Chapter 100-Weapon

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"Please, protect the Ophiotaurus, my dad could hide him somewhere deep below the waves or keep him in a tank here on Olympus, I don't care what you do! You just have to protect him!" Percy exclaims, never once loosing his confidence "why should we trust you?" Hephaestus asks "I'm only 14, that makes two years left for this to happen" Percy answers "which is a two year gap just for Kronos to capture you, your loved ones or friends or try to tempt you again, trust me, a lot can happen in two years". Apollo dismisses the idea of time on their side "he speaks the truth, it is dangerous keeping both the boy and the creature alive" Athena agrees, Poseidon stands "I will not have this creature destroyed, if I can help it, I will do so" he held out his hand, making a 29 foot long bronze trident appear in his palm "I vouch for the boy and the saftey of the Ophiotaurus" he states with a booming voice "you will not take that under the sea!" Zeus stood suddenly "I will not let you have such a bargaining chip!". Poseidon sighs "brother, please", suddenly, Zeus's master lightning bolt appears in his hand, after spending at least a minute of a heated stare off with Zeus, Poseidon sighs "fine" he gives in "I will build an aquarium for the creature, Hephaestus could help me and the creature will be safe from misusage and danger, the boy will not betray us, I vouch for this on my honor" Poseidon states "all in favor?" Zeus asks, a lot of hands went up, all except Ares and Athena. "We have a majority" Zeus states the obvious, his eyes set their stone like stare on me "now we have a different matter to discuss", I thought all was well, and this was done, but of course, I was wrong, I suddenly felt all eyes from every god "what?" I ask, slightly blurting out the question, Zeus clears his throat and turns his stare toward Athena "so, this is her, the one we have waited for a thousand years to come?" Zeus asks, Athena scans me, her eyes calculating me. "I'm certain it is" she answers, wait, what prophecy are they talking about?, My brain questions "are you sure?" Apollo asks "like 110% positive?" He adds, the rest of the gods add a whole nother series of questions, mumbling about me "hey" I call out, no one hearing me "hey!" I yell out louder, I had just about enough of this "HEY!" I yell, finally getting everyone's attention "time out! If this has something to do with me, then you better involve me in it! Now, what in the world are you talking about?!" I exclaim. All eyes were shocked, except for those that were related to me, those just showed a hint of pride and joy to my outburst, all eyes went to Zeus, not daring to get me angry again "a little bit after our first Titan war, the Oracle had prophesied that Kronos would rise again, she gave out three prophecies, the Great, the Ancient and the Bond Prophecy, you know of the Great Prophecy, very few know the Ancient, and I believe your friends from camp know about the Bond Prophecy". My eyes furrow, not knowing there were two prophecies that could be about me, my eyes go to Percy, his eyes staring down with slight shame, my eyed go back to the gods and goddesses in front of me, just have to talk to him about that later, I decide "the Ancient Prophecy is about The Child Of Blessings, we think this child is you" they inform me "how?" I ask "Pearl, you remember mount Tamalpais? And how your powers bursted with your emotions?" Artemis asks, that I remembered, so, I nod. "Your powers connected to your feelings and when they were out of control, so were your powers" she explains "but that still doesn't explain how I could be the one in that prophecy" I protests, everyone looks to Athena, who unrolls the old papyrus that had been laying on her lap the whole time, she clears her throat and reads out loud "the Child Of Blessings will come, her soul as white as snow, she will come as the daughter of Spring, but burdened from him below, cursed from the Time Lord, her true potential is stored".  She recites, her words not believing to her, but to the Oracle, she finishes, by I knew there was more to it that just what she read "what's the rest?" I ask "we don't know, the prophecy was broken up into two parts, we only have the first half of it so we could identify the Child Of Blessings, the rest if for you, and you alone, when the time is right, the second half will come for you to fulfill it" she answers and explains, silence is that that came from me, for I was at a complete loss for words. Most of the prophecy was said in stone, I was the daughter of Persephone, the goddess of spring, I was burdened from Hades, the one below, and I was cursed by Kronos, the Lord of Time, but the gears in my head came at a standstill "wait, what did it mean by potential is stored?" I ask them, this time everyone looked at Demeter, she sighs "story time, everyone take a seat, it's going to be awhile" she tells us softly, I feel something nudge my inner knee, I look down and see a chair, pulling up behind me, I smile and sit, the rest of my friends following me. "So, every daughter of Zeus, has a potential to be the one to fulfill the Ancient Prophecy, but none have had the capacity to do it, it's been like that for years, from me to Persephone, but then you came, you, you were something special, you had something that no one in our bloodline had" she smiles proudly "your.... Friend Luke also knew of this power, which is why he was on the hunt for you and no one else, that's why he couldn't kill you, Kronos knew too, which is why he wanted you to be in his army, you had a lot of power, that he could easily use as a weapon".

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