How Open Is Your Relationship!?!

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"Come on we should go get the pups then help the guys get Happy then maybe afterwards we could finish that massage!"  Muerte teases with an alluringly smooth tone Juice grins and says "yeah!

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"Come on we should go get the pups then help the guys get Happy then maybe afterwards we could finish that massage!"  Muerte teases with an alluringly smooth tone Juice grins and says "yeah!.... we should do that!"  she laughs he kisses her lips.... a few minutes later they head to Muerte's house pick up the pups then head to the barn where the guys were waiting for Happy's arrival "don't look at him this was my idea!"  Muerte says to Jax as she rides up alongside him with Juice sitting behind her and the pups in their side cars "of course it was!"   Jax replies with a chuckle "mom, Tessa, Joey, Diva and Venus are with your girls"  she tells Quinn who nods with a smile "I'll be in the barn.... Demon.... Rebel, protect!"  she says she cups Juice's chin with her hand and kisses his lips then walks away slapping Quinn in the ass "that's it I'm telling the wife!"  Quinn teases "who do you think that's from!?!"  she teases back without turning around "what!?! it wasn't hard enough!?! shall I ask Tig to do it for her this time!?!"  she teases Quinn laughs as Tig rubs his hands together looking a little too eager to do as asked "no thanks!"  Quinn says Tig pretends to be disappointed which makes Quinn laugh even harder.... Muerte heads up to the loft and sets up her sniper rifle and waits when Happy sees Juice and the pups as he climbs out of the van and pulls the duct tape of his lips he knew Muerte was around somewhere and that excited him to no end and yet he was sad because he didn't see her and then he heard the wiz of a bullet pass by him and hit one of the Chinese men waiting by the van and he knew that she was up in the loft even through the loudness of the automatic gunfire he heard the softness of her silent sniper rifle and that made him even more excited.... Muerte stayed out of sight but continued to shoot when the "enemy" was too close she used her hand gun hitting every target every time the first time not a bullet that SHE fired was wasted she used the anger she felt from the way Clay, Gemma, Tara and everyone else treated her and her family, her friends, everyone she cared about to help give her a reason to shoot the people who had never done HER wrong but then she remembered that these people had Happy for TWO days and that helped give her a REAL reason to shoot each and every one of them.... Muerte watched through her scope as Tig gave a gun to Happy so he could shoot the man who ordered his abduction and the way he killed him aroused her immensely making her wet and turning her on she felt her desire for him throughout her whole body but she knew she had to hide it for Juice's sake she once again had to hide what she felt for the other sexy bald tattooed muscular man with a gun Happy and Juice didn't have to do much at all to arouse her in ANY sort of way the way they stood, how they walked, their voice, their smile, EVERYTHING about them turned her on in ways she never thought would EVER be possible....

As the guys clean up the mess and listen to Conner holler at them Muerte stood inbetween Happy and Juice who had their arms wrapped around her waist both her pups stood by her one in front of Happy and one in front of Juice Muerte leaned her head on Happy's shoulder and fell asleep while standing Happy looks down at her and smiles "looks like someone missed you!"   Juice says "and I missed her!"  Happy replies then he looks at Juice with a worried expression but he relaxes when he sees Juice smile Happy picks Muerte up and carries her back into the barn Juice sets up a comfortable spot to lay her down out of hay and blankets "protect!"  the men chorus and the pups lay down next to her Juice and Happy laugh as they walk out of the barn "do you think she'd....!?!"  Juice starts "I wouldn't be surprise if the guys already think it's happening!"  Happy replies they laugh again "though she'd probably....!"  Happy starts "....would have thought of it as her being a Crow Eater"  Juice finishes "....for two Crows!"  Happy says they smile "I'd be more worried about how Marcus would take it!"   Happy says "so would she!"  Juice replies "true!"  Happy says they become somber "has she not been sleeping!?!"  Happy asks with a worried tone "with everything that has happened to her I'm guessing not very well.... I've been with Clay more or less lately so I have no idea!"  Juice replies Happy nods then says "that's got to end man!"  Juice replies softly "I know!"  he pauses then asks "when we were apart.... why didn't you!?!"  Happy replies "I thought it would hurt her.... and I didn't realize just how much I loved her until after Luann died and we....! at least not in the way we both do I've ALWAYS loved her but I wasn't sure how DEEP that love was until that day! I know her.... no matter what.... if she didn't feel the same she never would have allowed it to even happen!"  Juice nods.... that night after the guys left Happy and Juice stay behind because Muerte had yet to wake up they both lay down on either side of her and wrap their arms around her and fall asleep themselves.... "Cobra!?!"  Happy hears Muerte's soft voice say with a slightly confused sleepy tone and he opens his eyes as he feels her fingers slide up his chest then he feels her slightly turn her body to see who else was holding onto her and says softly "Juan!?!"  Juice's eyes open and he smiles as he reaches up and slides his hand up her cheek and through her hair "it's ok!"  he whispers softly as his lips meet hers once he lets go hers move over to Happy's who's eyes widen as he begins to understand what Juice meant that night both men made love to her in that barn under the moonlight with two pit bulls as their only witnesses it was the best night of their lives a night when they were all completely honest with one another just without words only actions it was the first time the two men ever shared anything that was so important to them and other than the club there was nothing more important to them than her they just wondered how long this could last and if they would be able to continue or if it was a one night thing surprisingly enough they both wanted it to last because they believed that she may finally be able to be truly happy once again for they both had expressed how they feel and wanted to continue to express how they feel about her in everyway possible they found that they didn't want it to be just one or the other because it hurt too much to see her with someone else but they would let it only be for this night if it made her happy though neither one of them wanted to completely give her up....

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