Dangerous Daddy☠️👨‍👧‍👦

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👆🏽outfit choices reminder👆🏽

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👆🏽outfit choices reminder👆🏽

Muerte heads home and spends the day with her family mom, li'l sis, pop and pups until Marcus has to go to TM "I have a feeling the poor woman's gonna need your compassion hija!"  Marcus teases with a smile she chuckles "come on Rebel, Demon.... let's ride!"  Muerte calls out her pit bulls bound over to her side till they see their side cars where they belong attached to her Harley and they rush over to them and hop in "she may need my compassion but she's gonna need their protection more ESPECIALLY from you!"  she teases with a shrug Marcus laughs.... as Marcus and Muerte pull into TM Rebel and Demon hop out of their side cars and rush over to the guys their tails wagging excitedly while the Harley was still rolling Tig, Jax, Chibs, Juice and Happy stop and give the pup lots of lovin Tig even sneaks a few treats as he pets his four legged buddies adding to the pups excitement "Marcus"  Clay says as Marcus, Muerte and a few extra Mayan's park and he walks over to them with the other four plus one follow close behind "Clay..... I hear you found your boy.... that's good"  Marcus says to both Clay and then Jax "yeah it's thanks to your.... hija.... is that the right word!?!.... that I got him back!"  Jax says softly looking at Muerte smiles and Marcus chuckles Jax smiles back shaking his head "hey.... I only tell him the "important things"!"  Muerte teases Jax chuckles softly "I know why you wanna talk"  Marcus says "Salazar has my old lady"  Jax says "yeah, I know, I'm sorry about that but I gotta look out for my family too"  Marcus takes ahold of his daughters hand and continues "Salazar's a threat to me and my club and after what he did to my daughter he's gotta die!"  Marcus replies looking from Muerte to Jax and sees that Muerte had no idea about Tara by the soft surprised expression on her face he also saw the shocked look on Jax's so he knew that Jax didn't know about "HE'S the Calaveras slime that....!?!"  Jax asks with a shocked tone Marcus looks at him with a surprised expression on his face when he sees the anger rise in the Prince of the Crows and now he knows just how much of an impact his daughter has on the Reapers.... well SOME of them anyway "let's just focus on Tara!.... she doesn't know about Abel yet!"  Muerte says "Salazar's got a much bigger card to play than you he's running dirty errands for Jacob Hale"  Clay says Muerte whispers softly looking at her father "so he was the one who trashed Lumpy's!?!"  Clay nods letting her know that she's right as Marcus looks at her "now, we bring him in alive, yeah, it keeps Tara safe but it also protects the heroin trade"  Clay tells Marcus "what are you talking about?"  Marcus asks "Jacob Hale becomes mayor Charming turns into suburban Disneyland all protected by a corporate-fortified County Sheriff's Department"  Clay tells him "Salazar wants me dead he'll give me and the heroin up just to watch us burn look, I don't wanna see the doctor get hurt but her safety, it ain't my priority"  Marcus says and then they hear Bobby shout "out! out! out! if I have to listen to one more word of this...."  Muerte chuckles as a woman is brought out of the van he drove up in shouting in Spanish "I got nothing to say to you assholes take me back or I call the cops"  Muerte calls out in english with a smile on her face "Bobby!.... Bobby!.... that is not the way to treat a lady!.... look at her she's scared!.... and your bearded ass ain't helping matters!.... now let the poor girl go!.... Rebel, Demon protect!.... father.... play nice!.... or I'll take over!"  as she speaks she nods over at the woman and Rebel and Demon rush to the lady's side as she and Bobby walk over Marcus chuckles as though to say "that's why I brought you hija""shut up!"  Clay shouts and the pups growl at him making him hide a smile as he asks "anything?!"  Bobby replies with a sigh "no I.... her name is Ramona I think I can't understand a word she says"  Clay asks looking from Juice to Muerte who's arms were now wrapped around each others waist "nobody speaks spanish? nothing?"  Juice answers "I'm a Puerto Rican from Queens I speak better Yiddish"  Muerte teases with a smile while shaking her head in fake disappointment "so all those years of teaching you how to speak my "native tongue" and you didn't learn shit huh!?!"  Marcus laughs and Juice grins with a slight blush on his cheeks "esta bien amor! ¡nadie te va a hacer daño! solo tenemos curiosidad por saber dónde Hector puede intentar esconderse si alguna vez sintió la necesidad"  Muerte says in spanish as she turns to the woman with a calm kind expression on her face and she places a gentle hand on the woman's shoulder and the woman jumps but calms down slightly Happy who has never heard Muerte speak Spanish before gets completely aroused by her calm soothing tones and extra lilt in her already sexy accent "está bien cariño no dejaré que te hagan dañoMuerte says she notices the woman look down at her pups with a curious frightened expression on her face and says in Spanish with a chuckle in her (Muerte) tone "eso es Rebel y Demon.... ellos han sido "ordenados" para proteger.... arrancarán a estos chicos miembro por miembro si esos chicos incluso piensan en tocarte mientras siguen una orden que les di!"  the woman tells her "el viejo vertedero, a lo largo de los dieciocho podría estar allí no sé"  Muerte looks at her father "let's go"  he orders his men "gracias"  Muerte says softly as her father and his men hop back on their Harley's and drive off the woman nods "stay with them"  Jax orders and the Crows rush to their Harley's and follow Marcus and his crew Juice kisses Muerte with a soft deep moan before heading over....

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