Chapter 11-No Choice

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Persephone carried us to the camp with her magic, us not being able to move or talk with her magic surrounding our bodies keeping us still and covering our mouths, she walked, until the camp came into view, she stayed at a comfortable distance away so no one could see her or us, I tried yelling for someone to hear, and know of the danger that was a few inches away "no need to struggle, no one will hear you" she said turning to me, her magic filled her hand, and she waved it in front of my face, my body no longer in my control as everything went black.
(Next chapters, Pearl and Grover are under the influence of Persephone, whatever they do isn't their real selves)
I walked to the camp, Grover walking next to me, getting greeted by all of the camp, we tried looking like our real selves, my usual smile forming on my lips as Grover acted his usual humorous self, making some of the campers that had gathered around him laugh as boys surrounded me, all gawking at my bravery and some, beauty, Chiron came galloping to the crowd, giving us his usual smart smile "welcome back, hero" he said giving each of us a pat on our shoulder, making us smile to his words and gesture. Percy came, him going toe first, I gave him a fake sorrowful look, showing him I was still sad and slightly angry about what happened to me and him before I left, he gave me a small smile and gave me a hug, one that I was unready for, my hands falling on his back as his held me close, but thanks to my controller I didn't feel anything to him, nothing, I hugged him closer, Grover moving next to us, fake coughing to get our attention, we turned to him, his usual smirk on his lips, but it faded as his eyes found mine. Both of us knowing the smiles and hugs were fake and part of the plan, but he made sure to hold the fake smirk before Percy saw his fading and real expression "HEROS!" Chiron called as all campers attention pulled to him "A FEAST! FOR OUR BRAVE HEROS RETURN!" he yelled as the rest of the camp yelled in agreement, I couldn't help but find Percy's hand still holding my back, he saw my eyes and smiled at me when his eyes met mine, causing my awkward smile to fall on my lips. He smiled widely at my smile, making my eyes roll at him "let's go" I said as I pulled his hand, going further into the camp to eat, we all sat at a table together, Percy sitting next to me as Grover sat across from me, having girls swoon over him for his bravery "where's Persephone?" Percy asks, the name causing me to flinch slightly, but I made sure Percy didn't see it "Hades got to her before we did" I said, my tone a fake sad one "wow... I'm sorry" he said giving me an assuring smile and look. "It wasn't your fault" I said "it wasn't yours either, you went all that way just to have her taken from you, I know how much she meant to you, and I'm truly sorry" he said deeply as he placed his hand on mine, I looked at it in shock "look, I'm sorry about yelling at you, it's just..." He trailed and made sure Grover wasn't listening, he wasn't but Percy was still hesitant "come with me" he said as he stood, I took his hand and he lead me to a clearing, one away from the rest of the camp, but one still a good distance close. "What's wrong?" I ask "well..." He trailed "you can tell me anything" I said reassuringly fake "I yelled at you because, my whole life I've had people lie, use, and trick me, for their own satisfaction, once I found you were holding a huge secret from me, I couldn't take it, many people hurt me when they used me, and I didn't want to be a part of that ever again... I'm sorry for yelling, and I promise I'll never yell at you like that again" he swore deeply. "It's ok, Percy..." I trailed as I put my hand on his shoulder "I understand, I shouldn't have kept a part of me away from you, but I did it to protect you and your family... I didn't want to be the person who destroyed what you have here, I'm sorry, apology accepted only if you accept mine" I said as I looked into his eyes "accepted" he said smiling as he looked into my eyes, he placed a small kiss on my cheek, a fake blush forming on the spot he kissed "we should talk more often" he joked seeing my reaction. "Maybe when I have you pinned against a tree" I joked as he laughed, but as his laughter faded, I pulled him into my lips, him being surprised at my fast action but melted into me, I felt his hands on my back and my hands held his blue jacket by the collar and loosened as the kiss deepened, but only his eyes closed, not mine, thanks to Persephone, I didn't feel anything, I separated away from him quickly, the feeling of empty emotions too much for the real me. Her being deep down and telling me to stop, him being surprised that I separated, but it faded into his usual shy and cute smile "we should go" I said, he nodded in agreement, and we walked silently, his hand brushed against mine on accident, making him show me his usual shy smile, but it faded as we saw the camp, it was under attack, the friendly campers running from Persephone, her powers calling me to her side, thankfully Percy ran to confront Persephone. "We need to stop her" Percy said to me "no.." I trailed as he looked at me confused "I don't need to do anything" I said as Persephone's powers filled me, Grover standing next to me as my powers grew stronger to the boost, my eyes closed shut but shot open as the power boost ended, my hands spilling with my fire magic "you were helping her" he said as I nodded "I knew that wasn't you kissing me" he said as his tears filled his eyes, almost making me feel for him, almost, I used my powers to make a circle of fire, trapping him with me, he pulled out his sword as I crept closer to him "you don't have to do this" he said gently "I have no choice" I said.

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