Too Much To Lose Not Enough To Gain

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When Muerte heard that Luis was "teaming up" with the Reapers and the Tribal Demons once again without Romeo being there she went to go see Happy and tells him what she thought of her godfathers shadow "Marcus would have never made Romeo my Godfat...

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When Muerte heard that Luis was "teaming up" with the Reapers and the Tribal Demons once again without Romeo being there she went to go see Happy and tells him what she thought of her godfathers shadow "Marcus would have never made Romeo my Godfather if he didn't trust him.... but Luis! I never could "get a feel" for the guy.... I don't know!.... if something happened to you or dad when I have the ability to help stop it.... I could never live with myself!.... I'm already at a loss with Juice I can't deal with anymore shit Hap!.... I just can't!!"  Muerte tells Happy "the pups don't approve of Luey either.... they "tolerate" him for Romeo's sake but....!"  she adds he chuckles and says "like mother like pups huh!?!"  she smiles then says "just be careful ok!"  he smiles then kisses her forehead and replies "baby I'm always careful!"  she chuckles then teases with a smirk as she hides her blush "yeah!.... sure you are!".... after Happy went with Clay and the guys to help the club, the Mayans (Marcus was there as well) and Luis he went straight to Muerte's place to give his two cents on the man they spoke of before he left for the meeting.... "I see what you mean!"  Happy tells Muerte she looks at him strangely then replies "oh with Luey!?!.... yeah!.... that man thinks with what muscle he believes he has and not his brain!.... he's mostly ego and no emotion!"  he chuckles "are.... are you ok!?!.... is dad!?!"  she asks with a soft worried tone he hugs her to him and replies softly "we're both fine!"  he was worried about her he's only seen her this low after she got raped and now the shit with Juice is bringing her back to her weakened state and he didn't like it one bit but once again they were back together and he promised himself that he would help her become strong once again and maybe her strength will finally rub off on Juice because from what he can tell the boy's gonna need it just as much as she does Muerte spent the rest of the day with her family and Happy for it was the last day of Esai's stay.... the next day Muerte rushes into the club and asks in a hurried tone full of worry "has anyone seen Juan!?!.... he never came home last night!.... I-I..... can't find him anywhere!"  Chibs walks over to her and holds her tightly to his chest "we'll figure it out gorgeous.... don't you worry!"  he says then kisses the top of her head and tries to calm her down by rubbing her arms up and down as he holds her which seems to only make it worse so he let's her go "I need Hap!"  she whispers he nods then takes his phone out of his pocket and calls Happy.... the only thing that kept Juice sane while he was in that bright white cell was thoughts of Muerte and how she was once again willing to try and work things out despite his current state or maybe his current state was what kept her there she knew that she is his true weakness after all the reason didn't matter all that mattered was that they were together he kicked the wall in anger at himself for ever treating her like he has from the very start of their relationship all those years ago his back and forth on and off stupidity he hates himself for what he's doing to her and can't believe he's lucky enough to have her give him so many chances that he constantly tears apart and makes everything worse but once again his mind is so jumbled he believes that even she can't help him fix it not this time anyway he thinks he's too far gone she wants to prove to him that he isn't but isn't sure how she could do it.... Happy spent the day with Muerte and her family once again doing his best to distract her from her ever constant worrying about Juice.... the next afternoon Juice comes jogging up to Muerte's house and when she sees him she runs over and jumps into his arms calling out happily "Juan!!"  he kisses her and even though his lips were smiling his eyes were sad "I took the deal!.... I had to.... to save the club!"  he tells her she slides down off him and his head and eyes follow her all the way down "I'm sorry Muerte!.... I had too!.... they threatened to harm you as well!.... I couldn't allow that!.... I swear to you I will make this right!"  he says softly then he kisses her pressing his lips up against hers as hard as he dared "I promise!"  he whispers she walks away and goes straight back into her house he watches her his heart breaking with every step she takes as she gets further and further away from him he knew what the question was rolling around in her head "when!?!" and he didn't have the answer a few seconds later Juice follows her inside and sees that she is playing with Thomas and Abel "I warned him to keep her close!"  she says in a low voice then she says looking up at Juice "if you're gonna help put your troubles on the back burner and smile for a change.... they feed off that crap you know!?!"  he forces a smile then sits down on the floor next to her and hears her mutter "as if I don't have enough problems to worry about!"  he looks at her sadly "hey Chibs guess who's home!.... yeah he's helping me watch the boys!.... alright!.... will do!.... yeah!.... k bye!"  Muerte says into her phone once she gets a minute alone a few seconds after that she gets a call from her father about Rafi's death....

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