Chapter 3-Behind A Tree

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Pearl's point of view
I woke up with a start, my heart racing to the dream I had, I did my morning routine, which included brushing my hair, my long black and blending hair, it covered the left side of my face, and I made sure comb it till it was smooth, I wore a magenta colored shirt, it being off-shoulder and the sleeves reaching past my elbows, but after going to the throne room for a few minutes, I had argued to my dad about leaving this place, to go somewhere where I belonged, where people are just like me. I stayed in my room after being sent there, until after I heard a quiet throne room, I went to see what was going on to my curiosity, there was a guy there, sitting with Persephone, my dad lying on the floor, limb, Persephone see we're and instantly walked over too me, she and I taking basing a wall, my back facing the opening of the wall "what's going on?" I ask, Persephone smiled "I finally did it, I defeated your father, and now we can get out of here". She said as my eyes filled with excitement and happiness for being free "who is that?" I ask as I peaked around the corner to see the teen sitting at the table, my eyes seeing him, and my head wondering what he was, half his body goat and the rest human "that's Grover, he will be staying here for a while, he's a satyr" she said as I looked at him in awe, him being the first satyr I saw "for who long will he be staying?" I ask as I turned back to Persephone "probably not long. But this is our chance to get out of here, we can tell him to take us with him when he leaves" she said as I thought hard to the plan she had "I'm in" I said as we both looked back at him, he didn't know but he was our only way out "I'll get on his good side, for now you must watch your father and make sure he doesn't wake before we leave" she said as I gave her a nod "we will be together in the real world right, Persephone?" I ask, innocence in my voice for not wanting to be alone once away from the only home I knew. "Of course we will, my Pearl, I will always be right next to you whenever you need me" she said her loving motherly tone filling my ears, I pulled her into a loving hug "now go pack your things and I will let you know when this satyrs friends return" she said as I gave her a nod and obeyed, as she went back to charm the satyr, by showing and telling him of the prison she and me lived in, because it was true, we had been stuck in this castle ever since my father got his hands on us.

After two days his friends came back, well, only one friend, this one a girl with beautiful features, a smart and witty attitude, the strong girl reminding me of a god I was taught with Persephone "come on Grover, we got to go" she said annoyance in her tone "ok, goodbye Persephone" Grover said, but right as they walked away from her she ran to me "you need to get in here" she said revealing a fire colored box, as the girl and Grover opened a portal "why?" I ask as they stared into it. Hesitant, for going to the place they where going, not knowing what was happening behind them "just trust me ok" she said as I nodded, she instantly spoke Greek, my small body turning into yellow mist, and going into the box quickly, the box holding a quiet, lonely and black void, I felt the box moving around, my body bumping around with the fast and not careful motion, after a while of moving around the box fell still and the noise outside, quiet. I heard Persephone speak the words of the Pell she used before, this time to get me out of the box, my body turned to the yellow smoke again, and slowly my body was full again, outside the box "Pearl" I heard a familiar voice say, happiness and relief in it, I turned to see Persephone, arms open for a hug, I smiled and ran into her, my small body not moving her from her ground as I did "are we?..." I started as she nodded to me "yes Pearl, we are finally free" she said. I instantly took in my surroundings, tress everywhere, indicating we were in a forest, a really deep and dense forest "where to now?" I ask "to camp Half-blood" she said as I looked at her, confused and questioning "what and where is that?" I ask as she rolled her eyes at me "remember when I told you there is a place where teens like you can go to practice their parents and become great heros?" She asks as my eyes lit up in excitement "we're going there" she said determined.
(Time skip, because why not?)
It has been three years since we started our long journey to camp Half-blood, we found places where people wouldn't question why a women and a teen were walking in the woods alone, where even some places would let us have free meals, but it was hard with my father, he soon found out we escaped him and has been tracking us down, with his monsters following us, we easily found ways of blending in and hiding in plain sight, I had made my own mask so that if ever I needed to hide myself I could. But with each new camp we build, we became vulnerable, in this dense yet huge forest, every sound, every ruffle of the leaves, every twig snap, every eery feeling we had, we felt vulnerable, but that feeling changed quickly, we camped out one night, the feeling of being close to the camp no where in the air "I'll keep watch, you get your sleep" Persephone said "you need your rest as much as I need it" I protested "just sleep, I'll tell you why you need it in the morning". She said annoyance in her voice, with her soft humming of a familiar lullaby I drifted off to sleep, I woke up with her screaming "HELP!" she yelled as I shot up, to see her being carried away, I ran for her pulling my mask over my face and hair, hiding any clue as to who I was, punching the figure holding her hostage, and sending him to the hard floor, only to find it was one of my fathers' monsters "you ok?" I ask as I released her "I'm fine, but your dad knows where we are. He sent this monster to kill me and capture you" she explained as the monster stood up from the floor, releasing a terrible and loud scream into the forest "we need to go, now!" Persephone yelled as she pulled me, running through the trees "but we have nowhere to go!" I yelled but right when I said that, a tree working as the gate to the camp, a sign holding words in Greek, which I easily translated, Camp Half-blood, I read "go! Pearl, I'll distract them!" Persephone yelled "I'm not leaving you!" I protested "you don't have a choice!" She yelled back, she pushed me, away from her, away from my hurt, pain and suffering, but it was away without her, and behind a tree.

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