Like Lambs 🐑To The Slaughter🔪🥩

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A few weeks after the Homecoming Party Muerte and the pups head to prison they stand in front of an Interrogation Room listening in on Tully and Jax's conversation "if I find the right size bowl

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A few weeks after the Homecoming Party Muerte and the pups head to prison they stand in front of an Interrogation Room listening in on Tully and Jax's conversation "if I find the right size bowl.... how much do you think you're gonna be feeding the dog?"  Tully asks Jax "two cases high-end rice chow"  Jax replies "is that an old Asian recipe?"  Tully asks "that's right"  Jax replies "I have some relationship issues to work out, some sharing-the-dog-park shit"  Tully says "so is that a yes?"  Jax asks "you're gonna meet my dog walker he'll make the final call"  Tully replies "well, it's gonna have to be soon dog food's got an expiration date"  Jax asks "yeah"  Tully replies "what are you doing, man? cameras"  Jax asks "oh, no, I bought this room they ain't on"  Tully replies "then why the hell are we talking in code?"  Jax asks "I miss my dogs"  Tully replies Jax sighs then says "I'm guessing German shepherds"  both boys look up and over when they hear the door open and a woman say "pit bulls actually.... hey Tuls!"  Muerte nods a hello to Tully and the pups rush over to him and he bends down to give them some lovin then looks up at Muerte as she sits on the edge of the table next to Jax "what are you doing here!?!"  Tully asks "well I just heard that someone missed his dogs!"  she replies "they aren't really his but he likes to pretend they are!"  she tells Jax who chuckles "I mean he DOES have dogs!.... that he bought from my shelter but he'll have to make do with these ones for now.... you know what it's like when the ex meets the new and not so improved.... she has a thing for Chihuahuas her own personal vibrators I'm suspecting!"  she adds Jax laughs Tully shakes his head with a smirk "thinking about piercing your ears!?! those aren't enough for a necklace!"  Muerte asks Tully as she watches him take two teeth out of his pocket then she looks at Jax and says "do better next time Princey!"   Jax chuckles and replies "I'll try! where'd he get that idea anyway!?!"  she says "he used to listen in on my meetings with dad I commented on how orange the shirts are.... were.... you know Jack-o-Lanterns or some shit! VERY Halloween! and he and his guys took care of Hector when he was sent in for those taco-twofers a few years back"  Jax laughs then asks "why are you here!?!"  she replies pointing at her pups "bring them back out when you're done!"  then she stands up and leaves Jax shakes his head at her as she walks out and mutters "that girl is too smart for her own good!"  Tully feels something folded within Demons collar.... which her pups normally never wear.... he pulls it off gently then slides it into his pocket along with the teeth and says with a real true smile that only Muerte could bring out "yes she is!"   he knew that it was probably something to show him that she was finally completely happy and another picture of who it is that is making her that way.... it's a picture of Happy.... "Althea's Greek actually.... sheriff!"  Muerte says with a nod as she passes by after she hears Gemma make the "Althea? guess your folks were hoping for a black baby"  quip "Miss Alvarez!"  Sheriff Jerry says returning the nod as Muerte walks away patting Nero on the shoulder.... "hey when you're done arguing with your ball and chain I need you opinion on somethin!"  Muerte says to Nero after the sheriff and her people leave "I got these for Lucky and wasn't sure which one would be "appropriate" for him.... though I do know they're better than guns!"  Muerte says to Nero as she lays two jewelry boxes down on the bar in Diosa Nero opens them and finds a Santa Muerte necklace and a cross with a skull in the middle in the other "hey I had to stay within daddy's "gangster" trends or they wouldn't be "cool"!"   she teases he chuckles then replies "I'm sure he'd love them both!"  she tells him "mom said if you ever need a safe place for him to stay cause of all the shit that's goin on she'd watch over him with her medical expertise I'm sure the home would prefer him there then at my place besides I'm sure she'd love some help with Tessa from time to time"   he chuckles then gives her a hug and whispers "thank you!"  she smiles and says "you know me I always show you my gifts beforehand to get daddy's approval first and he's family we look out for each other or at least that's how it SHOULD go!"  he smiles and replies "yes it should!.... you know I'm surprised you haven't given your two cents about....!"  she says "you're a grown man! have the right to follow your heart.... it IS your heart your following right!?!... cause if it's your cock your following you need to teach it how to chose a better hole to fall into!"  he chuckles then replies with a smile "yes it is my heart!"  she says "good! besides I'm now seeing TWO men and with my luck with relationships I really don't have the right or any "good advice" to give you about the rights and wrongs, pros and cons of your choices in women!"  he looks at her sadly but says nothing....

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