New Rule If I Can't Be Happy Then No One Can Be Happy😁👿

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A week later Muerte was visiting Eglee when Unser walked in and explained that Eglee might be in danger so he was going to have her moved to a separate room "I'm gonna stay here and have a little fun with fleaboy!"  Muerte says Unser looks at her ...

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A week later Muerte was visiting Eglee when Unser walked in and explained that Eglee might be in danger so he was going to have her moved to a separate room "I'm gonna stay here and have a little fun with fleaboy!"  Muerte says Unser looks at her oddly but nods Muerte helps Unser move Eglee to her new room then walks back into Eglee's old one and sits on the bed then waits when Leland walks into Eglee's room he gets introduced to a very different yet familiar woman and a gun which introduces him to a bullet not even two seconds after Muerte says in a low soft voice "hi!"  and he replies in an equally soft voice that held a curious tone "hi!?!"  and his body falls backwards and hits the floor "silencers work wonders in a hospital!"  Muerte teases Unser as he walks in to check on her and is surprised to see a dead hillbilly on the floor "I'll remember that for next time!"  he replies she chuckles then says "I'm gonna need a fork!.... gotta work my "self defense" angle and it won't do me any good if I'm not at least a little scratched up and I'm sure that you're not the type to hit a girl.... not that he could throw a punch as hard as you but....!"  he chuckles and nods then heads to the kitchen to get her a plastic fork/spork.... Muerte ended up with a few scratches on her arm made by the plastic fork Unser gave her she put on the gentle waterworks and slightly frightened little girl act asking for Happy and Juice but not really giving any information poor Unser had to play witness and give what information he could luckily Muerte was smart she shot Leland in the chest instead of the head which helped Unser with his story of a girl on boy catfight Althea allowed Unser to escort Muerte out into the lobby where she "fell" into Happy's arms as soon as he stood up he looked pissed when he saw the scratches on her arm then confused when he saw her smiling and trying to hold back her laughter then he understood what was going on as Unser explained what happened "I'm so proud of you!"  Happy coos as he lowers his head and kisses her lips "you should be!"  she teases with a smile the guys laugh "can I go now!?!"  Muerte asks Unser who nods she gives him a hug then walks with the guys as they head out the door as they were walking Chibs moves away from the group to answer a call when he comes back he says softly "Jackie"  Jax asks "was that Tyler?"  Chibs replies "no, Wendy they need you at Abel's school"  Jax asks "what now?"  Chibs replies "she doesn't know"  Jax says "well, have her send Gemma"  Chibs replies "Child Services were called in, Jackie they need the father go we'll handle black you go take care of your family"  Tig adds "we got this, brother"  Jax replies "all right, yeah, all right"  Jax walks away Muerte looks up at Happy with a concerned expression on her face as Chibs says "Hap, you stay with him"  Happy looks down at Muerte who says softly as she kisses his lips "go! I'll be fine! these were actually made with a plastic fork so they're not that deep!.... I mean I could have made them deeper but a weakling like fleabag wasn't worth the pain! I think the cops made a bigger fuss over the whole ordeal than I did!"  she shows off her bandaged arms he chuckles then kisses her lips and walks over to his Harley hops on then follows Jax to the school.... "this is your fault!"  Jax growls at Muerte through the phone about an hour later "and how is this my fault!?!"  she replies calmly "you took the pups when you knew that he'd need them!"  Jax replies angrily "I took the pups because your mom was having a hissy fit because they wouldn't allow her anywhere near Abel or Thomas and they wouldn't have been allowed in his school anyway! you and Tara are so much alike always looking for someone other than yourself to blame!.... look at yourself Jax!! you brought club business into your home in front of your kids! yelled at your own "brothers" when you weren't happy about how something went! not to mention Tara's influentially manipulative ways! he learned how to act by watching the three of you go at each others throats doing whatever you could to tear each other apart! you, Tara, your mom you made me their Godmother and I was never allowed around them because your mother and wife said so and you ALWAYS do whatever Gemma and or Tara told you to do! my life is finally getting better and I'm not going to let you ruin that! YOU are supposed to be his hero NOT me!"  she replies then after a short pause she says "you do realize that all it will take is one word from me and your not so easy alliance with my father and his MC would be tossed away like last years trash! then not only will you have me as an enemy but my father HELL you'll probably lose Happy and JC as well! not that you care about losing JC but I do know how you'd feel if you lost Happy! after all you use him the most since he's the one people fear the most!.... bring them to my shelter Lucius will be there around 4 the boys can pick out a pup of there own because I'm NEVER allowing you to use my pups again! don't worry they've all been trained in the same way my pups were.... you better hope that I never see or hear from you again Jackson because if I do I will KILL you Mayhem vote or not!!"  his eyes widen but he doesn't get a chance to answer she hangs up....

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