If It Isn't Real Then It Won't Feel Right.... It Has To Feel Right!

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☝🏼outfit reminder☝🏽

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☝🏼outfit reminder☝🏽

Once everyone gets to the club and parks then gets off their Harley's Juice walks over to Muerte and wraps his arms around her waist "what's the matter!?!.... you don't like my hair!?!"  he teasingly coos in her ear "if your not careful boy I'll shave it for you!"  she replies with a fake seductive tease "playing along" for a little bit "oh ho!.... really now!?!"  he laughs she elbows him in the stomach making his body bend in pain "yeah all the way to the SKULL! and I told you NOT to TOUCH me!"  she growls in a low voice "Muer....!"  Juice starts with a low pained tone but she had already walked away Happy watches her storm away from Juice with a worried expression on his face "everything alright gorgeous!?!"  Tig asks as Muerte passes him "yeah!.... fine!"  she replies then she turns around and she playfully slaps Tig's cheek twice "and that's for callin me gorgeous!"  Tig replies teasingly "oh!.... then I should do it more often!"  she smacks his ass so hard her hand stings "damn!!"  she whispers jokingly holding her hand then shaking it with a smile on her face he laughs and says with a smile "that'll teach you!"  she laughs then replies with a smile "buns of steel huh!?!"  Tig raises his eyebrows up and down as he says "you know it baby!"  she shakes her head with a smile then air kisses his cheek and walks away...."I miss you!"  Muerte hears Juice's say in a low sad tone from behind her as she starts to stack the bar a few minutes later "and who's fault is that!?!"  she asks with a harsh bite not looking at him "Muert....!"  Juice starts "I'd rather not hear your voice at the moment so if you wouldn't mind going away that would be GREAT!.... after all the only reason I'm here is because the pups missed their boys!"  she interrupts "can't we....!?!"  Juice asks "there's nothing to talk about! there's nothing between us!.... I TRUSTED you with the most important part of me and you played with it like it was a boomerang!.... I thought I could give you a chance but you destroyed it when we got back from Ireland!!.... it hasn't been easy.... living in this type of life.... and you sure as HELL haven't made it any easier!!.... the back and forth.... seeing you with the Crow Eaters.... both when we were together and when we were not!.... watching you follow Gemma's every whim!.... clinging to her, listening to her every word like she's god and she's reading you her bible!.... I believed in you!!.... I trusted you!!.... stood up for you when no one else would!!.... and you just....!! there's no proper way to explain what you've done to me!!.... I told you long before we even started the first time around how hard this all was for me but you don't seem to care!!.... you want what YOU want and you'll do ANYTHING to get it!!.... no Juice I won't "marry you"! especially when it's by "Gemma's rule" and "Clay's order"! if it had anything to do with your heart I might have considered it but I realize now that you have no heart!! so I want NOTHING to do with you!!.... maybe Gemma can talk Jax into asking Tara to marry him earlier than even HE wants too!!.... she seems to have that way about her.... getting people to do what SHE wants done without thinking of how it might hurt those around her in the process!.... she doesn't care about how it hurts others!.... she might have at one point but not anymore!.... she can't even see that she is killing her own son bit by bit by controlling every single tiny aspect of his life just like you have allowed her to do!.... I am SOO glad that I got my tubes tied after my body healed from the rape because to have another child by you would be devastating for the both of us!.... it's YOU who makes me glad that Azalea never survived because if she had to deal with the same SHIT you made me deal with I would have killed you myself!!.... you basically RAPED me but it was a rape I allowed!!.... you were my first but you will not be my last!.... I deserve better than what you gave me but thanks to you I don't believe I am worthy of having it!!.... I'm stuck and it's all your fault!!.... get the HELL out of my sight and don't you EVER come near me again you stupid selfish prick!!!!"  she replies her anger growing with every word she spoke....

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