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"Juan Carlos may I assume the stimulants are in your backpack bag?"  Muerte hears the Chicken Man say nervously she also hears the smile in Juice's reply "yes Chicken may I assume you have the cash?"  Chicken Man says "yes oh would you mind getting in? talking this way makes me feel very conspicuous"  Muerte smiles when she hears Juice chuckle then reply "all right"  she hears the door open and someone say "you're a lunatic"  and Juice say softly "shit!"  when she hears the fight going on in the back of the van she opens the doors and says "hiya boys! got room for one more!?!"  and she helps Juice fight Hector and two other men Hector gets ahold of Juice by the neck and one of his buddies grabs Muerte's neck and pulls her backwards so she doesn't have the chance to save him as Hector says "you tell Clay my bullshit MC's got some reach eh"  Muerte who was now on her knees kicks the guy who's holding her in the groin with the heel of her boot as she growls darkly "yeah just not a long enough one!"  as Chicken Man says "I'm sorry Juan Carlos and pretty lady I've run up a bit of a tab with these Mexican fellows"  Muerte holds a gun to Hector's temple and says angrily "now you let go of him or you will have more than a busted up nose and inflated ego!.... you haven't seen HALF of what I can do to you and your minions here!.... remember I still owe you a nightmare and I'm pretty sure you don't want it to start now!"  Juice looks at her oddly as Hector lets Juice go and backs away from him with his hands up against his own chest in surrender Juice gets up and as he starts to climb out of the van Hector and his men grab him one more time and take his kutte Juice starts to climb back in to fight them again to get it back but when he feels Muerte's hand on his chest he stops looks down at her hand then up into her eyes as she slides down beside him "your life is more important than your kutte.... at least to me it is!.... besides we can get that back later.... but once you lose your life.... it's gone for good and I....!"  she says softly he reaches over to her slides his hand up her cheek and around her neck pulling her to him for a lingering, desperate, hungry, sensual, passionate kiss that made her catch her breath in her throat once he lets her go they walk to their Harley's hand in hand and climb on Tig and Bobby drive away first as Juice starts his up and Muerte climbs off hers then sits in front of him on his she looks into his eyes then leans forward as she places her hand flat on his chest and whispers alluringly into his ear "you know.... this is kinda hot!"  she rubs his chest up and down then she leans back and he chuckles shaking his head with a smile she kisses his lips making him moan then she climbs off his Harley and back onto hers and they drive off his body tingling excitedly at the memory of the touch of her hand and lips on his body.... Muerte walks into the hospital with Juice, Tig and Bobby still holding Juice's hand "Jesus Christ what now?"  Clay says when he sees them "well Juice decided that he wanted to show off some of his muscle in the back of a rusty blue van!.... you know with a name like Chicken Man.... I was expecting a few chickens giving out the pecking order!"  Muerte teases Juice chuckles Jax asks "what happened?"  Juice answers in a more serious and angry tone as he squeezes Muerte's hand gently "Salazar and two CL jumped me in the Chicken Man's van"  Jax replies "Jesus"  Juice adds "they took my kutte"  there was a chorus of "what?"  and then Chibs says holding onto the edge of Juice's hoodie that he had over his head "so you let a goddamn puppet club strip his patch?"  Muerte speaks up "that was my fault!"  the guys look at her "what!?!.... I'm sorry if I thought his life was more important!"  she tells them with a slightly defensive tone Chibs looks at her then pats her on the shoulder "where were you two then?"  Piney asks "we figured she had it handled!"  Tig replies "you were going to leave it to one girl to....!?!"  Piney says "it's on me"  Juice replies "no it's on all of us"  Bobby says "no.... I let it happen...."  Juice looks at Muerte sadly she reaches up and touches his cheek with a sad look in her eyes as Jax says covering his face with his hand "Jesus Christ"  Clay says "well I think I know where we might find it I just got off the phone with T.O. Bastards got intel on where the Mayans might be setting up their heroin shop industrial park out by the Make Hill Bend you, Bobby and Chibs"  Jax says "I'll do it I can't do shit here let's go"  everybody but Muerte, Juice, Piney and Clay leave Juice holds onto her hand even tighter as though afraid she was going to leave "I'm not going anywhere!"  she whispers softly looking into his eyes he smiles a small sad smile then turns to Clay and says "I'm sorry"  Piney says "come on hero let's go let's get you patched up huh?"  Piney leads Muerte and Juice further into the hospital Clay walks at Muerte's side following them he reaches past her and hits Juice in the lower back Juice groans in pain "that hurt?"  Clay asks him as they turn the corner.....

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