughing chest and kiss his face "so how's that coming along!?!"  Quinn asks pointing to Juice "slowly!"   she replies he nods understandingly "if you two.... uh three!.... need a place to stay.... until you find your own that is....!"  she says "we were hoping you'd say that!"  he replies she laughs....

!"  she says "we were hoping you'd say that!"  he replies she laughs

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