Choices Have Consequences

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"Don't you two have work to do!?!"  Muerte asks Nero and Arcadio who look at her "well!

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"Don't you two have work to do!?!"  Muerte asks Nero and Arcadio who look at her "well!.... go do it!"  she orders shooing them away they smile at her as they start to walk away she grips Arcadio's arm he stops and looks over at her "this is just as much your fault as it is hers!.... you're the one who left the gun and the ammunition in an area he could not only see but reach! not only that you didn't even lock it up!.... how could you have been so STUPID!?!.... don't you worry about you girl Arcadio.... I'll watch her....!"  she tells him then she lets his arm go and even though he looked unsure as well as sad and scared for she never called him by his full name he nods and walks away "as well as she watched her own children!"  Muerte mutters under her breath when she hears Nero's truck pull away she walks down the hallway and sees Juice heading towards Darvany's room with the kit she takes the kit gently out of his hands and whispers "don't worry Juan, I'll do it!"  he nods and watches her walk away with sadness in his eyes then quickly follows her into Darvany's room he sets up the needle as Muerte fakes softness as she sets up her arm "you remember how this feels right!?!.... it's gonna help you feel all better.... even if it's only for a little while!"  Juice hands her the full needle and Muerte sticks it in leaning down to reach for the pillow Muerte whispers into Darvany's ear "I cared about them you know!?! it's just too bad that you didn't! you would have been a good mother if you only put more effort into it!"  then she places the pillow over Darvany's head and pushes down on the edges she didn't let go till Juice gently touches her wrist she stands up and rushes into his arms and cries till there were no more tears left he hugs her then when she finished crying he kisses her lips softly and doesn't stop his body slams up against the wall as she applies just a tiny bit more pressure walking forward and him walking backwards when she let's him come up for air she teases softly as she slides her finger over the bandaged cut on his cheek "so, am I gonna have a scar to admire on your face soon!?!"  his body quivers at her soft light touch and he chuckles then kisses her lips and whispers breathlessly "I've missed you!"  she doesn't answer just kisses him once again some of Nero's guys that heard the slam against the wall and barge in "oh!.... sorry man!"  one of them says letting go of Juice's lips Muerte chuckles softly Juice smiles softly looking into her eyes "we should.... let her sleep!"  Muerte says softly he nods taking her hand in his he walks out of the room into the one across from it and starts kissing her all over again "I'm sorry Muerte!"  he whispers still breathless "I know!"  she whispers back then she closes the door and walks him to the bed and sits him down upon it then sits down beside him "it's been a rough past couple of days my "goodbye" visit with Otto then the call about him biting off his own tongue.... which I didn't know his teeth would be strong enough to do!"  she tells him softly he chuckles softly as she continues "then there's this thing with Matthew! the little boy who went on a suicide killing spree.... no one wants to die alone! and I'm sure Darvany and Arcadio aren't the only ones neglecting him he went to a Catholic school for Christ sake!"  he chuckles and she says "I had the surgery done.... I'm not "ready to party" just yet but soon.... I actually did it the day after the brawl with Clay after we.... well.... you know!"  he smiles "according to the doctor my tubes should be sufficiently healed in about 1 month so.... three more weeks.... my body heals faster than the rest of me!"  she teases he laughs "I see you getting closer to her!.... I warned you!"  she whispers "I know!.... I'm not listening it's just.... she.... she NEEDS me!"  he replies softly "no Juice I NEED YOU!! she WANTS you on her side cause she knows how easy you are to get on her side! you're the one she can fool without any drawbacks! she knows that you would never abandon her like everyone else has! like you have done to me so many times and she's using that! you have a choice Juice.... her or me and whatever our future my bring.... whether it be children, an actual marriage or whatever! you have until the end of the month to choose and if you don't choose by then then I WILL do what I never wanted to do to you to begin with! I will go to the forever patient Happy and stay with him and NEVER think about you or the love I feel for you ever again!!"  she tells him then she stands up and walks out of the room and he starts to cry then he starts chuckling softly thinking that in some crazy way he and Happy share her and her love for Happy was the only other man Muerte loves as deeply as she does him and he could live with that he knew how Happy is with her and that's how he wanted to be but he wasn't "built" like that what he did he did for the club what he will try to do he will do it for her....

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