Chapter 45-Deep Evil

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My mind grows confused snd blank, desperate for answers and filled with almost mistrust, why would Annabeth leave a note? Why not give it to me herself?, My brain kept on constantly screening at myself to go and ask her, but I had to go, I take the cap and walk back outside "so, who needs my help?" I ask, just finding I never asked what or who needed me "her name's Bessie, she'd a friend and she's in trouble, she got stuck in some Underworld tar, thought you might help since it's considered water". He tells me, taking it like it was easy to figure out, but my mind raced about the Underworld water, or tar, or whatever it is, using my magic required a mental touch witg the water, which would probably be really had since that water is literally from hell "I don't know..." I trail, thst thought sticking in my head "please" he begs, his big eyes staring right at me, making me slowly give in "fine" I sigh, he neighs in victory, I then mount him and hold on tight to Annabeth's cap.
(Time skip, because why not?)
We flew back after I saved Bessie, my eyes and features mimicking my thoughts, dark and full of shadows, I knew it, I wasn't sure about it but I knew it, that water was terrible, it actually almost made me cry, you see, Pearl told me once about the water, since she was the one that was imprisoned there, she knew all about it, she told me that the water would lure you in and use images of those you love most to torture your mind with hateful and disgusted words that would break anyone with just the blink of an eye. I never took her words before, but after we started getting close, I realized she was telling the truth, she even told me she was afraid to use her powers with the fire that was down there, I should've known, I should've told Blackjack, my head swirls with the possible nightmares thar will play on my closed and almost calm eyelids tonight when my heart and mind drift beyond the physical world, I feel the wind blow my dark, almost jet-black, hair. It blowing gracefully all over the place, matching the black color of Blackjack and the complete night sky, my eyes matching the sea below us, the same sea that leads us back to camp, the all too amazing ride ends sadly and quickly as my mind almost wondered to those cheerful and freed thoughts, I dismount off of Blackjack, my feet landing softly and effortlessly not making a sound, my ears hear something else other than our soft and undetectable movements, my head peeps out of a bush only to see Nico. His eyes not on me, but on a Hunter, spying and staying hidden, not just any, Zoe, her back to us as she continues talking into a mist cloud right in front of her, on the other side of the mist was Bianca, my head turns back to Blackjack "land somewhere near him, but do not make any noise" I command him, he nods and flies quietly into ghe air, landing into another bush, one closer to Nico and the girls so he could hear what they were saying, I take out Annabeth's cap and put it on, this making me turn invisible. I walk till I'm right behind Nico, I hear everything "so, what is so important that you had to call me?" Zoe asks, tapping an inpatient foot against the dirt ground "it's Phoebe, she's I'll and can't join you on the quest" she informs her as Zoe uncrosses her arms and her eyes let go of their usual cockiness and turn into a mysterious and foreign hue of worry "why not?" She asks "Chiron's campers sent a t-shirt like she was an actual camper, only for it to have centaur blood on it and it got her sick". She explains, Zoe groans in anger "now what?!" She snaps "we could just get someone else" Bianca suggests softly, her voice not holding the confidence to suggests strong enough to the tough Hunter in front of her "absolutely not! Phoebe was my best Hunter! Who could possibly take her place?!" She snaps harshly to the new Hunter "well, then you try and figure it out since you're being a jerk about not having your best Hunter! I need to go do other things!" Bianca snaps, finally talking like her real self. I didn't know how I knew, but I knew Bianca want the shy type, she looked independent and strong, totally capable of saying what she just did, Bianca swipe the mist and the message ends, with a groan Zoe starts stomping towards the Big House, but she halts suddenly, her cold eyes staring right at me like she could actually see me, my breath hitches and I go stiff, her eyes piercing into mine as I stay perfectly still, she shrugs and walks away, letting me release a soft breath of relief. But my relief was cut short when I see Nico was about to follow them, I panic and come out from the bushes, I grab his arm just as I take off the cap, he gasps and looks at me with amazed qnd wide eyes "where'd you come from? Have you been invisible this whole time?!" He whispers almost loudly, showing he was so amazed "yep,while using this" I answer with holding up Annabeth's cap, his eyes widen oh so largely "that's so cool" he says amazed, I smile at him. Remembering how much he acted like Pearl sometimes, shaking the thought slightly off my mind and getting straight to the point "you know, you can't go on the quest, it's too dangerous" I tell him "but I have to go" he starts pleading already "you can't" I state, trying my best to say no to those eyes, he sighs knowing he won't win me over "is it because I'm too young?" He asks,almost knowing exactly "that, and that there are so many monsters, some like thorn, and some, I shouldn't speak of their name since they're so evil, but they're more than evil, their deep evil.

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