One Last Visit

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"Dad!!"  Muerte says as she rushes over to Otto who was sitting in the visitors room of the prison she wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him to her she could feel the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes hit her shoulder "you have so ...

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"Dad!!"  Muerte says as she rushes over to Otto who was sitting in the visitors room of the prison she wraps her arms around his neck and hugs him to her she could feel the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes hit her shoulder "you have so many now! I'm not sure which scar I want to touch first!"  she teases softly he chuckles then she feels a guard touch her shoulder she lets Otto go and twists the guards wrist pushing him back towards the wall and growls lowly "yes I heard you scream like a little girl! yes I know the rules! no I don't care! I don't know if you're new or just stupid but the rest of the guards here not only know me they fear me and unless you want to find out why they fear me I suggest you NEVER!.... TOUCH!.... ME!.... AGAIN!!!!"  the guards eyes widen as Otto chuckles and says "Marcus taught you well!"  she lets go of the guard who now babies the wrist she had twisted and either dislocated or broke or both, turns around to face her biological father and says "he raised me I taught myself!.... with a little help from Lump and Hap.... after I met him of course!.... if anything I taught him after all raising someone like me you have to be tough!"  Otto chuckles Muerte spends the next few hours catching Otto up on what's been going on in the club what's been happening in her, Happy and Juice's life which is what he was most interested in hearing about "I'm not stupid dad! I know this is going to be the last time I see you I can see it in your eyes you're ready to join your wife and finally be at peace! I understand why you stopped the visits.... worrying about how I will handle everything that's going on in here on top of everything going on out there and you yourself.... you were worried how you would take it.... you'd see it as me being strong for you.... I am strong, but I'm strong for myself!.... I try to be strong for Juan but he just makes it so hard sometimes and his weaknesses are tearing him apart!.... you know who I mean.... but it's worse.... Jax is worse he's.... angry! and taking his anger out on the world without a care about the consequences!.... I can understand it though his mind is warped twisted in so many ways he doesn't know himself anymore! he's spent so long trying to please others his mother.... the club.... Tara that he's forgotten how to please himself! their false love has torn him apart and soon he will crumble and turn into sand.... in many ways it's worse than me and Juice and our confusing love"  Muerte says softly Otto reaches over and takes her hands in his "I'll be ok dad!.... I got Mar, Diana, Tessa.... oh that's right.... you haven't seen Tessa have you!?!"  she says "she's two now...."  she stops and Otto smiles at her then says softly "it's ok!"  she replies "it's just!.... I have a picture of her but I'm not sure you could see it! she's with the pups in it!"  she lets out a short soft chuckle then says "I think they love her more than me!"  he chuckles "can't say I blame them though she's adorable!.... Mar's gonna really have to polish those guns when she gets older cause she's gonna have a LOT of admirers!"  she teases he laughs "she hasn't even met you and she calls you Uncle Otto! probably cause she's heard me say it so many times!"  she adds he smiles "you know.... I think I've spent more time than I'm allowed to here.... more time than I EVER have spent here!"  she says quietly then she stands up, walks over to him and gives him a hug "set yourself free dad! no more pain! no more heartache! only love! remember that I love you I always have and always will! and for someone who doesn't know what that word truly means....!" she says then she stops as she hears Otto start to cry one more time she sits in his lap and holds him until there were no more tears that he could cry and then kisses the top of his head slides her finger over the scar on his eye and walks out of the room.... a few hours later Muerte was walking down a sidewalk and she sees a few very familiar faces "Arc!"  Muerte says as she runs over and give her friend a hug "so!.... what sort of trouble has this one been causin!?!"  Muerte asks Nero teasingly as she wraps her arm around Arcadio's shoulder and looks over at his uncle Arcadio chuckles and says "I was just about to ask you the same thing!"  Nero chuckles at the two of them Happy who was watching them with Jax, Chibs and Bobby at his side smiles "how'd the visit go!?!"  Arcadio asks seeing the sad look on her face after he asked that question he says sadly "that good huh!?!"  she replies "let's go fix the neighborhood yeah!?!"  Arcadio forces a smile and nods.... a few minutes after they say hello Muerte stands with Arcadio as Nero tries to play mediator with the towns people "Nero, they're pressing all of us they trash my shop they come in and they take whatever shit they want and Dante says now we have to pay Triple Two for protection I mean, we all knew you split I mean, what the hell are we supposed to do, huh?"  a woman named Anya complains "okay, I get it, Anya I get it I'm sorry I let that happen I'm here now Mm? and we're gonna handle Dante, mi vida"  Nero replies "and we'll make sure the street knows"  Arcadio adds "come on, guachale"  Nero says quickly kissing the woman's cheek "gracias"  Anya replies Jax walks over with Chibs, Happy, Bobby, Tig and asks "we got a plan?"  Nero replies "cut off the goddamn head Dante, he's running out of a rag warehouse, two blocks, the end of Palm fights are in progress"  Muerte mutters "dog fights!?!.... great!.... just what I need!"  Arcadio wraps his arm around her shoulder and hugs her to him as Chibs asks "is he there now?"  Arcadio replies "not sure"  Jax says "all right, check it out why don't you let the white boys go in, just a few fight fans we'll see what we're dealing with"  Nero replies "yeah cool"  Bobby asks "how big's his crew?"  Nero replies "like, 15"  Arcadio scoffs softly then corrects him "been recruiting closer to 20"  Fiasco adds "it's probably more, homes"  Nero says "right now we got four other guys, plus your crew.... no, that still leaves us a little light"  Jax replies teasingly nodding over to Muerte "why should we worry about that we got her!?!"  Muerte makes a face and Jax chuckles then says "I got the Cholo cavalry on the way" Muerte smiles at him as he smiles at her Jax watches as she walks away from Arcadio takes out her phone then places it up to her ear and says into it "hey Uncle Rome! I'm gonna need the squad!"  and he smiles....

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