The House Of The Setting Son🌄

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The guys hear the familiar sound of barking and turn just in time to see Demon and Rebel ride into the Teller Morrow parking lot with Muerte "damn!"  Juice whispers Muerte stops her Harley at the gate the says to her pups with a smile "go on!"  Demon runs straight to Happy and Juice Rebel runs straight to Tig and Chibs as Muerte rides the rest of the way in and parks her Harley "off on an adventure huh!?!.... wanna take one of the pups!?!"   Muerte asks Tig as she walks over to him "can I!?!"  Tig asks with a soft excited tone "sure!"  she replies with a soft chuckle in her tone "we'll put Demon in the van for Jimmy and you can take Rebel!"  she adds Tig hugs her making her chuckle "I'll go set his side car up on your Harley"  she says he nods then she calls over to Happy "Cobra!.... Demon rides with you!"  Happy replies with a grin "I accept that!"  the guys laugh Juice walks over to her and says softly "we need to talk...."  Muerte looks at him then calls over to the men in the auto shop "Dog.... can you hook Rebel's side car to Tig's Harley please!?"  Dog looks over and replies "sure thing Viper!"  she says "thanks"  then Muerte and Juice walk into the club then into one of the empty apartments Juice shuts the door behind them "you LIED to me!"  Juice shouts "what are you talking about!?!"   Muerte asks slightly confused "your Otto's daughter!!"  he exclaims waving a piece of paper in his hand in front of her face "I never lied you just never asked!.... and if you recall correctly called Luann my "mom" when I told you while you were in the hospital that she had died I never said her name!.... though suppose healing after being shived was more important!"  she replies with a sarcastic harshness in her tone "who said you could stick your nose in my personal business anyway!?!"  she asks he opens his mouth to speak but no words come out "did you do the full cavity search or just half!?!"  she asks he looks at her oddly "if you did a complete search you would have found out that Luann believes that I had died!.... when I was born she took one look at me and acted like I was the most disgusting thing she has ever seen!.... Otto feared that I would be put in the system and be stuck there because so many of them would have been just like Luann would have took one look at me and treated me like garbage on the side of the street that even the garbage men wouldn't pick up!.... not to mention how expensive taking care of me would have been!.... all the doctors appointments I have to make just to make sure I stay healthy!.... the ophthalmologist, skin assessments to check for skin cancer or lesions having a kid like me....!"  she says he reaches out to touch her but slaps his hand away and shouts "DON'T you TOUCH me!!.... I HATE you!!"  Happy walks into the room and says "we gotta go bro!"  Muerte turns and hides herself in Happy's chest and starts to cry Juice looks at her with sad heartbroken eyes as he walks past them holding back his own tears Jax who was walking in to check on them sees Juice walk by him staring at nothing in particular then sees Muerte in Happy's arms and Happy combing his fingers through her hair comfortingly "what happened!?!"  Jax asks Happy just shakes his head Muerte steps back and walks away Happy and Jax follow her out.... Muerte sits on the top of the picnic table and Jax pats her arm as he passes then he feels her grab his hand and pull him back to her "don't think you're leavin without a hug Princey!"  she teases he chuckles as he gives her a hug "take care of yourself!"  she tells him "I'll try!"  he replies she smiles at him and he smiles back "let's hope your overly emotional control freak of a mom-to-be doesn't get the wrong idea!"  she says he chuckles then says "I can handle her!"  she laughs then replies "you sure about that!?!"  he laughs then asks "you stayin here!?!"  she replies "you guys got my pups I kinda have too!"  he laughs then pats her on the arm and walks away....

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