Silencing The Voices🔊🔉🔈🔇

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Tig dropped Muerte off at her mom's and got a kiss on the cheek as a reward then he went with Quinn to "take care of" the bodies in the van.... the next day while eating breakfast at the table just Muerte and Marcus since the others were still sleeping Marcus took one look at his eldest daughters face and says with a chuckle "you need a favor don't you!?!"  Muerte replies "yes.... but this time from you!"  he chuckles as she continues "well technically the MC needs a favor I just need a way to get it done without....!"  his smile drops "you know they'll use him! they know he'll do anything for them! and after all he did when Eli and Potter were up his ass they think he's basically useless and weak.... he's not! he just didn't know what to do, he's had too many voices in his head telling him which way to run and he didn't know which one to listen to he would die before he allowed anyone to hurt those he cares about! he was looking for a way out, to be able to stop listening to those voices and they made it seem like that was the only way.... it was their fault not his!.... we lost a child and if I lose him before this one is born....!"  she says sadly he walks over to her and hugs her she looks up at him and says "I hear you have a member that even you aren't all that fond of and if not I'm sure Nero has a few!"  he chuckles "I told Tully that if it was a Mayan.... I'd put the tatt along his throat.... a very large 'Y' in the center I haven't figured out what to do for Nero's crew"  she tells him he laughs.... a half an hour later Muerte went to her own home and she finds Juice in the bathroom with a gun, ammo and a lot of oxy she rushes in and stands in front of him blocking everything from his reach "I thought we promised never to have that stuff in our home!?! how could you Juice?!? what were you thinking!?! if your going to do something THIS stupid then do it somewhere else! what if I didn't get home on time!?! what if I found you dead on the floor instead! what would I do then huh!?! we have a child coming into this world Juan! and if he or she meets you the way you are now.... it won't be good for any of us! what story should I tell our daughter or son when they're old enough to wonder about who his or her daddy is and what happened to him!?!"  he looks at her with sad disappointment and heartbreak in his eyes "I know! I just....! I don't like being alone I'm not good on my own my head gets so loud and shit doesn't make.... nothing syncs up I start thinking about my thinking.... and getting lost in the details of nothing.... nothing can pull me out and I....!"  he replies softly with a with a tone that matches the emotions showing in his eyes she wraps her hand around the back of his head and pulls him to her then kisses the top of his head "you're not alone Juan! I'm here! I love you Juan! but your not just hurting me Juice! you're hurting our baby as well and he or she isn't even here yet! I won't allow it!! you need to find a better way to be happy and something else to do when your "head gets loud"!"  she says softly he kisses her then whispers  "I am happy!"  she shakes her head and says  "no, your not how could you be!?! you "have" to share me with someone else! you feel even further away from the club then you ever have in a long time, you think they're gonna do something to you.... which they won't I won't let them! you can't fool me Juan Carlos Ortiz!"  he chuckles then says with a smile "no!.... I can't!"  he kisses her lips softly then whispers "I'm sorry!.... I'm so so sorry!!"  she slides her hand up his cheek and he grabs it lightly as she says softly "it's ok Juan!.... it's ok!"  he smiles then says "I love hearing you say my name!"  she kisses his cheek "I know!"  she whispers "and you better be around to hear your daughter or son call you daddy!"  she rubs his chest and kisses his cheeks her lips nibble his ear and he gasps then she backs away "I'm sorry!"  she whispers softly "no luv! it's ok!"  he whispers back bringing her back to him "don't stop!.... please!!"  he begs softly "how many did you take!?!"  he replies "none! I swear! I was going to but then my mind kept going back to the two of you....!"  she says "see!.... you're not alone there IS something that can pull you out!"  he chuckles she places his hand on her stomach and kisses his cheek then says "remember what you have to live for! not what you want to die to get away from! please Juan! don't!.... don't do this!!.... we need you sober and alive so don't you EVER do this again!!"  she kisses his forehead "it won't happen again I swear!"  he says softly as he kisses her over and over again then throws the oxy in the toilet and flushes it down then picks up the gun and walks over to the garage where their gun safe is and places it back inside then he hears her call out "so am I driving myself to this appointment or should I call Happy to pick me up!?!"  his eyes widen he had forgotten that today was the day they'd be finding out what they were having "no! I'm coming!!"  he replies rushing back inside the house "I'm definitely coming!"  he says breathlessly with his hands on his knees as he tries to catch his breath she chuckles then says "then we better go!"  he smiles and they head out the door side by side.... Happy and Juice go with Muerte to her OBGYN appointment they hear their babies heartbeat and get to watch the ultrasound be done they missed a lot of her other appointments so Muerte asked her doctor if she would allow them to hear the heartbeat before the ultrasound was done they found out that they were having twins two girls Happy and Juice were both excited Muerte was too but she held it in better than they did for she was slightly worried as well for she had already lost one and she couldn't help but wonder if she would lose these two as well when she got to her parents house she showed off the ultrasound pictures to Marcus, Diana, Tessa, Vida and Joey and they were just as excited and happy as Happy and Juice were....

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