Every Chucky Has A Precious Red Headed Rattlesnake👩‍🦰🐍

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Muerte goes with Juice, Jax, Opie, Bobby, Chibs and Clay who was on the phone with Gemma as they walked down the hallway of St Thomas "love you baby"  he says as the come around a corner and he hangs up Jax asks Clay "how's she doin?"  Clay answers "safe guess the old man's not so hot"  Opie says "sorry to hear about your grandma"  Jax replies "uh I really didn't know her that well"  Clay says as he looks through the small window of the gray hospital door "sheriff's guarding the shooter just like Unser said"  Jax replies "all right I'll go see if Tara can help"  and he leaves through another hospital door to go find her Clay looks at Muerte then seems to change his mind as he says "let's go visit Chucky brighten his day"  Muerte smiles as she and Juice as well as Opie, Bobby and Chibs follow Clay back down the the hallway.... "hey Chucky!"  Muerte says smiling at him as she walks over to the black van that her two fingered friend was sitting in "hey Muerte!"  Chucky replies with a smile "Clay needs you assistance with something"  she says "I accept that!"  Chucky replies Muerte chuckles softly as he climbs out of the van she wraps her arm around his shoulders and they walk over to Clay who waited by the hospital door with the others "your challenge has been accepted!"  Muerte tells Clay who smiles at her and they walk back into the hospital Clay pats Chucky on the shoulder as they walk into an unused patient room and Clay explains what he needs.... as Chucky puts on one of the hospital gowns the same group as before minus Jax walk back to the guarded door "Tara can't help"  Jax says as he walks back in and joins them Juice had Muerte's back pressed against his chest and his arms around her hip as he stands by the wall by the door Jax came out of the others were all lined up and near the other side from the wall to the hallway "we've got it covered"  Clay says as they hear Chucky start screaming as he comes barging through the door "they cut off my fingers! oh my god they cut off my goddamn fingers!"  as he passed them they could see his ass hanging out of the gown Muerte turns her head Juice wraps his arms around the top of her head as she says teasingly with a smile "language Chucky! and.... I didn't need to see that!"  the guys chuckle as Chucky rushes through the door where the shooter and his guard were the guard chases after Chucky "hey! hey!"  Chucky yells "I come in here to have a mole removed-- look what they did! they took my thumbs off!"  the guard follows Chucky as he continues down the hall "put some pants back on!"  the cop orders Muerte starts laughing Juice smiles at her Clay says as he pushes himself off the window built into the wall he was leaning on "I love Chucky"  and the guys walk towards the shooters door "Jax.... check his inner lower lip"  Muerte says in a low voice as Jax walks into the patients room he looks at her oddly then nods Juice and Muerte stand on either side of the door as lookouts as the others rush into the shooters room as the door shuts Juice reaches over for her hand she turns her head and smiles at him as she takes it and squeezes lightly then lets go he smiles at her with sad eyes missing the closeness they were starting to have once again.... when the Opie, Bobby, Jax, Clay and Chibs came back out none of them looked happy Juice wraps his arm back around Muerte as they walk behind everyone "Calaveras is a Mayan puppet Club what the hell are they doing proxying a retaliation?"  Bobby asks Clay looks over at Muerte "don't look at me!.... dad doesn't allow me to know about "club business" unless it has to do with me and this had NOTHING to do with me!"  Muerte replies Clay narrows his eyes darkly at her even though he knows it has no affect on her "holy shit what if the attack was initiation?"  Jax asks "it's a goddamn patch-over Mayans are moving into Lodi"  Clay replies Muerte hugs her body closer to Juice's he looks at her and kisses the top of her head and everyone starts walking out of the hospital....

 dad doesn't allow me to know about "club business" unless it has to do with me and this had NOTHING to do with me!"  Muerte replies Clay narrows his eyes darkly at her even though he knows it has no affect on her "holy shit what if the attack was...

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