👰🏻🤵🏽A Marriage By Paper And A Promise 🤞🏽

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"Hey you two

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"Hey you two.... sorry!.... just came to check up on Rebel see if he had to go potty or whatever!"  Muerte says as she opens the door to Abel's room hearing her voice Rebel lifts his head up Muerte sees Jax holding a crying Tara and Thomas and asks with a concerned tone "is everything alright!?!"  Jax replies "yeah!.... we're fine!"  Muerte asks "can I come in or should I call for him!?.... I wanna take him while Abel's sleeping"  he replies "come on in!"  Tara peeks at Muerte over Jax's shoulder as she walks into the room and over to Rebel "don't look at me like that!"  Muerte warns as she pets her pups head Jax looks down at Tara who still had the "evil eye" "come on Reb I'll take you potty get some food and then you can come back alright!?"  Muerte asks her pup who jumps down off the bed "Demon's with Juice at the vets getting a check up.... luckily he actually likes his doctor!"  Muerte tells Jax who chuckles Muerte waves as she and Rebel walk out of the room.... a few minutes later Muerte once again opens the door but doesn't enter and Rebel bounds back over to the bed and lays back down at Abel's feet "here Jax.... this might help if Abel can't sleep or feels scared"  she says and she tosses over a CD case with a CD in it "what is it!?!"  Jax asks as he catches it then looks down at it "a recording of the lullaby I sang to him in Ireland.... I'd throw you a player but that would be too heavy!"  she replies he smiles and says "I'll work something out!"  she smiles then waves and walks away she noticed the curious yet pissed off look on Tara's face and for the boys sake she didn't want to cause anymore problems so she figured it would be best if she just left even though Tara would probably try to put it in Jax's head that Muerte didn't care about her kids which Jax proved wrong by pointing many things out the fact that she kept Rebel there because she knew Abel wanted him there, she helped bring Abel home safely back in Ireland, she kept Abel and Thomas calm and safe after the accident happened and even called not only an ambulance.... well Marcus did that but still.... but Jax himself Tara wasn't convinced but she "let it slide".... Frankie had actually hot wired Juice's Harley during his escape so Nero drove Muerte, Juice and Demon to the vet and hospital "think of it this way Juan.... you now have to ride MY Harley when you want to go places!.... and Demon was never all that fond of the spare sidecar anyway!" Muerte says him playfully once she saw the dejected expression on Juice's face when he saw his Harley gone Juice smiles and Nero chuckles.... Margaret Murphy Tara's boss has actually been taking care of Rebel during his stay as Abel's protector bringing him food and taking him out when he had to go she knew Muerte and her pups well for Muerte's doctor work at the hospital and even though she wasn't on the visitors list she came to at least say "hi" to the boys every time she came for an appointment and Margaret always let it slide everytime because she saw how much the boys loved Muerte and her pups Abel was always different after her visits more upbeat, happy and dare she say pleasant to be around not that he wasn't that way before he was just even more so after those two seconds of saying hi even the women who worked at the daycare saw it and they even started to let it slide without calling Margret over neither the ladies in the daycare nor Margret ever told Tara about her small visits so it was like a big secret kept between both the kids and the adults and that made it somewhat fun....

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