Chapter 73-Nereus

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Pearl's point of view
For some reason, I had woken up super early, my eyes just shooting open and refusing to drift back to the black screen I had for a dream, my eyes find that the sun wasn't even out yet, so, I took my time getting ready with the extra time I had, right as I finish I hear a soft knock at my door, I walk over, fixing my hair in the process, I open the door and was met by Luke "what's up, Luke?" I ask "the sky" he answers with the dumbest smirk on his lips and a joking look in his eyes. I roll my eyes "nah, really? I had no idea" I say sarcastically, that made a small chuckle leave from him, his chuckle making something in me spark once again, that I made him laugh, my eyes meet his through my lashes "anyways, I came to yell you that Kronos has another mission for us" Luke changes the subject "oh, ok, just let me get my dagger" I tell him, I go back into my room and grab the dagger laying on my dresser, sheathing it in my belt "ok, ready" I inform him, he smiles towards me, but the smile disappears. "What's wrong?" I ask, his eyes scan my body, which makes my heart race and face heat up "I think you should change, I give you some clothes, you've worn that outfit the whole time you've been here" he tells me, I look down and realized he was right "not that I hate the outfit, just thought you would want to freshen up" he adds, making sure I wasn't offended "you're right, be another minute" I tell him and ahut the door before he could respond. I put on a dark, red, long sleeved shirt, dark blue jeans that fit me perfectly and long, black boots that made it to my calves, wrapping around their outline, I walk out for him to see me, his eyes widen and look me over "woah" he says amazed, but all I hear is a murmur "what was that?" I ask, he shakes himself out of his trance "nothing, you look nice" he brushes my question off "thanks, let's go", with that we walk to Kronos's room, talking about random things on our way there. Our laughter spilling into the hallway, too soon we walk to the room, Luke opens the door and let's me go first, acting like a cocky gentleman, we walk in and neal in front of the sarcophagus, Kronos's voice filling our heads, I need the both of you to go find Nereus, we need the information on the Ophiotaurus, only he would know where the monster is, he orders "yes, lord Kronos" me and Luke obey in unison, we stand and leave "we should wear something that won't make us stand out" I tell Luke after we left the room. "Why?" He asks, showing confusion with his golden orbs "because Nereus is not what you expect, he's hard to find, all you have to do is find his smell "will you know if we find him?" He asks, I show a fake hurt face "wow, no faith, that hurts" I mock, he chuckles lightly "anyway, ya, I will know if it's him" I assure, my eyes look him up and down, looking at his clothes, my eyes lingering on his face to see he was slightly blushing "but first we have to dress like we're homeless". I had spent a few minutes trying to make myself look dirty, I did a pretty decent job, my hair went from perfectly combed to looking like I hadn't combed or washed it in years, I had used my dagger to make cuts, slashes and tears in my clothes to give them the warn out look, I used my magic to make my shoes look burn and torn, and to top it all off, I put on Luke's jacket, which was twice my regular size, but it was ok since it covered up my dagger and showed that I needed warmth. I walk out to find Luke was already waiting for me, my eyes look up and down his body, laughing at his appearance "you look like a drug dealer" I laugh, he smiles a ghostly smile "watch your tone, runaway" he throws back with a joking glint in his eyes "come on, let's go Nereus" I tell him, he bends his elbow, waiting fir me to take it "shall we?" He asks, I lop my arm with his "we shall", we both chuckle lightly and start walking down the alleyways, all holding the homeless. And, lucky us, we had to check on every single one of them, I couldn't help but feel a small spark of pity and grace fill me every second we pass by the poor people struggling at life, we walk down alley number five, only to have a man run in-between us, disconnecting our arms roughly "they're real! Metal angels from Mars! They're here to invade Earth!" He yells frantically, his voice fading away, my eyes go to Luke's, only to find they matched my own confusion. "Metal angels?" I ask, confusion being the only thing I had "who knows what he's talking about" he tells me, my eyes look down the way he came "we should go check it out" I tell him, but as we get closer, something in me was yelling at me to go run down the long hallway to the person around the corner, my heart feeling Nereus or someone else being super close "he's close" I tell Luke "you sure it's him?" He asks, seeing my slightly confused form. "It has to be, but just for a second I thought it was someone else" I admit softly "like who?" He inquires "don't know" I tell him "moving on, he has to be in this alleyway, we just have to keep his smell" I tell him, motioning to the alleyway, he nods and we walk down the alleyway, my eyes seeing those who were so unfortunate, I walk past a man, wearinf protection from the cold, a sign in front of him reading, will work for food, this pulling at my heart, if I had some money. I would've given him all of it, but, I walk past, not having anything for these poor people, my heart filling with guilt even though I knew I couldn't do anything to help them, a soft drizzle began to start from the grey clouds above all those who weren't shielded for it, some unfazing, but it made me pull the hoodie of the jacket over me, covering my face but letting some sight linger, my eyes searching the place of sadness for the one they called Nereus.

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