Chapter 91-Freedom

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"I'm glad you're back" he whispers, I smile, hearing the sound of his voice that was once missing from my ears "good to be back" I whisper back, tears in my eyes for how much I missed him, he stood, lending me a hand so I too could stand, my eyes stare into his, my heart wanting nothing more than to kiss him, but I couldn't, we had a battle going on, but in case something were to happen, I kiss him softly on the cheek, his eyes widen and his cheeks tint, I smile slyly as he stares at me with lovestruck eyes. But my eyes were on the battle before me, Zoe fighting Atlas, Thalia fighting Luke and Artemis, my poor aunt, holding the heavy burden of the sky on her shoulders, seeing all this fighting my mind could only think of one thing, I can't believe I was fighting for the wrong side, my mind denies, my eyes go back to the sea blue pair, seeing they were still full of love and staring at me "ready to fight?" I ask him "you sure you can go and fight? You really don't have to if you don't want to" he tells me. Normally, I would melt at him being protective, I loved it when he was looking out for me, especially when he seemed to bethel only one that would do such an action with such emotions, but now was not the time, I nod, assuring his worried and protective fears with my smile "I'm sure, Percy, we have to fight" I answer determined to have only a small bit of revenge, my eyes eee the fighting, seeing our side was loosing "and we don't have much time" I add, he smiles and nods, agreeing with me, he takes Riptide from the ground before we both lunge for Atlas. We share a look, speaking through our eyes of what we planned to do, it turned out we had the same tactic, so when we ran to Atlas, we ran in different directions, surrounding him, he was too busy fighting his daughter to even see us coming, I know three to one doesn't sound fair, but when your opponent happens to be the one and only king of the Titans, fairness doesn't really matter, my eyes watch as Zoe's movements become sluggish and tired, showing she couldn't hold off her father for long. It surprised me how good she could hold off on her own, she kept aiming and firing her arrows with the speed of light, loading with every opportunity, unfortunately, nonw of them gave the powerful king of the total a scratch, or even nicked his armor, his eyes follow me and Percy, glaring at both of us, but it was me he glares at the most "I knew I should've killed you when I had the chance" he sneers, bringing out his javelin, he swings, aiming for my soft chest, which would destroy me. But I easily dodge the swing, using my dagger to somehow stop the huge weapon like it was so small, my dagger following a technique Luke showed me, using what he tought me not for the destruction of Percy, but for the downfall of Kronos, I block once more, making the javelin land only a few inches from my toes, I smirk, we I was winning and the failed attempts of the king of the Titans tried to kill me "too bad you'll never kill me" I mock and retort from him, making him way angrier. Before he could make another deadly attempt to kill, Percy swings his sword at the Titan, of course, this he saw coming and blocks it, Zoe tries to aim and hit more arrows, but everything we tried only ends up getting blocked easily with no attempt, this endless fight that seemed to be going nowhere, no one winning, but no one exactly winning, this tires out the most fitted warriors, it tired me out, see we put so much effort only for them to get effortlessly blocked. Percy tries to attack, swinging his sword with a fast swipe, cutting the air sharply, this time Atlas uses his javelin, swinging with all his might, his action only knowing the origin, to kill, hitting Percy square in the chest, my eyes widen as I feel his pain, gasping as he went flying through the air, landing harshly next to Artemis "PERCY!" I yell desperately, loosing focus easily "PEARL! BEWARE!" Zoe warns as tears fill my eyes, but right as I turn around, the right side of my face met with undescribable pain. I land on the ground, painfully feeling the wave of physical pain hit me, my hand immediately goes to my cheek, nh eyes looking up to see what he did to me, desperately trying to get back up, I see he used his javelin to hit my face, not showing any remorse for me, he walks over towering over my weakening body as I scramble to get up and fight, only failure knowing my actions "it's a shame, I was expecting someone more powerful to fulfill the ancient prophecy" he mocks with a feigning sadness. "Not someone like you" he growls harshly, what prophecy is he talking about?, My curiosity gets the best of my mind at that moment, that moment being the wrong one, my eyes glare at him with such anger I didn't know I had, I stab him right in the foot with my dagger, msking the Titan howl in pain, growling hatefully before he kicks me in my stomach, doing two actions, one, knocking the precious air out of me and two, making me hurl through the air, following Percy's earlier movements, my back being the first thing to hit a marble wall to his kick.

Percy's point of view
"Die little hero" Atlas seethes, growling and sneering with such anger "NO!" Zoe protests, arrows sprouting in the armpit chink of the Titans's armor "ARGH" he growls, turning his attention to his daughter, forgetting I was therr too, I stuff my hand in my pocket and feel my blade in my hand, but what good could it do?, I question, immediately feeling doubt, I can't fight a Titan, especially if it's Atlas, with only a sword, but, words lingering my head, the reciting of the prophecy, the words sending chills down my spine. The Titan's curse, one must withstand, maybe I couldn't beat this giant, but someone here could he his burden, my brain immediately feels uneasy, knowing this could get me killed "give me the sky" I tell Artemis "no! Boy it will kill you!" She exclaims "Pearl took it!" I protest against her "she barely survived and she had the spirit of a true huntress, you will not last long "I'll die anyway! Now give me the sky!" I don't even wait for her to move before I slash at her chains, making them clank to the ground, giving her freedom.

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