Child's Play🚸

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Instead of telling Jax what she wanted to tell him in person she calls him on her own phone when she gets to her brothers place "Esai got a call from some of my dads crew while I was at your welcoming bash I had asked dad to watch over Lumpy's along with the Prospects.... who had no idea I had done so.... my dad sent Jesse and my pups to do the job because he knew that Jesse would do it right.... this time around!!.... the Prospect who always wore stripes was the only one who was left to watch over the place for a night goatee left him to do all the work himself.... a little white noise and your Prospect runs like the Reaper was chasin him!.... Lump's fine.... his shops a little worse for wear but that can be fixed and I'm sure my dads already on it! Jesse was told not to wear his kutte.... can't have it be know that a few Mayan's are helpin out poor defenseless Reaper Prospects!.... he did wear a mask though and Lump was warned that he would have an extra pair of eyes on his gym while I'm away.... he knew what that meant.... I'm bettin it was either Darby or Salazar though Sal's more likely he's always been one to hold a grudge for far longer than necessary.... Lump's family and I always take care of my family!"   she tells him Jax replies softly "yeah!.... thanks!"  she says "I figured you'd like some half good news after the day you had but I'm betting knowing that son is safe makes it even better!.... come by if you like.... you know where we live!"  he chuckles then says "will do!" .... that night Jax drives up to Esai's home and finds Muerte putting his son to sleep by singing him a lullaby called Song Of The Sea by Nolwenn Leroy  he became transfixed by her soft celestial tones to Jax's surprise Muerte was a natural with his son it was the calmest he has seen her in a very long time he didn't know why he was so surprised he's seen her with Moby hell even Donna and Opie's kids and they all love her to bits "a child always has a way of making you forget the darkness in your life.... at least for a little while after all they are our light!"  Muerte tells him without looking in his direction as she lays a now sleeping Abel in his crib "yeah!"  Jax replies softly "you know you're becoming just like Juice.... letting your mother and those around you influence the actions you make in your life! I understand, she's your mother but not ALL moms know what's right for their kids! they just know what THEY think is right and try to make sure they get their way no matter how much it hurts the person they're slowly destroying bit by bit!.... the club needs more compassion and less hate and you can't expect me to be the only one that brings it "to the table" as the phrase goes!"  she says he chuckles "there's the bed.... I'll let you spend some time with your son.... alone!"   she adds he laughs "night Princey!"  she says with a smile "night Viper!"  Jax says with a smile of his own as she starts to walk out of the nursery then he asks "hey!.... what are you going to do about Juice!?!"  she replies as she turns to face him holding the edge of the open door "it's the "ultimate test" wouldn't you say!?!.... to see if he'll go back to his "old ways" or if he'll actually keep the secrets I hide from your mom and your club I know Happy will!.... he's held more secrets in his head from you for me than even I can comprehend!.... as for the rest.... I'm not sure only time will tell I suppose!"  she waves then continues on her way.... in a way it was a test for Jax too for even he now had secrets to keep from those he wasn't suppose to keep them from.... Jax spent the night in the nursery bed then got woken up by Muerte around 8 am so that he could head back just in case Ashby came by.... after dealing with O'Neil Jax comes back over to see his kid and he has a shadow with him so there are now four Reaper's that know the truth "my god!"  Opie says with a chuckle in his tone as he walks into the nursery and finds Jax holding Abel "I think Esai has earned his "Godfather" stripes!"  Muerte teases as she walks into the room behind him "and you have earned your godmother ones"  Jax replies with a smile "nah!.... leave that for Kerrianne.... though if something happens that I believe is gonna happen I'll gladly take those back!.... besides both your mom and your old lady would be pissed if they found out you gave that right away to me without their permission!"  she replies Opie chuckles then says "she's got a point!"  Jax smiles and replies "she always does!"  Muerte teases "no I got two though mine are smaller and in the wrong place....! oh you weren't talking about THAT kinda point!.... man I gotta stop hangin around grandpa he's dirtying my gutter!"  Jax and Opie laugh....

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