Chapter 42-Pleasure

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"Well, just know I support you honey, even if what you decide to do is dangerous" she tells me, even that statement was dripping with unsureness and worry "you or Dad would do the same for each other, you have done the same thing, I know it's dangerous mom, but I have to get her back..." I ramble until I was just about to tell her how I really felt towards Pearl, if I were to tell her, she would never stop about the 'future daughter-in-law' thing, and I really didn't want to leave this conversation red. "You love her don't you?" She asks, her eyes wide and already knowing how I felt without me uttering a single word "more than anything, well, except you of course" I answer and add the last part as an afterthought "then go, I want to have grandchildren" she states "MOM!" I scold and yell in embarrassment, my face starting to turn red "you and I both know it's going to happen, but not unless you go!" She hurries quickly "thanks mom" I thank, she nods and swipes her hand over the mist, ending the message, after my talk with her I flop down on my bed, letting sleep take over, but sleep means dreams, and dreams for demigods are dangerous.

Percy's dream, Pearl's point of view
I was on my knees, my face drenched in sweat, which was a first for me since I never sweat, especially when I was working out or something, but I never sweat, my long and naturally curled hair sticking to my heels and forehead, I didn't know how long I could keep this up, I was strong, I guess, but not to where I could hold heavy objects with no help, and the weight was slowly killing me, crushing me with no mercy, I felt like a bug, some big and heavy shoe crushing down on me slowly. I can't believe I fell for Luke's trick, but then again, I was compelled to help him, fatal flaw or not, its human to help when someone else needed it, I was just the lucky one out of the millions living on this earth that wouldn't hesitate, would have to think twice, would always help with all my resources, all my time, all my emotional and physical health, no matter what I was going through, I would help with the biggest smile and happy look in my eyes. That was my fatal flaw, sensing that my mind was taking off the pain that my whole body felt, my mind goes to what Luke said once again, dangerous questions enter my mind, could he mean Percy? Annabeth? Or Thalia? It could be anyone!, My mind then goes to them, my friends, my family, my loved ones, Annabeth's smart mind, Thalia's kind heart, Grover's brave soul, Chiron's hilarious jokes, Mr. D's magic and curse, and last, but definitely not least, Percy. Oh how I could think about him all day and possibly lift the burden I was left with, oh I could just see him now, his dashing, mysterious, deep and intense dark blue eyes, yet, I found so much more than what he gave me on his eyes surface, he gave me kindness, happiness, curiosity, amazement, and most importantly, love, the kind that would never give up, the kind that would make you smile while you know you're about to cry, the kind that would love your hopes and dreams, his love. My mind wonders to what could've been our happy ending, to what would have happened if we had just stayed in camp snd loved each other, who knows, maybe if Grover hadn't gone to Westover Hall, we all would still be at camp, happy, a full family, together, my romantic, sweet and loving thoughts were interrupted by heavy footsteps "how is my little lost goddess?" I hear Luke's snake like and evil tone ask, his voice lacing with possession and lust. My eyes go up, my brain not believing my ears, this voice was raspy, unlike Luke's voice which was clean and clear, this one showed how much the person talked, not much, so my eyes look up in curiosity, only to meet the eyes of Luke and a buff figure, my eyes widen, standing shoulder to shoulder with Luke was a big, tall, muscular yet slim and lanky teen, his body looking as if the gods themselves carved it in just a few seconds and got everything right. His eyes were dark, filled with pools of black and deep, staring into my orbs almost murderously, my eyes immediately realized the figure was Atlas, for Persephone taught me too well on greek history and gods, she told me the story whenever I asked her to, I would get nightmares because of it, this was a Titan, not just a Titan, the Titan, the Titan that was punished to hold up the sky after the Titan War, standing not far behind were two monsters and someone in-between them. My eyes seeing that that person was a prisoner due to how hard and stern the monsters were holding the poor person, their arms held in their unforgiving grasp while the rest of the body dangled sleepily and weakly, my eyes go back to Luke's lustful and dangerously handsome blue eyes, them trailing up and down my struggling body, he walks over and kneels down so his face is dangerously close to mine, he reaches out in hopes of caressing my heel, his eyes giving me a hungry look. I flick back and grab his collar with a free hand, my other shaking to the newfound weight, I pull him close, my eyes burning like fire into his cocky ones, my voice going low and slow as my orbs kill his stare "I'm not yours, nor am I anyone's! I belong to no one!" I snap slowly at his earlier comment of me being his, I push his chest and place my hand back where it was "I think Percy would be hurt to know that, I think he begs to differ" he teases as he dusts off his collar. "He doesn't own me, and, I let him call me his, I am his, his love, you, you just want what on display physically" I snap harshly, he smiles softly at that last comment as his eyes trail down my face, his eyes wild with what he saw below my eyes "nice to see you're not fading with that curse you have, in fact, I'm impressed you aren't already dead because of being in here" he flatters dangerously, his tone not holding any compassion or anything other than pleasure.

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