Chapter 53-Lost

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I stayed silent for a while, thinking about her statement "that's because I have it, remember?" I ask her "yes I do, I was just hoping it would lead me to her" she states sadly, I follow pretty erupt in my bones this poor mother who lost the only daughter and family she had, I then remember the first dream I had "Persephone, Artemis said that she had to fight a monster, you wouldn't happen to know what that monster is, do you?" I ask "sadly again no, but I might know someone who can help with that". She tells me "who?" I ask "his name is Nereus, or what few of us know him as, The Old Man Of The Sea, you'll find him in San Francisco if you still havent found out what it is, he'll help you, he knows everything, the disguised God looks to the clock across from her "well, I must be going" she bids as she stands "and you, get some sleep, I'll make sure you don't have nightmares" she tells me, I watch as she goes to leave, listening to her motherly voice taint with care "but I'm not tired-" her magic cuts me off, with a wave of her hand, I'm out like a light.

Pearl's point of view
Luke and I were still practicing hand to hand combat, we had been training for three hours non stop and by now, we were both sweating, he was quick and lean, I was the same, but he was just slightly faster, more accurate with his punches, we could never land a hit on the other, our movements swift and quick, I dodged another hit from him, bending over backwards and sliding on my knees, I then try tripping him with my foot while spinning on the floor, he sees this and jumps, my foot missing him. He tried punching me again, but I blocked it with my bare hand, punching him instead, he staggers back, spitting some blood, rubbing his knuckle to wipe it off, before I could even blink, he tackles me and pins my hands above my head, his body hovering closely over mine, silence filling the room as we catch the air we need, only our calming breathing being the noise in the room, I look up at his to find him smirking, knowing he won. "Looks like you lose, Pearl" he teases "looks can be deceiving" I warn him, I quickly wrap my legs around the confused teen above me, I then use all my strength to roll over, it works, and now I am the one on top of him, straddling him and staring down at him, this almost causing my cheeks to burn with an unfamiliar feeling that went through me, his eyes find mine, seeming amused and amazed, he gets up, only making it to a sitting position, his movements making me slide downward. But luckily, his knees bend and kept me from falling closer to his waist and below, my eyes catch his and stare almost emotionlessly "impressive, looks like we can stop with the fists training" he speaks into the silence, he stops to find me staring "what?" He asks "what do you feel?" I ask, almost answering his question, his cheeks taint slightly with red "love" he admits, making my eyes slowly widen "how can you feel it?" I ask, showing a bit of curiosity and wonder towards the notion of feeling. He smiles shyly and leans in, his lips hovering over mine "you just need someone to help you feel it" he answers, my eyes meet his after fluttering to his lips "could you help me feel it?" I ask, desperate slightly in my tone for wanting more than the blandness I felt, he takes my cheek and cups it, looking deeply into my eyes, his eyes turning to a pure light blue instead of a yellow gold color, he then pulls me in suddenly, our lips slightly crashing together. My eyes widen and memories flash through my head before, again, blinking away, I flutter my eyes close to the warmth his smooth and tender lips bring mine, our lips finding the perfect sync almost immediately, he lifts me up from my butt, making butterflies fly and twirl in my stomach, my hands find his hair while his slowly move down my back, our lips never parting and our kiss slow with passion and hope that we were finding something in the other. We both separate from each other, trying to desperately find the air we needed, Luke seeming almost conflicted to keep going "you should go, I think you've had enough training" he tells me as if the kiss never happened, making me feel something deep inside "sure" I agree distantly, I push him of me and start walking away, this feeling making sure the old me was crushed and made sure that I was evil once again "you know, I'm going to thank you" I tell luke before leaving. He stays oddly quiet and leaves me to talk, my voice cold and filled with the brokenness I once had "if it wasn't for you, the real me would've gotten out" I tell him, my voice not holding any emotion "thanks for making sure I stay broken" I thank coldly, I don't wait for him to respond, I just leave, not wanting to hear what he had to say, I walk back to my room, grabbing the supplies I needed for taking a shower and taking a long and relaxing shower. My eyes staring at the floor the whole time, I walk back out and dry off my long hair, stepping outaide for some fresh air, my wet hair flies in the wind, my eyes catching the waves and the smell of the sea, I look to the beach and find a couple, both laughing and walking in the sand hand in hand, tears almost brim my eyes, but I shove them away, going back to just watching them blankly, not taking the almost sudden ghost of emotion that filled my black and dark heart. I walk back into my room, I throw my windows close and plop down in my bed, feeling my body shake to what Luke was doing to me, making me change, making me feel, just to break it again, god why does this happen to me?!, My head yells, I stare at the ceiling as thoughts yell at me for being so naive, waiting for the night to end, a single tear falls down my cheek, but the rest of me held in the brokenness that I had, thanks Luke, for making me become so lost, is all I think about before falling asleep.

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