Chapter 59-Aphrodite

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The said god of war steps out from the car, his clothes the exact same as when I defeated him way back when, his eyes holding such fire the flames reminded me of the flames thar would gently look at me through the hues of Pearl, my mind goes away from those thoughts "at ease people" he snaps his fingers, making the weapons, that were just pointed at him, fall to the ground "this is a friendly meeting" he sneers, but he presses the sword further into my neck, making me question his definition of friendly. "Although I would love to cut your head off abd use it as a trophy, someone prefers you alive and wants to meet you" he sneers though struggling teeth, showing he really wanted to kill me right there "plus, I would never behead my enemies in front of a lady or if a lady was waiting for them" he adds with a smooth and calm voice, trying to make him sound like a gentleman, which just made me almost barf "what lady?" Thalia asks, generally confused. "Ah, the daughter of Zeus!" He exclaims, lowering his sword and walking over to her, grabbing her hand and placing a kiss on it like she was royalty "what a pleasure" he purrs, making me actually throw up, but I swallow it "what's your business here, Ares" Thalia sneers, snatching her hand away from the god "who's in the car?" Her eyes show a deadly serious glare that I had never seen in blue eyes, much less hers or my own "don't worry, I doubt she would want to met you" Ares snaps. His hand gesturing to both Bianca and Zoe "why don't you guys just wait here while me and Percy talk" He doesn't even suggest this, he orders it, all of them share a look of worry, showing there were against the idea "don't worry, he won't take long" Ares tries to assure, only to get looks of disbelief from all my friends, they walk away from us, leaving me with Ares, the car pulls up and I am pushed in, Ares only laughing to my glare for the push "mind your manners, boy, she's not as forgiving as I am" he warns. We don't drive anywhere, but it felt as if the car was moving, I sit quietly, not knowing who I was going to meet, suddenly, in the seat next to me, a mist shimmered brightly enough to catch my full attention, my eyes watch as the mist takes form of a figure, forming into the body and face of the one that was meeting with me, the mist stops, shimmering once the figure was whole, only for my eyes to widen and a gasp to leave my lips, for it was Pearl. But she wasn't just pretty, she was beyond beautiful, like she wasn't like that before? But still, once the Lost Goddess had formed I had lost all words, her eyes just as beautiful as I remembered them, her lips just as smooth and perfect, her eyes staring gently back into mine, a small smile dancing on her lips as her eyes sparked to the sight of me, I restrain myself from lunging for her, just to kiss her, hold her, tell her how I felt, my eyes travel down her body, seeing her skin was perfect and pure. Her necklace missing from her neck, her clothes looking neatly ironed, she was wearing a purple blouse, the blouse simple, yet looking so beautiful on her body, her jeans skinny and making out her legs so perfectly, my eyes stop wandering once she coughs, making my eyes snap back up to hers, she giggles her soft and lovable giggle "my eyes are up here, Percy" her voice like a violin, playing softly into my ears with such a gentleness I was overwhelmed with her beauty. My mouth was at a lost for words, which she always did to me and made me stutter like a fool, but she would always smile her night smile at me, but right now?! At the most important time?!, My brain was yelling at me as my mouth was slightly agape, my eyes staring into hers, my lips studuring with the simplest words, this reminded me of my horrific experience in the 4th grade with my first crush, and then my 5th grade celebrity crush. "Pearl?" I finally master up the courage to speak, and speak right, but, oh too soon do those eyes change, changing to beautiful blue ones thst matched mine, her hair growing into longer and less natural curls, her hair pulled up slightly from the middle for a thick braid to fall down her back, a flower crown forming from thin air, her whole face changed too, her skin still flawless, but a different kind, the skin, moon-kissed and gleaming, her lips becomng more round and plump. Much to my dimmise, this wasn't Pearl "nice to meet you, Percy, I'm Aphrodite, goddess of love" she swoons so softly to the tile that clearly suited her, but my sadness overtook me the moment I realized Pearl was not the one I was meeting with, but the second most beautiful I've ever seen, my eyes stare into hers, longing for the one she was before "aww, you're too much, here, hold this for me please?" She asks, her question coming out so pure and soft I was compelled to do so. She hands me a mirror, my eyes just watching her as she checked her already perfect make-up, fixing only the small things while she talked "do you know why you're here?" She asks, her beautiful eyes flicker to me so gracefully I had to pinch myself to actually talk again "um, I don't know" I answer honestly, not knowing where this was going, she giggles "still in denial, come on Percy Jackson, I thought you were better than that" she giggles, her laughter so pure, so this is what it's like seeing the one who caused all natural beauty?, This Aphrodite, my mind drifts.

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