A Hello And A Goodbye

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Before going to see his guys Jax comes by the hospital and meets Nicotiana and Xiomara Vida, Diana, Lluvia and Tessa left the room so that the four of them could have time to themselves they also didn't want to get in trouble for overcrowding the ...

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Before going to see his guys Jax comes by the hospital and meets Nicotiana and Xiomara Vida, Diana, Lluvia and Tessa left the room so that the four of them could have time to themselves they also didn't want to get in trouble for overcrowding the room by the nurses Jax spent a few minutes holding the girls once he gave them back to their mother he hears Muerte say "don't worry Happy and JC will take better care of their family than you ever did! they got far too many people that'll be up their ass if they don't the Mayan being the most terrifying of them all!"  he chuckles softly and replies "I hope so!"  then he walks out of the room never to be seen by them again.... after saying goodbye to Jax the Reapers head to say hello to Nicotiana and Xiomara and find Muerte singing a lullaby in spanish to them they all stand in the doorway listening entranced by her voice and the words until she waves them in then they all pile in one at a time once the lullaby was over Muerte hands a sleeping Nicotiana to Juice and Xiomara to Happy who both sit down in the empty bed next to Muerte's bed the guys stay for a few minutes and each of them end up holding each child after they wake up "don't you got you're own to get home to Q!?!"  Muerte teases softly Quinn chuckles then teases back "are you saying I can't come see my nieces!?!"  she replies with a smile "not at all! but there will be plenty of time for that! you should be with your own family for they are your true comfort ours is only temporary besides by the look in your eyes you already miss holding your own so go! we'll be here for another couple of days come visit anytime you like but for now go home Rane!"  he chuckles and nods then kisses the top of her head then Nicotiana and Xiomara's forehead and walks out of the room pretty soon the others followed the only ones who stayed were Juice and Happy  "here! the nurses helped me pump a little out for them go on daddy give it a try!"  Muerte says handing over two small baby bottles Juice and Happy nervously take the bottles and she gently shows them how to feed their daughters there was a flash of a camera and Muerte looks up "hey Chucky!"  she says with a smile "hi!.... I hope you don't mind!"  Chucky says holding up the camera "that's alright! we might need to take it in as evidence for the guys anyway now if only we could get a shot of that first diaper change!"  she teases Juice and Happy chuckle with a grin..... the next day Juice came by to check on his girls being the Sargent in Arms for the Club Happy was just a little bit busier than he was "we should be able to go home tomorrow"  Muerte tells him and he smiles "Hap and I be here to pick you two up then"  she chuckles "what!?! we wouldn't miss bringing our girls home! even for the club!"  he says "can't wait to change that first diaper huh!?!"  she teases "would it be weird if I said yes!?!"  he asks she kisses his lips and he moans a deep soft moan.... as Juice promised both he and Happy were there to bring their girls home and they both changed the first diapers and have the pictures to prove it they also changed the first poopy diaper but that happened much later there's a video of that one.... somewhere.... the Reapers took the day out of their busy schedules and came by to celebrate their homecoming along with Marcus, Diana, Tessa, Vida and Lluvia they even got a surprise visit from Kerrianne and Esai who had a two year old SON of their own apparently Muerte's "worry" came true and she is now officially related to Chibs since Kerrianne and Esai are now married and have been for THREE years now....

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