Chapter 10-A War

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I looked at her confused "what untold secrets?" I ask "you see...." She trailed and sighed sadly "it's ok, Persephone, you can tell me" I comforted "thanks" she said as she sighed once again and prepared herself for the story "you see, Pearl, Hades is not your dad" she started as Grover's and my eyes widened "then who is?" I ask "no one" she answered, making me and Grover look at her confused "before Hades forced me to go to the Underworld, I made you out of my own magic. I thought of beauty, life and uniqueness, my powers followed my command and you were created to be the first and only child I would have" she said as my eyes filled with tears "that explains the connection I feel with you, that's why you cared for me more than he did, that's why you did all those things you did, because... You're my..." I started "mother" she finished, I couldn't hold in my tears with her word, me always wanting to have a mother that cared for me. And to be searching and wanting my whole life when she stood right next to me, I hugged her, more like tackled her as my tears fell, she hugged back, but I felt anger in her touch "what's wrong?" I asked her as she pulled away to face me "I'm angry with the gods" she answered "why?" I ask "Zeus can pity his daughter, use lightning for his own will and commands the sky, and yet he couldn't save me or you from his own son" she said. I stayed silent "and there's something else..." She started "yes?" I ask "Zeus is the King of all Gods.... But before him I was the Queen" she said as my and Grover's mouth dropped "why didn't you tell me?" I ask "Hades would have used me and you for his own liking.... So I kept my past a secret" she explained "so that would make me...." I started "the princes of the Gods" she finished "and also, you and I are more powerful than Zeus and the Gods combined" she said. Grover looked at me, his eyes holding surprise and disbelief "that explains how you know so much about the history of the Gods" I said "I wanted to tell you, but you know..." She started "Hades would have hurt you and me for our power" I finished as she placed her hand on my cheek "exactly" she answered, I smiled at her "you should sleep, we will be entering camp again once we wake up tomorrow and head out" I said to Persephone "ok, goodnight, my Pearl" she bided. "Goodnight, mom" I bided as she smiled to the name, she went to her tent, leaving me and Grover silent from what she laid on us "I can't believe it.." Grover started as I turned away from the flames to meet his eyes "you're the Lost Princess" he finished "ya.." I said as my mood was uncertain "what's wrong, Pearl?" Grover asks "it's just.... Three years ago, I was treated as trash and a prisoner, and to think that once the rest of Olympus finds out I will be treated like a princess" I said. "And I will make every second to make sure you get that kind of love" he said as I looked at him confused "your mom Persephone, was taken to the Underworld by force, she wanted you to have a life where you are treated like your heart is, kindly and lovingly, you deserve the life that you were taken from, you never were given a chance, now that one is staring at you in the face, take it" he advised as I quickly threw myself into him, him being shocked but his body not moving to my small one. "Why are you so nice to me?" I ask "as a satyr, I can read peoples feelings, and know exactly what to say to them..." He said as I smiled against his ear "but it's mainly because I know how you feel for Percy..." He started as I let go of him slightly to see his eyes "I can read emotions, so don't deny it" he said as I smiled at him "if only I wasn't the only one who felt that way" I said looking away from him "you're not" he said as I looked at him confused "Percy loves you, he just doesn't want to be betrayed" he said. I still looked at him confused "when we came for the master bolt, a prophecy told Percy that he would be betrayed by the one friend he gained his first summer here, and it came true... Ever since then he was careful, socially and emotionally guarding his heart and true feelings" he explained "he wasn't sure how to feel about you since you seemed so familiar and he couldn't figure out why, but he loves you... He just wants to get to know you better like I did" he said. I sighed "I've loved him since he came to the Underworld, I was a girl who was trapped, never really seeing a real boy, but I'm glad it was Percy I saw" I said as he smirked "and he's glad you're the first person he let into his heart" he revealed "in fact, he was really impressed when you defeated someone after a day and a few minutes of being in camp, and you knew so much about a world you never really got to see" he said as my love only grew for Percy, Persephone came from her tent. Interrupting my sweet and caring thoughts "what's wrong, mom?" I ask, she didn't answer, but with the snap of her fingers, me and Grover were held in chains "what are you doing?" I ask confused "Zeus won't let us into Olympus... After all I did he won't let us have the life we deserve" She said "and why are you holding us in chains?" I ask "because, I don't want you to stop me" she said "from what?" I ask as she walked till she was a few inches away from me and Grover "a war" she said.

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