I Never Thought I'd See You Again 🙈👀

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"Muerte wait over there luv while we take care of some business.... just don't go to far!"  Chibs says she nods and walks into the woods and walks around but stays in the line of sight but not earshot.... Happy and Juice go searching for her when they were done when they see her they both smile jog up to her and loop their arms through hers walking her back to their bikes "did you pick the prettiest flower if the bunch!?!"  she asks Happy he smiles the says "none of them were pretty!"  she laughs and hops on Happy's motorcycle..... they ride into the parking lot of the place they were staying Muerte stays as far back from the crowd as she dared as everyone else went around giving hugs as two blondes come up to join them "who's that woman?"   Trinity asks "Gemma Teller.... I am unsure about the other one though.... Crow Eater maybe or an Old Lady of one of the guys"  Maureen answers Muerte's hands ball into fists when she hears that but does and says nothing as Trinity asks "that's Jax?"  Maureen answers "aye has to be"  Juice walks over to Muerte seeing her balled up fists he asks "you alright!?!"  she turns to him and says "yeah yeah fine!.... just gotta learn to keep my nose outta other peoples conversations!"  Juice chuckles "you should be other there gettin reacquainted"  she says "I wanted to see if you were ok"  he replies softly "and now that you have you can go back!"  she says with a slightly harsh bite in her tone his smile drops and he walks away hands in his pockets creating fists of his own Muerte walks out of the parking lot and down the sidewalk just wandering aimlessly there have been very few things that she has regretted in her life hurting Juice was one of them making love to Happy..... was not she supposed she could call herself a true Crow Eater now even though she's only made love to two out of the many she would never go that far she had to feel.... something for the one she made love to there had to be trust hell even some form of love and she did love Happy she was feeling confused and conflicted about everything for example she and Happy wanted what happened the night they beat up Caruso and his muscle but was that one time the end!?! will there be more!?! she was unsure.... it was still there that need but she didn't want the "wrong" person to fill it being with Happy wasn't wrong at least it felt right at the time and as they said they didn't regret a moment of it but they didn't feel like it should ever happen again and they were going to make sure that it didn't their relationship was back to where it once was and they were going to keep it that way and never walk down lovers lane together again "has anyone seen Muerte!?!.... I want her to meet my daughter!"  Chibs asks everyone shakes their heads "dammit girl where are ya!?!"  Chibs asks in a low voice as he and Fiona walk into the house "she'll be fine! she can take care of herself!.... besides it's probably better for her if it isn't known that she's affiliated with us!"  Clay says patting him on the shoulder as they walk "aye!.... maybe your right but still.... she hasn't met Kerrianne yet!"  Chibs says with a soft slightly disappointed sad tone....

As Muerte was walking she passed by a familiar face and says softly "esé!?!"  her brother turns around at the sound of her familiar soft voice and stares at her in shock he walks over and hugs her then asks "what are you doing here!?!"  she replie...

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As Muerte was walking she passed by a familiar face and says softly "esé!?!"  her brother turns around at the sound of her familiar soft voice and stares at her in shock he walks over and hugs her then asks "what are you doing here!?!"  she replies "helping Jax find his son.... I need your help Esai! Uncle Rome informed me that they have baby farms here in Ireland.... I need you to check them and see if you can find this little boy"  she hands him a picture of Jax with Abel "if you can find him in there we might have to go back to our old tricks.... I'm sure these people are thorough on their background checks so see if you can get a doctor to fake infertility or something.... we can't hide my miscarriage but....!"  she continues "wait!.... what!?!"   he asks with a soft chuckle in his tone "well I doubt they're gonna give a child away to a single person.... and from what I understand they're quite religious here so we might have to become devote Catholics.... and you know what that means!"  she replies he chuckles "I just got here so I'm a stranger and I'm guessing you've lived here since you "died" but I don't believe you are known by the IRA or the Reaper Belfast charter or I would have heard something sooner!"  she says "how's that going!?!"  he asks "about the same.... this time it's my fault esé the rape changed me in ways even I can't imagine!.... it's made me something worse then what Tully made me!.... I'm just hoping that it doesn't last as long as it did back then"  she replies "yeah!"  he says softly "know of any good places for a lone girl to stay in Ireland!?.... I told Jax I wasn't going to stay with the Charter so I can help him find his son faster because if I'm seen as a regular there it won't do either one of us any good especially if this charter has close ties to the ones who took Abel to begin with.... Clay's spread it far and wide that I'm "just some Crow Eater" so I WILL have to join up for the "welcome to Ireland bash" tonight but....!"  she tells him "you can stay with me"  he replies she smiles and says "ok.... but I'm gonna have to borrow some of your clothes or go buy new cause I didn't bring any with me!"  he chuckles.... the evening party was in full swing when Muerte returned to the Belfast Charter.... a few boxing matches, half naked ladies dancing in their lingerie one member of SAMCRO in particular was getting a very special one and was pretty excited about it or so it seemed you know the usual.... Juice heard Chibs cry out happily "hey hey there she is!.... where have you been all my life darlin!?!"  Chibs jogs over to Muerte and wraps his arm around her shoulders "umm.... for some of it I wasn't even born yet!.... for a small bit of it I was being born!.... as for the rest..... in and out and sometimes meeting inbetween!?!"  she replies Chibs chuckles as he walks her past Juice and his little lap dance girl just as he smiles and bites his lower lip "just out checkin the sights.... as I said before I never been here so I figured I'd give myself the grand tour so to speak.... why!?! did I miss anything!?!"  she asks "only the chance to meet my daughter!"  Chibs replies "I'm sorry Chibs.... I know you've been wantin to do that for awhile now.... but in all honesty maybe it's for the best.... your wife don't like me anyway!"  she says he laughs then replies with a smile "true!"  even though Juice was enjoying the dance as soon as he saw Muerte it all changed his heart felt as though someone had reached through his chest, grabbed it and squeezed as hard as they could "damn!"  he whispers softly as he watches her pass him by without a glance his eyes went from never leaving the girl on his lap to never leaving Muerte as she walked and chatted with Chibs "I'm sure there will be plenty of opportunities but for now.... I'll just have to borrow some of your clothes!"  Muerte teases Chibs laughs then says "I doubt they'll fit gorgeous!"  she smiles then says "I'll still look good though!"  Chibs chuckles then says "I hear you're not stayin"  she replies "I'll be in Belfast but no!.... I'm not staying here.... after Clay's little "Crow Eater" spat I figured it would be best if I stayed away so I don't give the beady eyed wonder and his cronies a chance to repeat history.... I'm just startin to heal and I don't want to go back there!"  he looks at her sadly as she continues "but I promise that I'll visit from time to time just so that I can see you!.... and hopefully meet this mysterious sister of mine!"  she pats him on the back then slides out from under his arm he chuckles as he watches her walk away Juice grabbed the girl on his laps hip and moves her off him then followed Muerte as she walked away as fast as he could.... he made a mistake though when he reached her he gripped her shoulder and with her being in a new and noisy place she didn't even hear him come up behind him so as soon as she felt his hand on her shoulder she elbowed him in the stomach and had her fist ready to punch him as she turned around "Juice!?!"  she says with a soft surprised tone rushing over to him "I'm sorry!.... I....!"  she helps him stand up and moves him over to a stack of crates lined up against a wall and helps him sit down he grips her wrist and pulls her to him kissing her lips feverishly starting to strip her of her body stocking/harness/dress.....

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