For From It You Were Taken For You Are Dust And To Dust You Shall Return

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As Juice helped Clay out at his new house Muerte got a call from Chibs to come help with Tig she got on her Harley with Rebel in his side car and rode off.... when she got to the train yard she saw Tig holding a burnt body like he was holding a baby she and Rebel ran over to him and slid down beside him hugging his back as Rebel kisses his face "oh Tig!"  she says softly he reaches up and pats her hand then he gets up carrying his daughter to the back of Nero's truck then climbs in "that was all it took!?!"  Bobby asks with a surprised tone Jax chuckles and they follow Tig to the truck Bobby and Chibs climb in with Tig and Rebel in back with the body and drive away Tig hugging the pup and crying into his fur throughout the whole ride Muerte gets back on her Harley with Jax sitting behind her and heads to the club where Juice was sitting outside with Happy, Phil and Chucky Happy and Juice rush over to her and give her a hug "so Jax!.... why were you in Uncle Nero's truck!?!"  Muerte asks Jax chuckles and says "let me guess.... another godfather!"  she smiles and replies "yep!.... I got two remember!?!"  Jax laughs "he's good people Jax! and no he's not like Uncle Rome.... he's too soft and has a kid!"  she tells him he nods "Rebel can stay with Tig.... he needs him more than I do!.... and don't cremate her.... she deserves better!.... I'll call Ademar.... the man that made your church doors and see if he can make her a casket.... we can bury her next to Azalea.... what's her name anyway!?!"  she asks "Dawn"  Jax replies she nods.... Juice gets called to help Clay who had to go to Gemma's to check on Unser who was attacked so Happy followed Muerte home and stayed there till Juice gets home himself Juice offered him the spare bedroom which he accepted and they all head to bed.... the next day Muerte walks into Diosa International and runs up to Nero with a smile on her face "Uncle Nero!!"  she says giving him a hug Gemma who was sitting next to Tig looks at her in shock as Nero looks at her as her arms wrap around his neck "well look who it is! all grown up!"  he says with a smile "yeah no more hugging the knees!"  she teases with a smile he laughs "hello Carla"  Muerte says with false politeness Carla gives her a fake smile Muerte looks around and sees Tig sitting on the couch next to Gemma with Rebel laying at his feet she walks over and sits sideways on his lap and says "hey grandpa.... I got something to show you!"  she opens the laptop she was carrying and a picture of four different wooden caskets was shown upon it that had a field with fawns at dawn carved into them as Nero looks at Jax and mouths "grandpa!?!"  with a confused expression on his face Jax chuckles "I know you're not in the right place to look at these but Ademar needs to know which one you want so he can get started on it!"  Muerte says to Tig Tig takes the laptop from her and stares at the caskets in shock "he can do these!?!"  he asks with a surprised tone "he did the Reaper doors I brought over.... which I think Jax might have stolen since they were never used in the club so yeah!.... he can do those! he'll also do her stone if I "ask nicely enough"!"  she replies Jax chuckles "if you need time that's alright.... keep the laptop, think about which one you want and email him your answer his email is already saved onto it so.... whenever you're ready!"  she adds Tig hugs her and whispers "thank you!"  she replies "you're family! I don't call just anyone grandpa you know!?!"  he laughs "I'm gonna go.... gotta a cousin to go see! and unfortunately I have to take Rebel with me otherwise I may never be forgiven!"  Muerte says Tig pouts then smiles they give each other a hug then Muerte walks over and gives Nero a hug then she and Rebel walk out the door....

 gotta a cousin to go see! and unfortunately I have to take Rebel with me otherwise I may never be forgiven!"  Muerte says Tig pouts then smiles they give each other a hug then Muerte walks over and gives Nero a hug then she and Rebel walk out the...

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