Finding You In Ireland🍀

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"What promise is your father suppose to keep!?!"  Happy asks Muerte when they return to the club "you mean it hasn't happened already!?!.... I thought you went with them so it could be kept!.... but then again it makes sense not to do it in front of your own family.... I told you who he was.... don't you remember!?! during our "lunch date" the day you took me to Lumpy's to let off some steam and get rid of some of the pent up aggression or whatever after I shot that man to save Jax"   she replies his eyes widen and he just about kicks himself how could he forget such important information!?! that idiot was one of the assholes who raped her the "clues" she gave when they put him in that hole the hidden message in the words she spoke to the head that was poking out "I got mine!.... Juice got his!.... now it's yours and dads turn to get your retaliation for the pain he's caused!.... I understand if you don't want to....!"   she adds "oh no!.... I want to!!"  he replies with a dark growl as his anger returns then he asks "why wouldn't I want to!?!"  she replies "because the club has yet to fully get theirs!"  she pauses then says "you got dads number.... you can either take care of it now or wait till you get back.... just remember.... anything can happen from now until then!"  he smiles then he stands up pats her on the shoulder and walks away putting his phone up to his ear "maim don't kill!"  she tells him "your no fun!"  he replies with a smokey tone "au contraire mon Cobra I believe that I have proven myself to be way too much fun!"  he smiles then kisses her forehead and says in a soft husky tone "that you have!"  she smiles.... the next day after Jax, Tig and Clay leave in the tow truck to "go say goodbye" to Gemma Muerte rides into Teller Morrow with Lyla as soon as she gets out of the car she sees Chibs and Opie come out of the club backpacks in hand "got room for one more!?!"  Muerte asks Chibs "we always got room for you gorgeous!"  Chibs replies with a smile as he walks over to her and hugs her shoulder "thanks for the ride Ly"  Muerte says to Lyla "no problem Muerte"  Lyla replies with a smile and a wave then she drives off.... Juice and Happy were shocked to see Muerte sitting in the back of the van she smiles at them when she sees them rush over then take a seat next to her Happy and Juice weren't the only ones who were happy to see her Jax grins when he sees Muerte stand inbetween Juice and Happy as the group waits for him and Clay to show up in the Cutless and they weren't alone Gemma.... who was not as happy as Jax to see her.... climbs out of the car as well "you came!?!"  Jax asks with a surprised tone as he walks over gives her a hug "what!?!.... you think I'd miss a chance to hold the little man without Tara's size 9 heels up my ass!?!.... you thought wrong bucko!.... though I suppose I should pretend to be afraid of your moms getting stuck up there huh!?!"  she replies with a smile answering his hug he laughs "what you should be is grateful I didn't bring the pups!"  she adds he replies with a chuckle in his tone "oh I am!"  Bobby asks "where's Tig?"  Clay answers "half way to Modesto"  then he answers his phone "where's your bag!?!"  Jax asks "well Chibs has been hyped about me meeting his daughter since I already met his bitch of a wife.... no offense! I'm not sure what kinda gal she is but I figured she might be able to bring out the "girl" in me and take me shopping!.... I never been to Ireland I hear they got lucky li'l leprechauns!.... you think he'd share his gold with us if we find one!?!"  Jax and Chibs chuckle....

 you think he'd share his gold with us if we find one!?!"  Jax and Chibs chuckle

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