Chapter 58-Ares

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"Well, the acorns don't lie, seems are next challenge is there" he explains, pointing to the junkyard in the horizon, we were all a bit tired, so we decided to just rest for the night and head to the yard in the morning, we all took out our sleeping bags and even made our own small campfire, all seeming to grow quiet, all faces illumyby the red flames, making out the figures and face expressions, it was like a magnifying glace, the fire showed the small details, letting me read the emotions way easier than before. "The stars are out" Zoe tells us as she gets comfortable in the warmth that was surrounding all of us in a safe warm hug, her voice ruining the silence and calm slightly, but either way, we all look up, our eyes catching the eyes of the sky, we saw millions of them, their eyes winking at us from their warm hold of heaven, oh, it was a sight, the night seeming to be a pool of fresh violet, the stars seeming as white as the could during the sunny days, and the best part, there were no city lights, sounds or even the hussle of the people to ruin the scenery. "It's so amazing" my voice comes out to a voice matching the one I loved, knowing exactly why she would go against normality, doing the unusual and such ordinary practices it sometimes amazed me on how well she could live a calm life when her life before was anything but, walking along the creek at camp or even just watching the waves of the calm waters, watching the campfires that would illuminate her figure and expressions like light would brighten the darkness that was once so dark you were left guessing. Zoe chuckles to my tone "this is nothing" she tells us "back in the old days there were more, but thanks to human light pollution, whole constellations have disappeared" she states with a sad tone, knowing how beautiful the skies once were "if only Pan were here, he would make things right" Grover says sadly, wishing for some hope, my eyes find Grover's "you really think it was Pan that helped us?" I ask him "I know it was, he helped me and I felt his presence many times before this one. His presence always held a kind of darkness to it, showing his pain from what he told me, but now, he's happy, happy and in love, giving me hope that he is real and I will find him" Grover answers with the loving unwavering hope and confidence he had when it came to Pan, I didn't want to say anything, for his point wad made so clearly and confidently that I was starting to believe him "I don't know why or how I'm able to sense him, it's like we're connected somehow" he tells us, all falling silent to the satyr that had an undying hope. "After this quest, I'm going to go find him, drink a lot of nectar, maybe even coffee to look normal" he tells us "you really have to leave again? After we just got you back?" I ask, my eyes looking pleasingly and almost surprised at Grover "it's the best lead I've gotten in 2000 years, I was so close" he tells me, answering my question slightly, I stay silent, not wanting to ruin the moment of hope Grover had with Pan, after all, he's been looking for him all his life. "What I want to know is how Bianca destroyed that zombie" Thalia gracefully, yet kindly, changes the subject "there are more out here, so we might as well figure out how to fight them" she tells us, answering the questioning hues she got once she finishes speaking before, her explanation making all of us turn our eyes to Bianca, her eyes looking at all of us through her long eyelashes "I really don't know how I did that" she starts modestly, receiving a confused look from all of us. "I just stabbed it and it went up in flames" she tells us, my mind drifting slightly to the memory of the flames, how I stayed for a moment longer to just watch then, whispering to it slightly, praying that Pearl heard me, my mind is pulled back into reality quicker than usual "maybe it's your knife?" I suggest "it's the same as mine, both celestial bronze, it's just mine didn't have the same effect" Zoe swiftly dismisses my suggestion, Bianca shifts, showing she was uncomfortable. Zoe saw, and changes the subject "nevermind about that, we'll find out soon enough, but we should figure out what our plan is so we know what to do next" she tells all of us, we nod in unison, agreeing with her "once we are through the junkyard, we must continue west, if we find a road, we can hitchhike a cab that will take us to the nearest city, which I think should be Las Vegas" Zoe explains "no! Not there!" Bianca exclaims, her eyes showing pure fear "why?" Zoe asks. Bianca's eyes turn to find mine, my mind knowing exactly the reason with her simple scared hues "Zoe, we met Bianca in the Lotus hotel and casino, it makes time speed up with using fun and partying to make time fly by incredibly fast" I tell and explain to Zoe "that's impossible, I'm not that old" Bianca protests, my lips don't move to go against her protest "how did you escape anyway?" Grover asks, thankfully changing the subject "a lawyer came to get us out, told us it was dangerous to stay and that we had to leave as soon as possible". She answers, we all fall silent, trying to imagine a face to the mysterious person that saved Bianca's and Nico's lives "he drove through D. C, then Maine and, finally, Westover "but who was it? Why save you? And why did he do it?" I ask "I don't kn-" Bianca couldn't even finish her sentence, for a blinding light came roaring to our location, the lights narrowing to show they were headlights, at first I thought it was Persephone or even Luke to finally give Pearl back. But then two things came to my mind to dismiss that thought, for one it was a car and nit a ship or a portal, another, the car was too small for it to be any other god or goddess to come to help us look for Pearl, plus it was nighttime, too late for any of the goddesses or gods to be out and about, the car roars to a stop, the car appearing as a limo, before I could even move, I had the cold tip of a sword pressed under my chin, making the others pull out their weapons "not so fast are you now, punk?" A familiar voice mocks "Ares" Zoe sneers.

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