🙍🏽‍♂️😿I'm Sorry😭🙇🏽‍♂️

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"Alright.... it looks like we need to break into my secret stash.... Cobra, Juice, Elvis, Princey, grandpa, athair, Ope.... follow me!"  Muerte says once the guys walk out of church the ones she called over chuckle and follow her and her pup out to the auto shop.... Juice smiles at Muerte as he watches her walk over to his tool box and open the false back she placed in there "hey!?!"  he says with a surprised tone "shows how well you pay attention!"  she teases Happy says excitedly once he sees a familiar skull shaped bottle "oh absinthe!!"  he takes the bottle opens it and takes a swing "this woman always has the best stuff stashed away!.... which is crazy for someone who never drinks it!"  Happy says wrapping his arm around her shoulder she softly chuckles shaking her head with a smile and teases "yeah!.... just be grateful that I'm willin to share!"  he laughs then says with a smile "oh I am!.... I am!"  he takes another drink from the bottle she laughs "you knew it would be voted in didn't you!?!"  Bobby asks "one thing I've learned in my many years of going back and forth here is that the Tellers and the Morrows ALWAYS get what they want!.... just not always in the way the want it!"  Jax exclaims playfully with a chuckle "HEY!!"  she chuckles and replies "be offended all you like Princey but even you know it's true!"  Jax smiles and says softly "yeah!.... I suppose!"  she smiles back at him but doesn't say another word even with the downtrodden spirits the men were in at the moment Muerte got each of them to laugh and smile and have a good time while getting drunk in the process but not so drunk that they couldn't drive home "come to the Expo with me"  Juice says to Muerte the next morning "yeah!.... right!.... so Clay can try to play it as my father sending me to keep an eye on his shipment!?!.... I don't think so!"  Muerte replies he looks at her sadly damn why didn't he think of that!?! on second thought he knew why he was so busy wanting her by his side that he forgot who she was raised by and that the only people in the club who knew the full truth were him, Happy and Quinn Juice sees a corner smirk sneak up Muerte's lips.... while at the Expo Juice watches as Rebel leaves his side and walks over to someone else he looks over and sees Rebel with Muerte who was with Jesse and a few Mayans kutte's and all and he smiles "what's she doing here!?!"  Clay grumbles as soon as he sees what Juice sees "hey Jax, Tig, Bobby, Juice, Chibs"  Muerte says with a smile as she walks over the guys she said hi to smile at her "what are you doing here!?!"  Clay asks rudely "well I was getting sick and tired of the boys drooling over my Harley so I figured I'd bring them here to drool over somebody elses!.... besides Alejo needs to find himself a woman! that lady at home ain't doin him any favors and what better place to find a girl than here huh!?! the bar!?!.... so cliché!"  Muerte replies the guys chuckle and one of the Mayans that came with Muerte blushes "besides we were here BEFORE you!.... don't you think if we were here to watch you we would have followed you from the get go!?!"  she adds then she walks away Rebel walks back over to Juice and stays at his side once more to do the job he was supposed to do once Muerte reaches her Mayan buddies Jesse hands her her umbrella opening it up for her as he does so "thanks!"  Muerte says softly then she kisses his cheek Juice was not happy when he saw that especially after he saw her wrap her arm around Jesse's waist as they continued to walk around and actually look at the motorcycles around them.... "that's some bonfire!.... come on!.... looks like we're going the long way home!"  Muerte says as she and the Mayans drive up just in time to watch the Reapers blow up some barrels of gas near and old gas station "idiots!"  she mutters sending a video of what she and the boys just witnessed to Romeo then driving off the Mayans close behind.... the next time Juice sees Muerte she was sitting on her fathers Harley Road King (which according to www.bikebound.com/2018/09/10/mayans-mc-motorcycles/ is one of Emilio Rivera's own Harley's he also owns a Softail Deluxe and a 1940's style Heritage Softail) when they come for the meet "you have your daughter following us now ese!?!"   Clay asks Marcus who looks at him oddly Marcus turns to look at his daughter who was balling her hands into fists "me, Jesse and some of the guys went to the Expo to find Alejo a woman and Jesse himself his dream low rider.... unfortunately we had the "gall" to be there at the same time he was!.... even though we were there longer and made it there hours before he did!.... you know since it opened for the day! not to mention we planned it WEEKS in advance and didn't tell the "high and mighty god" all about it!"  Muerte explains Marcus chuckles then he tells Clay "cut and bag won't be up and running until tomorrow"  Clay replies "all right I guess we'll babysit till then"  Marcus says "I'll set up the pickup huh?"  then he walks back over to where his daughter sits the only difference was his men didn't follow him this time "hey amigo you forgetting somethin?"  Jax asks Muerte chuckles shaking her head at him Marcus turns and replies "they're just here to help"  Jax says "thanks we can handle it"  Marcus walks back over to him while saying "once that shipment hits North Cali keeping it safe lands on me"   Muerte stands up and says "I'll stay!"  Marcus looks over at her with a surprised expression on his face he notices her look over at Juice and begins to understand she would try to conquer her one last fear just for him "one guy"  Jax says understanding half of why Marcus looked so worried "Rafi stick around huh?"  Marcus says out loud but his eyes thank Jax for saving his daughter from burying herself any deeper in her own fear he had already lost a son to the Reapers if he lost his daughter in ANY light because of them all hell would break loose, fire would rain from the sky etcetera etcetera hell even if it had NOTHING to do with the Reapers the world would be in danger Jax nods at Marcus and Marcus walks away saying to the rest of his guys "let's go"  once he reaches her he kisses the top of Muerte's head then they climb on his Harley and drive away....

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