Dondo Georgie

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Muerte went with the guys to go meet Dondo she stood inbetween Tig and Juice rolling her eyes at the "undead" porn they were watching

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Muerte went with the guys to go meet Dondo she stood inbetween Tig and Juice rolling her eyes at the "undead" porn they were watching.... "are you sure!?!"  Juice asked Muerte who had just sat down on his Harley behind him "yeah!.... might as well learn about what I had missed growing up and almost became!"  she jokingly replies he chuckles shaking his head and they drive off following Tig, Chibs, Bobby, Jax and Opie out of the Teller Morrow parking lot.... "is it real? I'm a big fan of the undead but only not snacking on my flesh"  Chibs says as he watches the porn star women "attack" the porn star man on the bed "ah, there's nothing like a set of cold lips on your cock"  Tig replies "Night of the Living Dead pretty much porn for you, isn't it?"  Juice asks "if it's out of the grave, it's out of my pants"  Tig replies "okay, cut let's take five"  the director says "yes please let the poor man breathe!"  Muerte teases Juice chuckles just then they hear someone say "Georgie contacted me a few weeks ago said he wanted to use my best seller, Saffron Sorority Girls he wanted to make a new run at his dolls"   they look over to see a muscular looking man walk in with Opie, Jax and Lyla "wait, wait dolls?"  Tig asks "yeah"  the muscular man who must be Dondo replies "what?"  Tig asks "life-size sex dolls look and feel just like the real thing it's a huge market"  Dondo replies "well I know what I'm getting Tig for his birthday!"  Muerte teases the guys laugh as Tig lightly pushes her shoulder and Dondo looks over at her and stares at her unlike most mens stares his seemed.... empty.... there was no hunger, lust or anything like that it was more of a "thi$ girl would look great in ALL my video$" stare seeing him stare at her Jax brings the attention back to him and says "well, I'm gonna need you to call him back, Dondo tell him Sorority Girl Number One had a change of heart"  Dondo turns his head and looks at Jax then asks "and why would I do that?"  Lyla replies "for Luann"  Dondo asks "you're telling me that Georgie had something to do with Luann's murder?"  Jax replies "that's what we're trying to find out"  Bobby adds "we need you to get him here let us have a private chat"  Dondo replies "well, I know what that means that means you're gonna whack him"  Jax looks at Bobby who laughs then says with a slight chuckle in his tone "we don't whack people, Dondo"  Dondo replies "well, that's too bad, because I'm not gonna hook you up unless you crush that hyper douche bag's skull I loved Luann she mentored me she taught me that I was more than just a big cock"  Muerte lets out a short chuckle Dondo looks at her again "sorry I'm just not seeing it!"  Muerte says with a hidden chuckle in her tone Juice tries very hard not to laugh as Dondo says "I want Georgie dead"  Bobby replies "set it up"  Dondo then asks "who are you!?!"  Muerte places her hand in Juice's intertwining their fingers together as she says "Muerte Nicotiana Delaney-Alvarez"  Jax, Bobby, Tig, Chibs, Lyla and Dondo look at her in shock "here!.... hopefully this might satisfy your "craving".... at least until the next meeting.... it's the reason he went into the sex dolls business.... he's unable to use his anymore.... if you catch my meaning.... and that right there is your proof!.... and no Dondo I WON'T be working porn anytime soon or at all! and it isn't because the weak and pathetic woman who gave birth to me gave up on me after the fact but because it isn't what I want to do with my life!.... from what I can tell she treated her stars better than she ever treated her child so why would I have wanted to stay "under her wing"!?! she would have forced a life I know I would never want for myself and in the end lost me in a much different more painful way!.... though if she would have been as heartless to me in the "other life" as she was in this one then I am glad that I live in this one!"  she tosses a flash drive over to him and he catches it with a wide mouthed shocked look on his face "when Georgie gets here.... unless he found himself a really good makeup artists or a plastic surgeon that is stupid enough to work with the bastard you'll see what I did to him for what he did to my fathers wife me and my friend Happy worked out on his muscle as well for I'm sure he was the one who committed the act!.... Georgie isn't brave or strong enough to do it himself he wouldn't have the stomach for it!"  Muerte tells him trying her best not to shout in anger at the big mans stupidity Juice's heart fluttered like a kaleidoscope of butterflies as soon as he felt Muerte place her hand in his and it has yet to stop for she has yet to let him go....

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