🐎🐴How Charlie Got His Horse🏇🏽🎠

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Once the guys walk out of church they look at Ratboy who was holding a small pile of envelopes in his hands and passing them out to each of them as they pass him by "what's this!?!"  Jax asks as he takes his with an odd expression on his face "don't know!.... just doing as I was told.... she was rather nice about it too!!"  George "Ratboy" Skogstrom replies pointing what envelopes were left in his hands at Muerte who was working at the bar with her pups at her side Jax smiles as he opens the envelope to find a sexy Santa Muerte woman type invitation inside "oh you sly little....!"   he says with a chuckle in his tone as he reads it then he looks over at Muerte and asks "am or pm!?"  Muerte turns to face him and laughs then says "ask your mother!.... who was surprisingly very "helpful" with the task!"  Jax's eyes widen in false horror and he says "no thank you!"  she laughs then replies "then both and just hope someone's gonna be there to greet you!"  Kozik asks with a confused tone "wait!.... what's going on!?!"  Muerte looks over at him trying very hard to hide her disgust as she says "just be there and bring gifts!.... or you'll have Gemma's boot in your ass for the remainder of the day and or night!"  Tig, Chibs, Happy and Bobby who had also read their invitations laugh Clay looks at them confused then opens his own envelope and smiles "that'll teach you to doubt a Mayan huh Clay!?!.... I don't need to do things "your way" to get things done! one thing I learned from my father is to always have a back up plan!.... oh and just so you know Gemma DIDN'T have anything to do with it I just know how much of an attention whore she is so I'm "allowing" things to SEEM like she had so be sure to "thank" her for me!"  Muerte says with a sarcastic tone Clay does his best to hide his anger as his hands ball into fists he knows just how dangerous this particular Mayan is with or without her pit bulls "alright we all got our marching orders hey this is a very big day so let's get it done"  Clay says trying to put on a front Filthy Phil comes rushing over to Clay and says "Clay we got company outside two sheriff's watching us down the block"  Clay replies "Roosevelt"  Jax says "he's probably gonna tail"  Clay says "well if he does he can't follow all of us I want uh Jax and Opie with me need the rest to help us get there Squiggy"  Squiggy answers "yeah"  Clay replies "I want you to drive the tow truck behind us"  Squiggy asks "is that because your upset with me?"  Juice replies "we're on parole genius can only congregate if we're working"  Muerte says "I'll go if you don't want to Eric I'll....!"  Juice looks hopeful but his expression drops when Squiggy replies "nah!.... it's alright!.... if Clay says I go then I go!"  Tig walks over to Clay and says "I mean come on man I should by with you"  Clay replies looking over at him "I'll be alright it's best for most of us to stay detached"  Muerte looks at Bobby sadly and Bobby walks over to Tig and says as he pats him on the back "we get the fun stuff"  Tig replies "promise?"  Muerte adds "take a pup with you!"  Tig looks over at her and asks with a excitedly happy tone "really!?!"  she replies with a smile "why not!?!.... his side car is already attached and they're always ready to ride!.... you remember the commands right!?!"  Tig nods his head she chuckles and says "well go on then call for him!"  Tig smiles then places his thumb and pointer finger by his lips and lets out a piercing whistle Rebel comes bounding over happily Muerte looks at Happy who smiles and says in his sexy gruff smokey voice "come on Demon lets ride!"  Demon bounds over happily and follows his brother and the humans out the door "spoiled little shits!"  Muerte mutters playfully Happy laughs.....

 you remember the commands right!?!"  Tig nods his head she chuckles and says "well go on then call for him!"   Tig smiles then places his thumb and pointer finger by his lips and lets out a piercing whistle Rebel comes bounding over happily Muert...

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