Chapter 103-Lovingly

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"Athena" I greet, trying not to sound too resentful about what she said at the council meeting, she, somehow, sees right through me "do not judge me so harshly, Percy Jackson, the wise council is not always favored, I was only speaking the truth, you are dangerous" she speaks with a calm voice "you never take risks" it was meant to be a question, but came out as a statement, to which, she nods a yes to "I may concede a point, you may be of great use, but your fatal flaw may kill us all as well as yourself". Here we go again with that topic?! I don't even know what my fatal flaw is! Annabeth's is pride, Pearl's is being unselfish "Kronos knows your fatal flaw" she speaks as if she knew exactly what I was thinking, he knows how to read his enemies, how do you think he manipulated you? First he took your mother, then your best friend, Grover and now Persephone's daughter, Pearl" she speaks with great knowledge, and I listen intently "all of your loved ones were merely the bait to lure you in. You're fatal flaw is personal loyalty, Percy Jackson, you do not know when to cut your losses, beside all the protests, you still carried determination for saving Pearl, you would give up anything in this world just to save a friend, and, for a hero, that is very, very dangerous" she tells me, my hands ball into fists, for I wasn't having what she was telling me "just because I want to help my friends, doesn't mean it's my fatal flaw" I protest. "The most dangerous flaws are those that are good in moderation" she retorts "evil is easy to fight, lack of wisdom.... That is very hard, take Pearl for example, her fatal flaw cost her almost certain death, and not just once but many times and now, she is the one carrying a dangerous prophecy" she speaks with a stern tone, I wanted to argue, but I couldn't "I just hope the council's decision proves right" she sighs when she saw my angry and silent state "I will be watching, Percy, along with Pearl. The both of you together, could stand as a great threat, I don't even know how Pearl could stand you", I glare at her with the last statement, but, the scary thing was, it gave me second thoughts "also, make sure you return Annabeth's cap, or else face her and my wrath" she threatens, but before I could say anything else, I hear the sweet sound of music, the voice of the girl I love "Percy!" She exclaims, running through the crowd to get to me, the sight of her happiness causing a loving smile to land on my lips, but she stops a free meters away, seeing Athena. "Oh... Lady Athena" she greets, bowing "no need for bowing, my dear" she dismisses her, placing a hand on her shoulder, she looks back at me "I'll leave you two alone.... For now" she murmurs the last part, turning around and walking away with silence following her step, Pearl turns to watch her, only to turn back and face me, the sight making my lips slip into a smile, I liked how her hair flowed with her movements, framing her beautiful face, the light from the party hitting her figure just right, I couldn't stop looking at her "did she give you a hard time?" She asks, gently pulling me into reality, I shake my head "no, don't worry about it, it's fine" I assure her. She stares at me, I stare back, her eyes holding a loving hue, unintentionally, her hand raises, slowly touching my chest, making me tingle and shiver to her gentle and slow touch, her hand raises until it is in my hair, she touches and combs a single peace of hair, the hair being the single stray gray line from holding the sky, touching it as if it were a little creature in need of help, my hand raises, not wanting to feel a punch to touching her where I shouldn't, I just touch her hair, combing the two gray strands she had. It was like we were connected in the most cruel, yet beautiful way, my eyes loving the sight of her, taking in her features like there was no tomorrow "so, what did you want to tell me?" She asks, bringing me back once again, I grew nervous with her question "I thought you were going to join the hunt" I answer, my eyes not daring to meet hers and become familiar with the ground, I then felt soft fingertips, pulling my head up, making me face her, her lips holding a soft and loving smile "Percy, I love you. I knew what my decision was even before I read the thing, plus, why would I do that to you after all we've been through?" She asks rhetorically, her statement making me relieved "but, I just thought-" my eyes widen, for, her lips were on mine again, her lips were tender, yet longing for more, so, that's what I gave her, I soon found myself kissing back with the force of passion beside me, my hands gently, yet quickly, feel her body with respect, she does the same, I missed this, I wanted it ever since I found out she loved me. But, nothing perfect of course can last, because a high scream interrupted us, making us both pull back and see the goddess of love standing their with a massive smile "this is so cute!!" She yells at the top of her lungs, wrapping her arms around our shoulders and preventing us from escaping "you two are definitely my OTP!" She exclaims once again, Pearl shows confusion "um, your welcome?", Showing she didn't really know how to handle Aphrodite's high level of fangirlingness, with that, the goddess smiles more, if that was even humanly possible, Pearl showing fear, along with her shock and confusion, her look making me chuckle lovingly.

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