Chapter 104-Excitement

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"So, mission D.I.D was a success!" She squeals "your act of love for each other was just adorable! You two are perfect for each other!" She then calms down when she looks at Percy, leaning closer to him to whisper in his ear "although, Percy, that Hoover Dam scene was pretty... Something" she whispers, only to make Pearl more confused as to what she was talking about "Hoover Dam scene?" She asks "oh, don't worry your pretty head about it, Pearl, it's in the past now" the goddess says as she pats Pearl's head, resulting in her tangled hair to turn back to it's silky self, curse pooling at the ends. The goddess leaves, having a skip in her step, literally, leaving us with only one thing, confusion, Pearl looks at me, I look at her "mission D.I.D?" She asks, making me laugh a bit "do you really want to know what D.I.D means?" I ask with a slight chuckle "yes" she answers, confused as to why I was chuckling "it means Damsel In Distress" I answer, her eyes widen and her mouth drops "please don't tell me I am the damsel in distress" she groans, much to her dismay, I nod. "Oh, come on! How can I be a damsel in distress?! I can take care of myself! I've been running from Hades and his monsters for three years!" She huffs, crossing her arms "hey, don't listen to her" I try to sooth the angry girl, man, who knew she would get so mad, she seems like the kind of girl that likes that stuff, my thoughts turn into loving ones, she keeps surprising me, I dreamingly state in my head, I then think of a plan to get her smiling, I do my look, a look that said, I love you, in a mischievous way. She sees my look and shows confusion, but immediately, she has to restrain herself from smiling on the count that she found that look hilarious, soon, a smile slithers itself on her cheery colored lips "you know, I think I owe you something..." I tell her softly "oh, and what is that?" She asks "a dance?" I ask, holding out my hand for her "smooth, Jackson, real smooth" she takes my hand, giggling as I kissed her knuckles and pull her closer to me, my hands landing on her waist as hers rested around my neck. A slow song starts to play just as they had entered the dance floor, a sign of recognition dancing in her brown eyes "you already know this song?" I ask, she nods, laying her head on my chest, which made my heart beat increase "it's called Perfect, by Ed Sheeran" she tells me, I smile down at her "you know, to me you're perfect" he romantically states, she blushes so red, it was slightly hidden from me since she hid her face in my chest "that was cheesy, Jackson and you know it" she scolds slightly. I chuckle and steps back, spinning her around once, once she made a full turn, I lean my head on hers, her cheek trying hard to subside the pink blush she had, the sight adorable beyond belief "I'm telling you the truth" I whisper, my love growing for the girl that was in my arms, for the girl that was a pearl, inside and out, she smiles, her eyes staring into mine with that loving hue and vice versa "I love you, Percy" she states, my heart loving it when she said those words "I love you, Pearl" I state as I lean in and steal a deep, passionate kiss from her lips.
(Time skip, because why not?)
Pearl's point of view
The party was over, and it was sad to have to leave on such short notice, but we had to, luckily, Percy helped cheer me back up "what are you doing?" I ask him, showing confusion, he grins with knowingness "I'm sending an Iris Message" he answers right as he throws mist into the air "ya, I see that, but to who?" I ask, he doesn't answer, for the message went through and on the other side of the message was a Cyclops, his hair seeming to show he had not once combed or even washed his hair, it looked frizzy and knotted. Percy talks to him, for a second before beaconing me to come over, I walk over to him and stand before the Cyclops, his single eye landing right in the middle of his forehead, my eyes stare into his blue one, it matching the exact color of Percy's, he stares back at me, taking in my features "Tyson, meet Pearl" he introduces me as we both stay silent in awe of the other "she's my girlfriend" Percy, the single eye widens "Pearl, meet Tyson, he's my brother" that was my cue to widen my eyes. We stay silent, staring at each other for a second, before I show my winning smile, he immediately relaxes his once tense muscles and smiles back just as warmly "hello" I greet, my shyness from birth dripping my tongue once again "hello" he greets "it's nice to finally meet you, Percy has told me so much about you" he smiles "I wish I could say the same, but I am happy to meet you too "I, um, heard about what happened to you, are you ok?" He asks, his eye showing concern pretty well "yeah, I'm ok" I answer. He smiles, Percy then starts talking to him about his shield, and how it wasn't ruined, but Tyson would have to fix it up a bit, a small, loving smile found it's way into my lips, seeing how Tyson made Percy extremely happy, and vice versa, how their hues would light up and show their happiness, I chuckle softly, they really are brothers, my mind states as I watch the boy I love talk to the brother he loved "wait, so they let you take time off?!" Percy exclaims "yep, I will be visiting camp Half-Blood!!" Tyson announces proudly, suddenly a hue finally showed itself on my face, it was excitement.

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