There's Hope For Us Yet

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Muerte spent the rest of the day working her jobs then spending time with her family Juice goes to visit her after Jax and the guys have a small "get to the truth" meeting after Unser kills Greg during his "visit" with Clay that Juice drove Clay too it wasn't until after that meeting that Juice realized just how much danger she had put herself in by being at Rita's place during the attack "you don't have to worry about me Juan at this point they fear me more than they do Happy and EVERYONE fears Happy!"  Muerte tells him Juice chuckles softly she hugs him lightly and whispers into his ear "I know how badly you want to believe in them luv! no matter what they've done to you they're still your family! but if you allow it we can start to create a new one!"  he leans back and looks into her eyes then asks "really!?!"  she nods and replies "I went to my doctor.... she said that she can attempt a tubal reversal.... but I won't do it if you....!"  he kisses her then says breathlessly "I want to....!"  she chuckles and says softly "you didn't let me finish....!"  he smiles then says "I know! I have to stay away from them.... not let them influence me anymore! and I'll.... try! I mean if Jax.... I'll have to if....!"  he starts to become nervous what if he can't keep his promise because Jax orders him to keep up with what he was already doing?! "you just need to stop letting them all the way in Juan.... they're confusing you! making you think we aren't suppose to be together but I know we are! if we weren't I wouldn't keep crawling back like the desperate whore that I am!"  she says softly ending with a tease even though there was a twinge of pain in his eyes he lets out a breathy chuckle and says "yeah! you'd be with Happy!.... or still with Quinn.... though he's married to your cousin so probably not! you SHOULD be with Happy but.... I don't want to give you to him!.... not yet! not when I still have a chance! not when I can still love you like I always wanted to love you! I am so sorry for all the pain I caused!"  she replies "that's all in the past! let's focus on the future! the past is put behind us for a reason! that way we can look forward and not back.... never look back Juan! never!"  her lips meet his in a soft sensual kiss.... that night Marcus picked his daughter up from work with Rebel and Demon in their side cars and on their way home they passed by an accident "I know that car!!"  Marcus hears Muerte say hearing the panic in her soft voice he stops his Harley and she climbs off calling out as she runs down the hill towards the car "Abel!!.... Thomas!!"  Marcus stands up whispering "shit!!"  then he and the pups follow her Marcus calls for an ambulance as he follows his daughter and her pups down the hill and Muerte calls Jax as she ran down the hill and she hears Thomas crying and as she talks to Jax with a rushed worried breathless tone she rushes over to the side of the car she hears the crying come from and she takes out her knife and cuts the seatbelt then takes the carseat out of the car, lets Abel know she'll be right back, walks over to where her dad and pups stand and sets the car seat down in front of Demon then orders "Demon protect!.... just not from dad alright!?!"  Marcus chuckles "Rebel come!"  she says as she heads over to Abel's side to check on him and Rebel follows "your father's there!?!"  she hears Jax say over the phone with an angry tone she was so busy worrying about the boys she forgot she was even on the phone with him "well yeah! he picked me up from work.... you know how bad my sight is at night!"  she replies she can almost feel the relief coming from Jax as she walks over to Abel's side of the car where his head got hit by a huge branch and says "hey buddy it's going to be alright!.... you gotta stay awake for me Abel!.... can you do that!?!"  Abel nods and she says "good!.... alright!.... hey look who's here!.... it's your buddy Rebel!"  Rebel lightly jumps up into the vehicle and stands at Abel's side giving him gentle kisses and making him chuckle as he gives his favorite pup a slightly weaker version of Abel lovin "I got daddy on the phone if you want to talk to him while I check on you Thomas is alright he's with Demon and my dad they'll keep him safe!"  she says softly as she hands him her phone and she looks over and sees Demon with his head laying on Thomas' lap as he allows him to grab and his nose and ears as though he was trying to pet him and failing she already knew that both her pups were good with kids since they help with Donna's kids and her little sister so often Muerte didn't even check Gemma just focused on the boys till the ambulance got there "the one my dad is holding name is Thomas.... the one in the car seat is Abel.... the one on the phone is the boys father Jax and the barely conscious woman at the wheel is their grandma Gemma.... they prefer to use Saint Thomas as their main hospital but will suffice with whatever's closest.... we were just passing by but.... I recognized the car and....!"  she tells the EMT as the branch gets carefully cut away from Abel so they can get him out then Marcus hands Thomas over to get checked out....

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