In Need Of a T.O.

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Muerte helps the guys separate the tiny balloons that hold the drugs from the powder that surrounds them "so this is what gold mining feels like!"  she teases the guys laugh

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Muerte helps the guys separate the tiny balloons that hold the drugs from the powder that surrounds them "so this is what gold mining feels like!"  she teases the guys laugh.... they were about halfway finished when she got a phone call from her father "alright D we gotta go dad needs us!.... go get your lovin, bite Kozik in the ass then head for your side car"  Muerte says once she gets off the phone all the guys except Kozik laugh Bobby, Happy, Tig, Opie, Juice and Chibs bend down to give the pup some lovin Demon barks at Chucky who smiles rushes over then pets the pup "I believe he excepts that!"  Muerte teases as she watches Chucky give Demon who was wagging his tail at his human buddy some love the guys laugh.... Muerte went with her father to the Lodi meeting though she kept Demon at Marcus' house to help her mom take care of her newborn sister.... both pit bulls become just as protective of the little girl that is named Tessa as the humans do quite possibly even more so.... Muerte was wearing one very specific and important piece of "merchandise" of her own when she went to the Meet between SAMCRO and the Mayans "hey I think you lost something too"  Alvarez says turning his head and looking past his men at a certain someone and Muerte comes walking through the Mayans in Juice's kutte "look at this"  Tig says once he sees her "I don't know!.... I might keep this one!.... after all it isn't like this is my first time wearing it and it might just look better on me!"  Muerte teases as she reaches Marcus who's eyebrow raises at her and the Crows look at her in shock then laugh at her tease she slides the kutte off her body and slides it onto Juice's "how could you let those bitches take your kutte ese? you're an embarrassment to Latinos everywhere"  Marcus remarks his daughter makes the switch "uh dad.... he's Puerto Rican!"  Muerte teases Juice and Marcus chuckle Muerte places her forehead on Juice's and whispers "it's your turn to make him pay!"  then she kisses his lips Marcus looks at her oddly as Salazar says "you just gonna bow to these assholes huh?"  Muerte turns to face the idiot and says "no!.... I think it is YOU who will bow to us pendejo!"  Jax grabs Salazar by the back of the kutte and turns him to face Juice then says "make this right"  and he tosses Salazar down at Juice's feet "yeah"  Juice says as Muerte walks over to Happy's side "a Mayan and a Crow!?!.... what the hell!?!"  T.O. whispers with a surprised tone as Juice starts pounding on Salazar "Muerte Nicotiana Alvarez"  Muerte introduces herself to T.O. holding out her hand for him to shake as they watch Juice punch Salazar in the face and once he's on the ground kicks him a few times T.O. shakes her hand with a smile as he says "Taddarius Orwell Cross..... but most just call me T.O."  she teasingly replies with a smile "yeah.... your name is kinda long!"  he chuckles then says waving his hand from her to Juice "so.... how did that.... happen!?!"  she teasingly replies "a miracle!"  T.O. chuckles then says with a smile "I'd say!"  as Juice pulls Salazar up and takes his kutte off him everyone just stands by and watches without helping either one of them once that was done "well it was nice to meet you Taddarius"  Muerte says giving the black man a hug he chuckles then says "you might want to stick with T.O.!"  she smiles and says "can do!"  he laughs and Muerte walks over to her father with a wave to T.O. and Happy  "does tribal head know how lucky he is!?!"  T.O. asks Happy as they watch her walk back over to Marcus "I sure as hell hope so!"  Happy growls lowly.... "you wanna explain to me what that all meant!?!"  Marcus asks Muerte when they return home "you already know the answer to that dad all you gotta do is think it through.... I got my retaliation now it's everybody elses turn!"  Muerte replies Marcus becomes pissed when he finally gets the whole message that was hidden in her words "Tuls took care of my retaliation when Hect was sent to prison after you burned down the Reapers warehouse.... I wasn't in the right mindset to do it myself at the time.... I had asked Otto to assist but Tul liked to stay and watch our little get together's so he heard every word and worked it so that he would handle it himself"  she explains Marcus chuckles "it's surprising how quickly he went from pretending I don't exist to protecting my "innocence and purity"!"  she adds Marcus narrows his eyes darkly but doesn't say a word "have Cobra help you.... or give him a few seconds alone with it beforehand.... he's the only one who hasn't been able to retaliate!"  she adds Marcus nods and a smile starts to form on his lips "as far as I know he's the last one dad!.... I can finally breath when this is complete.... I hope!"  she tells him he wraps his arm around her shoulder and hugs her to him.....

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