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Muerte didn't like it but she had to take the boys back to Jax's house because Tara came home

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Muerte didn't like it but she had to take the boys back to Jax's house because Tara came home.... well actually she had Nita take them cause she knew that Tara would not want to see her with her kids.... Muerte heads to the hospital no not to see Clay who Opie had shot in the chest but to see two men who were in the waiting room waiting to hear about Clay's progress with his two surgeries "he's missing again isn't he!?!"  Muerte asks sadly when she sees Chibs and Happy in the hallway of the hospital a few minutes after Jax had left Happy pulls her into a hug she wraps her arms around him placing her head inbetween his kutte but doesn't cry "he'll be ok!"  Happy whispers kissing the top of her head "I'm not so sure about that Hap!"  she replies and he hugs her even tighter to him "come on let's go....!"  Happy starts "nah!.... you're needed here!.... no one's thinking clearly.... and they're gonna need someone with enough brains to try!.... maybe a bit of your muscle too!.... I'll head home hang out with my mom and sis.... I'll be ok!"  she replies she kisses him on the cheek and walks away giving Chibs a hug as she leaves Happy's fingers touch the spot she kissed as he watches her walk away with a sadness in his eyes for he knew that this was a problem he couldn't fix and for her sake he wished that he could.... Muerte got a call from Jax after he had a talk with his mom and asked her to meet him at the club "you knew!.... that's why you warned me!"  Jax says softly once he had her sitting in church with him "why do you think he pulled Romeo aside at the barn!?!.... he "needed someone from the outside" to do his dirty work so that it wouldn't fall back on him!"  she replies then pauses and says "let me guess!.... you're mom's once again trying to get you to stay because she knows you plan to leave!.... it's the only reason she gave you those.... whatever they are! we all know that she is very good at "telling stories".... she's either been trained by Clay or she's the one who trained Clay to be as good as he is at doing the same thing! we also know better than to undermine you Teller's!.... going against you two is the last thing anyone in the club.... other than me for I don't give two shits.... would want.... especially when one of you has always been the "queen" and one a prince!"  Jax exclaims playfully with a chuckle "hey!"  she tries to smile as she continues "your just one person Jax you can't control everything if your mom wants to do something NO ONE could stop her from doing it!.... she'll do anything to keep those she wants to keep and get rid of those she wants to get rid of!.... she's only failed with me because I'm tougher than she is!.... love is where I'm the weakest.... it's where we're all the weakest!.... but I'm uncertain your mom remembers how to truly love someone.... the power she's been given by being the queen mom of this club has gone to her head and she'll do anything to keep it!.... she knows that SHE can't be in complete control because this is a "man's world" and no woMAN is allowed to be too deep into it!.... I am no ones "white knight" Jax!.... I can't even save Juan from what he's facing right now which shows just how powerless I can be but I'm also not so weak that I won't stop trying!.... we were born in this type of lifestyle Jax.... we know better than anyone not to take things at face value!.... "with a grain of salt" as they say.... what's that so call profound statement!?! "actions speak louder than words".... people lie too easily to get what they want!.... they use, abuse and break people down to bring themselves up!.... turning families against family, friends against friend!.... life's too simple too.... boring!.... we may live it but we don't have to die from it!.... it's your life! as I've told you before stop listening to what others want you to do and start doing what YOU want to do!.... if you want to stay then stay! if you want to leave then leave! just remember there are consequences to both actions!"  she pauses once more then says "let me put it to you this way.... who do you fear the most!?!.... your mother or your wife!?!"  he chuckles then replies "both!"  she asks "who do you fear losing the most!?!"  he didn't have an answer for that "your wife's in a depressed state she believes that she no longer has any power because her hand got hurt.... I don't know what happened on your trip and I don't want to know! but it could have been a lot worse and if it was Uncle Rome who hired the idiots who tried to take her I don't think he would have wanted her to get hurt he's the type of man who takes things at face value he would have tried to get ALL the information before making a decision he asked my opinion and I told him that she might have been more of a threat to Clay than him and his job and Uncle Rome would have wanted to know more I have a feeling it was Luey who was put in charge of the kidnapping he might pretend to be all big and bad but he's an idiot at heart.... if he doesn't have Uncle Rome guiding him he gets lost in his own power hungry schemes.... Uncle Rome trusts me! he would believe my word over Clay's but I had no idea what "information" she had so I couldn't give a clear answer, I'm sorry she got hurt I truly am! but I can't say I'm happy with how she's dealing with it!.... it's strange.... they say we become our parents as we get older but I think it's more frightening when we MARRY our parents!.... though if you ask me Juan is more Luann and Otto than Marcus and Diana"  she says he laughs "let me guess Uncle Rome took advantage of you guys not knowing the truth and used you to help him deal with some extra problems he had.... that's how you lost Kozik right!?!"  she asks he looks at her deep in thought everything that happened after he and Tara got back rolling in his head "look I love Uncle Rome more than anything! and even though I've never been all that fond of Luis I try to be nice to the guy for Uncle Rome's sake but he doesn't always make it easy to stay that way!.... he's getting slightly better now that he's seen me shoot.... you've seen for yourself many times just how useful Uncle Rome can be! you use him he uses you it's an equal opportunity frenemyship that has some good as well as some bad perks.... yes I'm telling you this to keep Uncle Rome alive but I'm also telling you this to keep YOU alive cause he's as dangerous as he is helpful!.... he's one of the few men who trained me after all!"  she tells him he laughs "I should go!.... Gemma saw me come in but if the other one sees me too....!"  she says "she's still here!?!"  he asks curiously "yeah!.... laying on the boxing ring "contemplating".."  she replies he chuckles "oh and I got some hundred proof hidden behind the Jack if you need something stronger than a beer.... the absinthe is Happy's so no touchy!"  she adds ending with a playful tease he chuckles then says with a smile "thanks!"  then he wraps his arm around her shoulder and kisses the top of her head and she walks out of the room "if they ask.... just say I was looking for a bald tattooed man.... we'll let them ponder on which one I was searching for!"  she says with a wink as she walks away he laughs....

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