Romeo and His Juliet

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"Uncle Rome!!??"  Muerte says with a soft surprised tone when she sees a familiar black ponytail standing in her doorway the next morning  "how's my favorite Goddaughter!?!"  Romeo asks holding his arms out wide and giving her a hug she chuckles softly and says "as far as I know I'm your ONLY Goddaughter!"  Romeo replies "and that's why you're my favorite!"  she shakes her head with a smile "Luey"  she says plainly and nods at the man beside her Godfather Luis her godfathers shadow/partner nods back "why don't you come in and have a cup of coffee!? though I have stronger if you need some after all I hear you have.... or had a meeting with my father"  she says to Romeo "and Clay!"  Romeo replies "I don't care about Clay!.... Jax on the other hand.... if ANYTHING happens to him or his kids.... you will regret it!"  she tells him "I'll remember!"  Romeo replies with a smile as he and Luis walk inside and she leads them to her man cave garage "you always do! you never listen.... but you always remember!"  she jokes Romeo laughs  "I don't trust Clay.... never have.... never will!"  Muerte tells Romeo "I see!"  Romeo replies "and what about this Juan Carlos!?!"  he asks she doesn't answer "going that well huh!?!"  he asks "there's a Assistant U.S. Attorney in town.... Lincoln Potter.... I think he's taking over the RICO case that Stahl started.... I have a feeling that just like she was he's gonna be on SAMCRO'S ass like a super glued kiss for quite some time!"  she tells him changing the subject which makes him chuckle.... as Muerte was getting reacquainted with Romeo she gets a call from Jax "everything alright Princey!?!"  she asks into her cell phone Romeo places his shot glass of absinthe down on the bar and turns his head to face her "yeah!.... sure Jax!.... whatever you need.... alright!.... should I bring Rebel and Demon!?!"  she asks then chuckles "will do!"  she says then she hangs up "apparently Clay is as much of an ass as I thought!.... he left Jax and Ope high and dry at the Wahewa lands.... they're now having tea with the Russian's"  she tells Romeo "let me take care of this!"  he tells her she chuckles then says "I think you were his next call anyway"  he chuckles "does he always only call you when he's in trouble!?!"  Romeo asks curiously "no.... you know how well I read people.... I don't have to look at them to do so.... I've known him for a little over six years.... Rome.... he's good people  just.... lost!.... he's being pulled in far too many directions at once.... the fly in the center of the web never able to be free no matter how hard he pulls and is now just waiting to get sucked dry!"  she replies he pats her on the shoulder then he and Luis leave to go help Jax and Opie out with their Russian problem.... Muerte and her pups ride with Romeo and Luis to get Jax and Opie Jax almost chuckles when he sees her standing in the middle of the two men as he gets pushed outside by one of the Russian's "now I know he ain't Rebel and Demon.... but this one is just about as dangerous as the two of them put together!"  she points at Romeo with her thumb "the other one.... eh.... not so much!"  she points the opposite thumb at Luis Romeo chuckles "who are Rebel and Demon!?!"  the Russian boss asks "you just had to ask!.... you stupid stupid vato!"  Muerte mutters sarcastically then lets out a piercing whistle Demon and Rebel hop out of the driver side window that was left open for them "THIS is Rebel and this is Demon and they're pissed that you have their friends!"  she says and the two pit bulls growl dangerously "what do you want?"  the Russian asks "boy!.... they are terrible listeners!"  she whispers shaking her head "hear you're looking for your guns"  Romeo says "yeah, they have your guns"  Jax says to the Russian ring leader and mouth piece "where are they?"  the Russian asks Luis opens the trunk of the silver Hummer they drove up in "patience!"  Muerte says under her breath to her restless pups as Romeo says "some of them are right here you can have the rest when you let them go"  the Russian replies "that's shit"  the Russian fires a few warning shots near their feet with his hand gun but none of them move the pups once again growl becoming angrier and more restless the longer they have to wait as the Russian says "bring us all the guns thirty minutes or I kill them"  the drags Opie and Jax back inside Romeo lets out a low whistle Luis goes to hand Muerte a gun and she takes it from him then she says "Reap what you sow!"  she looks at the two pups and as soon as they heard that they rush over to the cabin and join the fire fight Romeo and his men fire shots off with the guns they brought and Muerte took a few shots of her own always hitting the target she aims for as she ran up to join her pups Luis watches her in shock and awe at how well she handled the gun even though he's the one that gave it to her he's never seen her use one before he only had Romeo's word to go by and he ALWAYS listens to Romeo "and here I thought Russians were supposed to be big bad scary men!.... what a bunch of cowards!"  Muerte mutters as the Russians left standing try to retreat Jax and Opie chuckle softly and hug her shoulders as Romeo walks to the door "you boys all right?"  Romeo asks "yeah, thanks"  Jax replies "thank you"  Opie adds "no problem that's what friends are for"  Romeo says "you should have called me first!"  Muerte mutters shaking her head "yeah!.... next time we will!"  Jax replies with a soft chuckle in his voice "now!.... show the pups some love!.... they missed basking in the golden rays of the sun and being lazy for this!"  she teases Jax and Opie laugh as he and Jax kneel down and do as ordered "if you gentlemen will excuse me.... I believe you have business to discuss"  she says as she starts to walk away Jax chuckles as she passes him "oh by the way Jaxxy meet my "mysterious godfather".... keep it to yourselves though yeah!?"  she informs Jax.... if you recall Opie's already met him back when they faked Donna's death.... pointing her thumb once more at Romeo and Jax turns to look from Muerte to the man with a mustache and long black ponytail in shock.... Muerte walks back over to the group just as Romeo and his men begin to leave Clay watches as Romeo holds out an arm to her and she walks into it with a smile both of her pit bulls at her heels she nods her head towards the back of the Hummer and the pups jump in as she climbs into the back seat.... "thanks Uncle Rome.... I guess I owe you one!"  Muerte says a few minutes later as she and the pups hop out of the Hummer and head towards her house "just seeing your smiling face is enough for me kid!"  Romeo replies hopping out to give her a hug "see ya Luey"  she says nodding at Luis "yeah!.... see ya!"  he replies she smiles and waves at Romeo as he hops back into the Hummer and drives off....

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